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Play Sparta with WebGL

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Jul 13, 2018, 10:1007/13/18

Play Sparta with WebGL

Is it possible to play the WebGL version of Sparta online, if yes, how?
DeletedTechnical Support
Jul 13, 2018, 12:5807/13/18
Hi, currently, only a limited number of players have Web GL version and you can't choose the version to play, but soon all players will be moved to Web GL.
Jul 13, 2018, 19:3507/13/18

i hope  for the other players that plarium will fix bugs before they move more players to webgl engine

Jul 13, 2018, 19:4107/13/18
Jul 14, 2018, 09:03(edited)

Agent Helen said:

Hi, currently, only a limited number of players have Web GL version and you can't choose the version to play, but soon all players will be moved to Web GL.

And also on Facebook and Facebook Players?

Because i am a Facebook Player and link the account with it.

And when around the Migration to WebGL Engine would be completed?
DeletedTechnical Support
Jul 16, 2018, 10:1607/16/18
Player Unknown said:

Agent Helen said:

Hi, currently, only a limited number of players have Web GL version and you can't choose the version to play, but soon all players will be moved to Web GL.

And also on Facebook and Facebook Players?

Because i am a Facebook Player and link the account with it.

And when around the Migration to WebGL Engine would be completed?
Migration is made on servers. You can find more information about the migration in this topic
I will close this thread.
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