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Webgl bugs

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Jun 29, 2018, 18:4506/29/18

Webgl bugs

I am still having problems with this game, when trying to repair towers it says I can't but when you look back at that city it has repaired them. When recalling troops from sieged cities it takes 3 or 4 reboots to register that your troops have left that city, not sure if waiting for a minute or 2 would work, but why should I have to wait that long.  
AndriiTechnical Support
Jun 30, 2018, 13:0406/30/18
Jun 30, 2018, 13:04(edited)

Hello, Archon! I have just tested the game functionality on WebGL test account and none of them has reproduced. I cannot verify that these are some errors. Did you try using our application? =>

Jun 30, 2018, 21:1006/30/18
Agent Andrew said:

Hello, Archon! I have just tested the game functionality on WebGL test account and none of them has reproduced. I cannot verify that these are some errors. Did you try using our application? =>

sry the new engine has only 1 bug and thats the complete engine
Oct 11, 2018, 06:1310/11/18
On the Thracian Frontier server my Msg box freezes & i have to log out & back in every time, & many of the players names r not displayed just the coalition name.   also the game is stuck in magnification mode.
Oct 23, 2018, 10:0410/23/18
Oct 23, 2018, 10:05(edited)

1.   Clicking on  "Friends" (blue cross) on Map not functioning - therefore cant help fix towers.

2.   Friends ribbon now has no slider and double chevron clicks past all Friends - making only single chevron (moving one Friend along at a time) the only option.  

3.   Stats page when moving through defence totals to specific pages - automatically resets back at first page.  I'd like to be in control of what page I am looking at, not the game.

4.   Clicking any strength on Guardians, a ridiculous banner appears across the the part you are trying to click.  We don't want it there!!!

5.   Some of the walls on my city have "sunk", I'd like them back to where they are meant to be.

I find it hard to believe that we have this untested, inelegant nonsense forced upon us.  Any company focused upon 

customer satisfaction would have played the game, found the faults - AND CORRECTED THEM.

DeletedTechnical Support
Oct 23, 2018, 12:3710/23/18

Brian said:

1.   Clicking on  "Friends" (blue cross) on Map not functioning - therefore cant help fix towers.

2.   Friends ribbon now has no slider and double chevron clicks past all Friends - making only single chevron (moving one Friend along at a time) the only option.  

3.   Stats page when moving through defence totals to specific pages - automatically resets back at first page.  I'd like to be in control of what page I am looking at, not the game.

4.   Clicking any strength on Guardians, a ridiculous banner appears across the the part you are trying to click.  We don't want it there!!!

5.   Some of the walls on my city have "sunk", I'd like them back to where they are meant to be.

I find it hard to believe that we have this untested, inelegant nonsense forced upon us.  Any company focused upon 

customer satisfaction would have played the game, found the faults - AND CORRECTED THEM.

Dear Archon!

Our devs are working hard to resolve all issues. However, the most prioritized issues are fixed first. Unfortunately, all bugs cannot be solved with one update. 

Could you please described issues 4 and 5 in detail? Please attach screenshots illustrating the issues. 

Oct 23, 2018, 15:3610/23/18
Oct 23, 2018, 16:29(edited)


4.  When attempting to click "Attack" to attack a Guardian, a banner sometimes appears across the "Attack" button ("strength. energy required" or something similar) making it impossible to click "Attack" whilst present.

5. see picture.

Oct 24, 2018, 21:0710/24/18

Can we please, for once and for all, get rid of the nuisance window frequently telling us to install Plarium Play.

Can't you just send the banner ONCE giving us option buttons to accept or refuse and be done with it.

That window interferes with so much - it is truly infuriating.
Oct 25, 2018, 11:5410/25/18
Brian said:

Can we please, for once and for all, get rid of the nuisance window frequently telling us to install Plarium Play.

Can't you just send the banner ONCE giving us option buttons to accept or refuse and be done with it.

That window interferes with so much - it is truly infuriating.
100% agree
DeletedTechnical Support
Oct 25, 2018, 13:0310/25/18
Brian said:


4.  When attempting to click "Attack" to attack a Guardian, a banner sometimes appears across the "Attack" button ("strength. energy required" or something similar) making it impossible to click "Attack" whilst present.

5. see picture.

Could you please attach a screenshot illustrating the banner across the button? Also, please specify if this issue appears randomly or some certain steps cause it. 
Oct 25, 2018, 19:3310/25/18
Oct 25, 2018, 19:44(edited)

It seems to be random - but naturally, just as you are trying to click "Attack".

OK - I answered your question - how about answering mine?  Will you PLEASE get rid of the Plarium Play repeater window?  I'm a Pole with Razorbacks and have frequent need to send (often long) coalition-wide messages.  This nuisance Plarium Play window pops up, and guess what - you just lost your message, because you have to click the offending window to make it go away - so you also lose the message.

It's got to the stage where I have to write the text of messages elsewhere, then copy and paste them into the message in order to be able to send them. 

As I mentioned before, inelegant untested nonsense that should have been fixed before it was dumped onto us.
DeletedTechnical Support
Oct 29, 2018, 16:3710/29/18

Brian said:

It seems to be random - but naturally, just as you are trying to click "Attack".

OK - I answered your question - how about answering mine?  Will you PLEASE get rid of the Plarium Play repeater window?  I'm a Pole with Razorbacks and have frequent need to send (often long) coalition-wide messages.  This nuisance Plarium Play window pops up, and guess what - you just lost your message, because you have to click the offending window to make it go away - so you also lose the message.

It's got to the stage where I have to write the text of messages elsewhere, then copy and paste them into the message in order to be able to send them. 

As I mentioned before, inelegant untested nonsense that should have been fixed before it was dumped onto us.

Thank you for the details!

Could you please attach a screenshot of the pop up you receive? I am unable to remove any notifications in the game. However, I will inform our devs about this case. 
Oct 30, 2018, 14:4910/30/18
Oct 30, 2018, 14:58(edited)

This screen really needs to go, it obstructs just about everything.  And when you "x" it out - you lose the message you had typed.
DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 1, 2018, 13:3311/01/18
Brian said:

This screen really needs to go, it obstructs just about everything.  And when you "x" it out - you lose the message you had typed.
Thank you for the screenshot. Could you please specify the OS you use? Also, this pop up appears when you are inactive in the game during 3-5 minutes. Unfortunately, typing a message is not considered as the in-game action.
Nov 1, 2018, 20:1011/01/18

Intel(R) Core i5-6400, 64 bit OS, x64-based processor

It would appear that a lot of other actions are not considered in-game actions.

But the real point here is that this pop-up obviously interferes with the game.  If you can't stop it from interfering, get rid of it
Nov 19, 2018, 11:1711/19/18

I am experiencing a number of 'bugs' running in Opera, eg

1) If I dominion on (Level  12) and I am breaking generals equipment, I get 15 min free break period.  When I click on 'Free' equipment shows as broken (eg slot becomes vacant). However when I then try to break a second piece of equipment, game still thinks I am still breaking the prior peice of equipment. I have to refresh game to get this bug to go away.

2) If I have a city sieged and I withdraw my troops, I am unable to raid that city for RSS until I refresh eg game appears not to register I have withdrwn my troops.


Heavenly valley

2126 -279

Nov 21, 2018, 07:4811/21/18

- the problem of breaking items for general has been reported since january, and as ares say its still happening... the only way is constant refreshing, that due to the slow loading its a waste of time and energy and patience

- also the problem that if you have a 30 minutes dominion activated and you raise one level of dominion (getting 24h free), they dont add to that 30 minutes amd you loose it. i saw many people complaining in forum but it has been treated as one off, while we proved in game that it is a  constant and always happends
Dec 5, 2018, 09:3212/05/18

These bugs are still present. Please fix.

Is there any chance of Plarium treating it's customers with any form of respect and fixing reported bugs?

I have never in my life played a game that technically plays as poorly and is as bug infested as Sparta

Ares said:

I am experiencing a number of 'bugs' running in Opera, eg

1) If I dominion on (Level  12) and I am breaking generals equipment, I get 15 min free break period.  When I click on 'Free' equipment shows as broken (eg slot becomes vacant). However when I then try to break a second piece of equipment, game still thinks I am still breaking the prior peice of equipment. I have to refresh game to get this bug to go away.

2) If I have a city sieged and I withdraw my troops, I am unable to raid that city for RSS until I refresh eg game appears not to register I have withdrwn my troops.


Heavenly valley

2126 -279

Dec 8, 2018, 17:4112/08/18

Another really annoying bug tha has been present for some weeks.

Running game in Opera

Send multiple RSS raids

Galley load just after raid has hit.

Cancel galleys by clicking on red crossed box - red box disappears but galleys continue to sail on preventing their use for the next raid - unitl game is refreshed by which time it is too late as it takes approximately 2 to 3 minutes to refresh game.

This is a consistent bug

Under the new GL engine I am having to refresh the game to work around bugs like this 20 to 30 times a day - Plarium that is about an hour of my time wasted each day NOT ACCEPTABLE


Heavenly valley

1875 -150

DeletedTechnical Support
Dec 11, 2018, 15:1212/11/18
Dec 11, 2018, 15:14(edited)

Grim_Reaper said:

These bugs are still present. Please fix.

Is there any chance of Plarium treating it's customers with any form of respect and fixing reported bugs?

I have never in my life played a game that technically plays as poorly and is as bug infested as Sparta

Ares said:

I am experiencing a number of 'bugs' running in Opera, eg

1) If I dominion on (Level  12) and I am breaking generals equipment, I get 15 min free break period.  When I click on 'Free' equipment shows as broken (eg slot becomes vacant). However when I then try to break a second piece of equipment, game still thinks I am still breaking the prior peice of equipment. I have to refresh game to get this bug to go away.

2) If I have a city sieged and I withdraw my troops, I am unable to raid that city for RSS until I refresh eg game appears not to register I have withdrwn my troops.


Heavenly valley

2126 -279

1. I have tested this case and the issue has been resolved. The second piece of equipment can be now broken successfully. 

2. This issue has also been resolved. I could raid a City that I besieged before. The raid was sent at the moment when troops were still returning from the siege. The tab on the besieged City is removed in a while when the data is synchronized with the game server. 
DeletedTechnical Support
Dec 11, 2018, 16:1412/11/18
Grim_Reaper said:

Another really annoying bug tha has been present for some weeks.

Running game in Opera

Send multiple RSS raids

Galley load just after raid has hit.

Cancel galleys by clicking on red crossed box - red box disappears but galleys continue to sail on preventing their use for the next raid - unitl game is refreshed by which time it is too late as it takes approximately 2 to 3 minutes to refresh game.

This is a consistent bug

Under the new GL engine I am having to refresh the game to work around bugs like this 20 to 30 times a day - Plarium that is about an hour of my time wasted each day NOT ACCEPTABLE


Heavenly valley

1875 -150

I have not reproduced this issue. The Galleys were canceled right after pressing X button. Please make sure you clear browser cache regularly.