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Jun 6, 2018, 11:4106/06/18


This is not a WebGL loading issue and referring me back to catch-all-but-fix-nothing main Beta topic is not acceptable.  Closing this topic before this issue is addressed is not acceptable.

Whether WebGL is a far inferior engine or Plarium did not invest enough in properly converting their programs to the new platform I cannot say.  My system is very performant and has zero issues with any other websites. I have a high speed fiber connection >50Mbps so if I can't make the game work for me you can bet 99% of other players cannot either. Beside the huge number of bugs in the new Plarium version of the program the screen update times are ridiculously long.

This is not a browser-related or system performance issue. It has to do with either overload/slow servers at Plarium or Plarium not optimizing the screen update routines.  If you write update code that do not use exception update routines then you get this kind of lag.  When one parameter changes the entire screen has to update to make the changes... this takes "forever" in data transfer and computing terms.

The game is nothing but thousands of selections & screen changes and right now the delays in accepting each change makes the game unplayable.  Everything takes too long even if you disregard the butt-ugly graphics, the plethora of programming errors and all the crashes.

I feel Plarium is showing minimal commitment to this platform migration. At this speed by the time they get this Beta to work properly there will be zero players left.  I hope they soon realize that this and either kill it or invest real resources in fixing it. 

I tested several of the operations I repeat hundreds of times a day to play the game using this platform and the old one. 

One example entering the general equipment screen selecting a piece of equipment - asking to break it - confirming break - boosting break - accepting boosting break - returning to the General screen. After doing PPs I have to repeat this cycle about 20 times.

In the new WebGl platform there are several bugs... one being a pop-up area being in the direct path of the cursor movement and the pop-up covering your selection option so you have to drag the cursor through a narrow path around the pop-up area  But the main problem is how slowly and erratically the game accepts the selections or activates options when you move the cursor to a selection field.  Sit and wait for hopelessly slow screen updates before you realize your click was never accepted. Then click it again.  It takes 3-5 times longer to perform the same operation in the new platform as it did in the old.  It is like rolling out a new car that can only go 10 MPH... you can't sell it!

There are dozens of individual bugs that I know of and that I may eventually report once this primary issue is fixed.  But this is a deal breaking issue.  The game is not playable with these speed issues.  There is no point in fixing and optimizing other features if the game runs this slow.
DeletedTechnical Support
Jun 7, 2018, 12:3506/07/18

Hello, Richard!

We understand the importance of the stable gaming process. Our devs are constantly working on the new engine to improve the game performance. 

Please check this thread where I have described the procedure of migration to the new engine. Please join the existing topics without creating the new threads about the same issue. 

I appreciate your cooperation and feedback. 

Jun 16, 2018, 03:0906/16/18
Jun 16, 2018, 03:18(edited)

Another week of limping along in Sparta on the new WebGl platform... If this was a game with a lesser level of interaction this might be acceptable but with this game it is NOT.  Game interaction is erratic and slow.  Impossible to play the game properly using this interface.  It is unpleasant to interact with the screens and way too time consuming.  Update times are too long, 3-4 times longer than in old game. Many selections/actions are not accepted on first click so you have to wait for a screen update then go back and redo the action... sometimes 2-3 times before it "takes".  Very tedious and annoying.  I have not bothered completing my daily challenges since I was switched to the new game version because it is too annoying and time consuming. I am currently in a wait and see mode.  If there is no improvement I'll say goodbye to Sparta take my money and time elsewhere. It would be sad to give up on my investment in this game but I feel Plarium is actively pushing me out the door with bad decisions, lack of commitment and lack of respect for their customers.

Transition to a new interface should be seamless at the very least or should offer visible improvements to encourage players to stay in the game.  Your developers need to focus on increasing the game speed by a factor 3 or 4 and cleaning up the graphics so it doesn't feel like playing a totally different game!  I do not see a single aspect of the game that is improved on the WebGL platform...