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Sparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

Sparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
May 18, 2018, 16:4705/18/18
May 18, 2018, 16:58(edited)



By writing in such a way, you are in violation of rule 3.6. of the forum. I understand your frustration and the game just needs to be improved. And today, devs are doing everything they can to make these improvements happen quickly.

Despite some complaints, you remain patient and this is very appreciated. 


May 18, 2018, 17:2205/18/18

The same thing happens to me that with the new update I can not write mps or know who sent them to me?

thi is my lap

May 18, 2018, 22:0305/18/18
May 18, 2018, 23:0905/18/18

rogermb198405 said:

Language: Spanish

No se con quien contactar para reportar errores en el juego, así que lo voy a poner aquí para ver si alguien lo reporta con los desarrolladores de plarium para el juego Sparta War of Empires.

1.- Los porcentajes que se muestran al aplicar los articulos del general se están mostrando mal y eso hace confundir.

2.- Cuando el jugador tiene un asedio y lo libera para saquearlo, hay que esperar que las tropas que estaban en el asedio lleguen a la ciudad para poderlo saquear. (en la versión anterior no había problemas con ello).

3.- Cuando entrenas tropas en algún momento se inhibe todo y hay que volver a cargar todo el juego.

Observación: La pagina inicial demora mucho, a veces hasta 2 minutos, demasiado tiempo.

Hola amigo, gracias por tu informe de errores aunque ya son conocidos y los desarrolladores estan buscando solucion.

Si nos puedes aclarar mejor el punto 3 : comprueba si ocurre cuando pones tropa de la segunda ventana o tambien ocurre si solo pones tropa de la primera ventana ( de infanteria, falange y caballeria ).

Si no te importa en esta seccion utiliza el ingles, yo utilizo el google tranlator pues en ingles no se escribir aunque lo entiendo algo.

Hello friend, thanks for your bug report although they are already known and the developers are looking for a solution.

If you can clarify the best point 3: check if it happens when you put troops of the second window or also happens if you only put troops of the first window (infantry, phalanx and cavalry).

If you do not mind in this section use English, I use the Google translator because in English it is not written although I understand something.

May 19, 2018, 04:1505/19/18

mvb2514 said:


windows 10 64 bit

Intel core 3.2Ghz with 8GB memory

deleted browsing history and cookies, and disabled flash...still won't load game....get to 95% and chrome kicks it out...

and just confirmed that my son who also uses this desktop computer and is on a different email server, just logged in fine .... and he is not on your new broken down engine it clearly is a screw-up with your new development....

Try to update your Google Chrome to the latest possible version, Archon. You can also try a different browser. Alternatively, download the desktop app from the Portal homepage and try to launch the game using that.

UTC +2:00 was full update..tried IE  same results......loaded new desktop program......worked once....then cannot get in again...loading sticks at 95%..upon reload sticks at 93%...then 91%...and so on.....are your programers from the Ukraine?...or just stupid..?

May 19, 2018, 05:2805/19/18
This might help. So on my browser, it is as everybody has been pointing out -- it's slow as mollasses even with gaming system computer specs. However, downloading the games app and playing it on the app is much better. Hope that works for  you as well so you can get back to gaming and not be forced into a premature beta environment.
May 19, 2018, 18:3805/19/18
I have updated everything the game will not work and i can't even change servers i have never had any problems like this since i started playing a few years ago and i have blown money in your game can you please fix the problem my kids are also having the same problems as well I have tried using other computers as well and it is the same with them can't get in the game or it will load up and then crash as soon as i try to do anything in my city
May 19, 2018, 23:1605/19/18
tried the plarium app, only works on windows 8 and not on windows 10 so we go forward to new version and backwards on the app to once again see whether we have the remotest chance of accessing the game. Tried getting to windows 8 they want money or us to download everything before and probably not get windows 8 download for free. So hows about for starter or the remotest chance of reaccessing the game making the plarium app available in windows 10. Posted loads of stuff here now and elsewhere on these forums and had one very weak reply from a moderator when I said that one complainant had not used bad language when his post had been censored and deleted, where are these plarium staff and engineers to respond to my many questions and justifiable grievances about being foisted on to this new version, or am I now finally getting to you that you may come my way.
May 20, 2018, 13:1205/20/18

another unhappy player

stuck on 72%

nothing to do with my flash or browser

i can be in opera, chrome or explorer

i can have a previous flash or new flash.....just get rid of flash please its not supported by anyone anymore

i have a brand new or old computer and they are both the same

it was fine and now its really not

dell xps13......16gb ram  4k screen........256 ssd drive, windows 10, i8

old sony computer with 4gb ram on windows 7

dell gaming computer , i7, 8gb ram 500gb drive windows 10

acer computer, 4gb ram, 250gb, windows 10

i have access to 4 computers all behave the same................its been days now

May 20, 2018, 13:1705/20/18
Dimitri Molchanov said:

rossknowles1 said:

MAJOR bug......loading was working fine yesterday.....tried to login today in both explorer and joy.....screen sticks at 72%....

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my pc......ive rebooted, cleared was all fine last login.....

Im on windows 10 practically brand new dell xps 13.....16gb ram...256SSD

its the upgrade/new platform/coding issue.................grrrrrrrr
Archon, is your Windows a 32- or a 64-bit system?
I have access to FOUR different specced computers, my new is obviously 64 bit............but even my old 32 bit sony cant get past 72%......i dont understand how you could think a new dell xps 13 can have a 32 bit o/s
May 20, 2018, 13:2505/20/18

note to devs;

when it aint broke dont fix it

you dont know best

if you want a 64 bit system just say so

if you want something that only runs i7 or higher just say so

if you want to f@*k up just do what you did

if you want to cause crashes and memory issues and legacy problems use flash

'only 1% of users have problems'..................i dont believe you

my sons want me to join them on roblox..............guess just works..............doesnt matter that i have to use firefox on the third wednesday of the month with a blue moon and opera on a saturday afternoon..................but only explorer before coffee in the morning and then chrome when your eating lunch.....but only with a vanilla milkshake, if its chocolate then uninstall flash and reinstall your printer driver first.....if you have salt on your chips then empty your cache unless youre having vinegar as well, in which cae you need to delete cookies, as they have too many calories and will give you indigestion, which, by the way, is way better than the frustration im feeling at having shelled out cash and i cant just maintain my city.............................unhappy bunny
May 20, 2018, 18:2705/20/18
Hello how's it going i have not been able to play the game for a couple of days now and i just bought a package a few days ago and cant even use it will someone please fix the problem this is starting to get old now, my dad my brother and my sister can not get into the game neither my dad has been playing this game for years now and spends coin in here as well please fix the game. 
May 20, 2018, 18:4305/20/18


windows 10 64 bit

Intel core 3.2Ghz with 8GB memory

deleted browsing history and cookies, and disabled flash...still won't load game....get to 95% and chrome kicks it out...

and just confirmed that my son who also uses this desktop computer and is on a different email server, just logged in fine .... and he is not on your new broken down engine it clearly is a screw-up with your new development....

down 3 days   still awaiting fix is updated, tried all TS steps on forum..none had any effect..still loads up to 95-96% and then snap  I am out of chrome...tried IE and help......downloaded new app on line in 1 time for a few minutes and then it crashed...haven't been able to get back to your  representations that this problem is only affecting 1% of players, read clearly is hammering a large % of those players who use skype for coa comms

May 20, 2018, 20:4005/20/18
May 20, 2018, 22:57(edited)

information concerning my computer on the link :

please if it is possible to let me play with the previous version, do it . many of my friends are still playing with the old version . no game since 4 days . tried fire fox , opera etc... still doesnt work . so as i have spent money on this game , i ask u to let me play on the previous version of sparta . i dont want this new plateform . i think playrium respect its client request .

May 20, 2018, 23:1405/20/18
seems like it's going to be hard to get a screenshot of the city or id# if i can't load the game
May 20, 2018, 23:5605/20/18

intel i5-3210M CPU 2.5Gh

8GB Ram  (7.88 usable)

64bit OS,  x64-based processor

Win10: current

Chrome: current

Flashplayer: current

Cookies: erased

game did load BUT:

1. couldn't open coa messages in personal message mailbox

2. couldn't access pantheon from pan list in coalition tab

3. couldn't repair friends towers

4. couldn't add or remove troops in training center in increments of 1 (when choosing how many to build)

5. protectorates being used for tribute collection no longer at top of list, scattered throughout-- much too time consuming for what should be a quick task

6. couldn't send reinforcements to pans from pan on map, had to enter to send more troops

7. couldn't see when raids or sieges would arrive

NOW:  i can't even get the game to load.  sticks at 72% for a couple of minutes, then moves very slowly up to 88% +/- 4 points, then eventually crashes chrome and i get an error from chrome.  

May 21, 2018, 00:3505/21/18

grumblypuppy said:

intel i5-3210M CPU 2.5Gh

8GB Ram  (7.88 usable)

64bit OS,  x64-based processor

Win10: current

Chrome: current

Flashplayer: current


Flash player DISABLE

webgl ENABLE
May 21, 2018, 08:4805/21/18


Playing war of empires now for more than 3 years.

At the beginning i had troubles because i did not use Chrome,but until a few weeks? it is terrible!

Very slow and not only because of my lap-top.

normally i can maintain 2 citys in about one hour a day.

Now it costs double time so there is less fun in playing and things go wrong because of long waiting.

So please bring back the old play!!!
May 21, 2018, 09:2705/21/18
Any news for us x64 users? I tried friends lv 46 account on same server I play, he is using browser old flash version and everything working. I still can't get past loading screen. How is that he still didnt get new beta loading screen, and I am being pushed right into pit of fire?