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Sparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

Sparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
May 15, 2018, 15:1405/15/18

The fact is that I a not confident with that :

all the players who get problems are freezing at 72%. They do have computers and configurations very different. So the problem is not the computer, but the instruction which is running at 72%

I have lost quite all my friends : This has nothing to do with a computer too weak. The devs have a problem for transfering the game from flashplayer to webgl. So some instructions are freezing the game...

May 15, 2018, 15:1705/15/18


Thank you for what you are doing, you are not responsible for programing problems
May 15, 2018, 21:3005/15/18

One hour ago I tried an experience : I took my old computer running with vista and used firefox updated. And ..... the game was very slow but it was possible to play ................... As an example I readed my MP

A diffrence was that I was on the english langage version of Plarium and not on the french one (I am french). Then I went to the french version and... the game freezed at 90%...

Incredible, but true. I will try again tomorrow morning

May 16, 2018, 07:1005/16/18
I tried with flashplayer enable ou disable. No difference, a lot of functions of the game are not available
May 16, 2018, 07:4305/16/18
The issue itself is connected with Operating Systems that run at 32 bit, it seems that some computers with that kind of system onboard are having issues logging into the game altogether. That is something our Devs are working on right now and are hoping to introduce a possible fix ASAP. The issue with friends disappearing is a new one, however. Not quite certain what may have caused that but I'll double-check if Support had any similar reports.
May 16, 2018, 08:0305/16/18
Update: Try scrolling the list all the way to the end, it seems Friends are currently displayed there rather than at the start - something we are looking into.
May 16, 2018, 08:3305/16/18

Thanks Dimitry

My situation is now :

1. on my old computer : vista, 2007, 3G RAM, firefox : the game is working, slowly. I can read my MP etc

2. on my usual computer : win10, 4G RAM, chrome or firefox updated : the game is not working. As an example I cannot read my MP
May 16, 2018, 13:4905/16/18
chatpandore6 said:

Thanks Dimitry

My situation is now :

1. on my old computer : vista, 2007, 3G RAM, firefox : the game is working, slowly. I can read my MP etc

2. on my usual computer : win10, 4G RAM, chrome or firefox updated : the game is not working. As an example I cannot read my MP
Could you let me know the bit version of the Windows OS on both computers?
May 16, 2018, 19:1105/16/18

For the old computer : 64 bits, Pentium 2.2 Ghz

For the other computer : 32 bits

Of course my versions of windows are official, the were delivered with the computers
May 17, 2018, 07:5605/17/18
This does make perfect sense, to be honest. Your old computer has the appropriate operating system that allows you to log in. However, in terms of hardware it just does not reach the requirements for the engine. Whereas the newer PC is better, but its operating system is currently the one that has issues. 
May 17, 2018, 08:4705/17/18

My old computer uses firefox 32 bits, I don't know why.

And he has only 3 G RAM, and of course the game is very slow : I can access to the functions of the game, but it takes too much time to be able to really play.

A new screen on my computer :

And of course game freezed.

May 17, 2018, 08:4905/17/18


Say tio the devs that a lot of players have problems with a 64 bits computer (I read 'rocket computer' on one of the post).

The problem beguns with the instruction sent at 72%.
May 17, 2018, 10:1505/17/18
All in all, we see under 1% of players that are experiencing these issues out of all those who are currently on the new engine. That said, our developers are working on eliminating even that small margin right now. There will be an update that, we hope, will help those on x32 operating systems in the near future.
May 17, 2018, 12:0205/17/18
i just moved over today . wow , this is a huge improvement, everything is so smooth & reacts quicker than before. i like this a lot .
May 17, 2018, 12:5805/17/18
Clem Fandango said:

i just moved over today . wow , this is a huge improvement, everything is so smooth & reacts quicker than before. i like this a lot .
Glad to hear that! I have heard positive comments about the performance passed on through VIP agents, but most people do not go to the forum to share their less negative experiences 
May 17, 2018, 15:1005/17/18

I am back on the game. I notice a difference between now and this morning : on my 32 bits computer it takes less than 1 minute to load the game. The game doesn't freeze on 72% anymore. I hope that this will continue.

But a lot of actions in the game are still freezing it.

Thanks for this first improvement

May 17, 2018, 15:2505/17/18

MAJOR bug......loading was working fine yesterday.....tried to login today in both explorer and joy.....screen sticks at 72%....

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my pc......ive rebooted, cleared was all fine last login.....

Im on windows 10 practically brand new dell xps 13.....16gb ram...256SSD

its the upgrade/new platform/coding issue.................grrrrrrrr
May 17, 2018, 15:4605/17/18

Language: Spanish

No se con quien contactar para reportar errores en el juego, así que lo voy a poner aquí para ver si alguien lo reporta con los desarrolladores de plarium para el juego Sparta War of Empires.

1.- Los porcentajes que se muestran al aplicar los articulos del general se están mostrando mal y eso hace confundir.

2.- Cuando el jugador tiene un asedio y lo libera para saquearlo, hay que esperar que las tropas que estaban en el asedio lleguen a la ciudad para poderlo saquear. (en la versión anterior no había problemas con ello).

3.- Cuando entrenas tropas en algún momento se inhibe todo y hay que volver a cargar todo el juego.

Observación: La pagina inicial demora mucho, a veces hasta 2 minutos, demasiado tiempo.

May 17, 2018, 18:0405/17/18
May 17, 2018, 19:08(edited)


windows 10 64 bit

Intel core 3.2Ghz with 8GB memory

deleted browsing history and cookies, and disabled flash...still won't load game....get to 95% and chrome kicks it out...

and just confirmed that my son who also uses this desktop computer and is on a different email server,  just logged in fine .... and he is not on your  new broken down engine it clearly is a screw-up with your new development....