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Beta Related Bug: "Uncaught Range Error: Array Buffer allocation failed"Beta Related Bug: "Uncaught Range Error: Array Buffer allocation failed"

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Beta Related Bug: "Uncaught Range Error: Array Buffer allocation failed"

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Apr 8, 2018, 09:0304/08/18

Beta Related Bug: "Uncaught Range Error: Array Buffer allocation failed"

"Uncaught Range Error: Array Buffer allocation failed" - what to do?

DeletedTechnical Support
Apr 8, 2018, 11:2204/08/18

Hello, Archon!

WebGL issues are processed in The beta test has begun thread. I have moved your topic.

Apr 8, 2018, 15:5504/08/18

Agent Pavel said:

Hello, Archon!

WebGL issues are processed in The beta test has begun thread. I have moved your topic.

don't see any "process" yet. Agent :)

Apr 8, 2018, 20:5604/08/18

That is just great. 

I am totally prevented from logging in. but Palrium silent. 

Return me to the normal platform, please, You caused me enough damage already

Apr 10, 2018, 03:2204/10/18
OK, you don't have a fix - then let me go from Beta
Apr 10, 2018, 09:5104/10/18
sparta56560 said:

OK, you don't have a fix - then let me go from Beta
I can see that you have been in the game during these several days. Has the issue been resolved?
Apr 11, 2018, 04:2604/11/18


How can it be resolved if I didn't receive any response? 

What you do (and don't do) is bordering with crime guys.

I spend hours in order to log in. If I mange to do so, it lasts minutes - and then gets frozen on 72% again. 

Apr 11, 2018, 18:4504/11/18
Apr 11, 2018, 18:47(edited)

helloooooooooooooooooooooooo plariiiiiiiuuummmmm..

what happen? when I log in and I get the beta today 12.4.2018  2.40am... please change back my old version, I'm very sick no

change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back change it back 

Apr 12, 2018, 08:1904/12/18
sparta56560 said:


How can it be resolved if I didn't receive any response? 

What you do (and don't do) is bordering with crime guys.

I spend hours in order to log in. If I mange to do so, it lasts minutes - and then gets frozen on 72% again. 

How long do you wait for the game to load? Everyone else who has reported loading issues is unable to log in to the game at all. Also do keep in mind that disabling Flash Player for Sparta specifically should help, or you can try the desktop app.
Apr 14, 2018, 00:0204/14/18


as I said, It takes hours, last time more than a day - so it is "at all" for less patient players.

Now, you know how horrible it is. Why are we still here, in that GULAG? 

What should happen for you to stop torturing players and let them back to the working platform? 

I did disable Flash - but that did not help, I can say it got worse. 

Do you realize that forcing us to use the inferior product is  a crime? 

Apr 18, 2018, 23:4404/18/18

That is it? 

No response from Plarium? 

You are keeping us in the damaged platform, despite our protests, right? 

Apr 19, 2018, 07:4904/19/18
You have been given options that may be able to help. Our devs are also working on additional fixes for the engine at the moment.
May 14, 2018, 20:3505/14/18

These were not "options". 

The only fair option would be the opportunity to return where you uprooted us from and play in the normal place - where the coiners are. 
May 15, 2018, 07:5905/15/18
sparta56560 said:

These were not "options". 

The only fair option would be the opportunity to return where you uprooted us from and play in the normal place - where the coiners are. 
These were the options available to resolve the issues presented. As more and more players are being transferred to the new engine there is not going to be a rollback to the previous version.
May 18, 2018, 00:4805/18/18

Dimitri Molchanov said:

sparta56560 said:

These were not "options". 

The only fair option would be the opportunity to return where you uprooted us from and play in the normal place - where the coiners are. 
These were the options available to resolve the issues presented. As more and more players are being transferred to the new engine there is not going to be a rollback to the previous version.

hi dimitri,
pls tell us why? you didn't ask permission to switch a player city into a beta sever then right after the player had no option to switch back to the older version. such a rude action from your side isn't?
again, pls tell the reason why a player had no chance now to return their city in older version and what are the criteria you have to pick and turn a city into a beta server.

May 18, 2018, 08:5705/18/18
We are in the process of moving the game to a new engine, so this is not a forced beta version, this is a gradual change. Any bugs/issues caught in the process will be worked on, of course.
May 26, 2018, 19:2705/26/18
May 30, 2018, 21:16(edited)

Dmitry, in your no-response posts, it sounds you have no respect at all to the players' intellect.

Nobody is asking you whether you are going to hurt more players the way you already damaged us. . 

We are asking why is plarium acting in the unlawful way? 

Imagine a hotel inhabitants, without their consent, get transferred to a new building. There is no windows, toilets are dysfunctional, electricity is supplied only occasionally and in order to open the entrance door, one has to spend hours if not days. That "hospitable" hotel would be out of business in a matter of days. Why do you think you are allowed to do that? 

You have no right to imprison us in a substandard platform,

Jun 5, 2018, 22:2906/05/18

Dimitri Molchanov said:

You have been given options that may be able to help. Our devs are also working on additional fixes for the engine at the moment.

This may be true, but you are damaging people's ability to play a game they spend real money in.

By all means run a beta test, but don't block people from working. either you fix the issues quickly and help the users re-establish their game, or you give them a way to escape back out of the beta.

This is commercial suicide