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The minimum system requirements for Sparta: War of Empires on the new WebGL platformThe minimum system requirements for Sparta: War of Empires on the new WebGL platform

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The minimum system requirements for Sparta: War of Empires on the new WebGL platform

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Mar 28, 2018, 12:0603/28/18

The minimum system requirements for Sparta: War of Empires on the new WebGL platform

Archons, behold the minimum system requirements for Sparta: War of Empires on the new WebGL platform:

- Browser — Google Chrome version 65+

- Random Access Memory (RAM) — 4GB+

- Operating System (OS) — any OS that supports Google Chrome version 65+. Please note that Windows XP and Windows Vista do not support the required browser version.


- Sparta: War of Empires on the WebGL platform works on both the x32-bit and x64-bit versions of OS. However, the x64-bit system works reliably, while the x32-bit system at the moment may be the cause of crashes.

You can also verify that your browser supports WebGL, here:

Feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comment section.

Apr 1, 2018, 07:0704/01/18


comme si j allais changer d ordinateur pour jouer a sparta, un jeu qui doit fonctionné avec simplement un navigateur

Apr 1, 2018, 07:1204/01/18

mon pc , il fonctionne tres bien , je n est pas a le changer , c est a plarium de faire en sorte que tout le monde puisse jouer 

j ai toujours des probleme de chargement du jeu , je ne ferais pas de capture d ecran j en ai deja fait pas mal a se sujet 

et d autres avant moi , c est tout simplement SCANDALEUX

Apr 1, 2018, 22:2104/01/18
I have only 3GB RAM , so i quit.
Apr 2, 2018, 09:4204/02/18

Les jeux, tout comme tout le reste, doivent progresser, sinon ils commencent à stagner. Flash ne représente plus une plate-forme stable pour Sparta, et nous devons donc implémenter un nouveau moteur. Cela signifie que certaines exigences du système devront être prises en compte. Pourtant, nous travaillons également sur l'optimisation.

Apr 2, 2018, 17:0204/02/18


si il n y avait que moi , j aurais deja mis de la ram pour voir si ca changé quelque chose 

mais malheureusement le systeme 32 de windows ne reconnait pas plus de 4 go 

sinon effectivement racheter un pc mais j ai pas les moyens 

Apr 3, 2018, 09:0704/03/18

4 Go devraient suffire, mais nous devons travailler sur l'optimisation avec l'ancien système Win 32.

Apr 12, 2018, 03:1404/12/18

cant run properly on my old pc..

so im out of this game
Apr 12, 2018, 04:0004/12/18

Hi guys.

The loading bar freezes at 96%.

I am on;

- Browser — Google Chrome version 65.0.3325.181

- Random Access Memory (RAM) — 4096MB

- Operating System (OS) — Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

Chrome freezes if you wait too long for the game to load. Same thing happens with Mozilla.

Apr 12, 2018, 08:2704/12/18
jryx8 said:

Hi guys.

The loading bar freezes at 96%.

I am on;

- Browser — Google Chrome version 65.0.3325.181

- Random Access Memory (RAM) — 4096MB

- Operating System (OS) — Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

Chrome freezes if you wait too long for the game to load. Same thing happens with Mozilla.

I've passed the information over to our devs to take a look. Meanwhile you should be able to use the desktop app, as far as I know it works well with the 64-bit OS.
Apr 12, 2018, 09:5004/12/18

Hi Dimitri,

Much appreciated. Please find a solution to this problem.

Apr 12, 2018, 16:2004/12/18
Apr 12, 2018, 16:20(edited)

Hello Domitri,

I have problems with the game, the few times that load does not leave all the complete icons. They should have left it as it was, as it was fine for many of its players. We can not appreciate the game well because we can not enter and play it well.

Please, look for a solution. Thank you.

Apr 13, 2018, 01:3004/13/18

Hi Dimitri,

I have downloaded the plarium app. I can get back into the game now but I noticed the app uses my CPU a lot, like 100% all the time. Before downloading the app or when not logging into the app, CPU usage is only between 50%-80% at most with youtube in the background and surfing the web. With the app on, its 100% usage all the way. Is that normal?

Also, how do you refresh your game from the app? When game gets heavy, I could just refresh from chrome but I have to exit the game from the app as refresh. 
Apr 13, 2018, 08:2004/13/18
julcer777 said:

Hello Domitri,

I have problems with the game, the few times that load does not leave all the complete icons. They should have left it as it was, as it was fine for many of its players. We can not appreciate the game well because we can not enter and play it well.

Please, look for a solution. Thank you.

That would be impossible. Flash will no longer be supported by most browsers by 2020 and we require a new game engine to ensure Sparta is still playable. Not to mention Flash causes multiple performance issues that we want to overcome.
Apr 13, 2018, 08:2004/13/18
jryx8 said:

Hi Dimitri,

I have downloaded the plarium app. I can get back into the game now but I noticed the app uses my CPU a lot, like 100% all the time. Before downloading the app or when not logging into the app, CPU usage is only between 50%-80% at most with youtube in the background and surfing the web. With the app on, its 100% usage all the way. Is that normal?

Also, how do you refresh your game from the app? When game gets heavy, I could just refresh from chrome but I have to exit the game from the app as refresh. 
You would need to exit the game and enter it again. Though normally that shouldn't required on the app, I imagine the CPU usage is what contributes. How many other programs do you have running at the same time as the app?
Apr 14, 2018, 15:3904/14/18


mon ordinateur utilise windows VISTA

Processeur de 3 GHz

Google chrome pas a jour (car plus de MAJ pour les utilisateurs de Vista).

Donc, a moins de balancer mon ordinateur a la poubelle, y a il un moyen de se connecter a la nlle version de Sparta?

Apr 14, 2018, 15:4304/14/18

PC System requirements are met as requested but nevertheless the game doesn't charge correctly in the "webgl" modus.

Charging get's stuck on 72% - 88% - etc.. and very sometimes the screen charges completely but in a strange resolution where some options work and others just complete freeze the game completely so this eternal charging (page refresh) has to be done all over again with no garantee to success.. 
The beta version or test modus should be used in a test environment first and not with actual players.. like myself.
Or a roll-back to the old interface or a working new one is needed as this is making it impossible to continue playing.

Thanks up front Plarium for proposing a constructive answer / solution soon.

Apr 14, 2018, 20:0804/14/18
This looks as non finished game, which is fine for testing but not for playing. I am recently switched on new platform and it's disaster. Please fire the one who decided that this attempt of game goes live to production. 
Apr 14, 2018, 21:2304/14/18

Disaster ... WEBGl is supported by my browser ... but about couple of days ago the game is loading till 72% and stay there without other action but changing the screen with information about game. It is not useful for me!

I tried with other OS and version of chrome and it is the same situation!

Do you think that t is a problem to my side or in the game side?

If I'm not accepted to continue to play the game ... there is not any problem! But just tell me/us and I'll be stopping.

Apr 15, 2018, 23:1404/15/18


I have a computer with 2,00 GB (RAM) and system with x32 bit. What should I do?

I can´t accept to leave the game. I spent a great quantity of time creating the city. You should fix the problem. There are a lot of players in the same situation. I'm waiting...  Good luck to all. 

Apr 16, 2018, 08:2704/16/18
ARES I.F.S said:


I have a computer with 2,00 GB (RAM) and system with x32 bit. What should I do?

I can´t accept to leave the game. I spent a great quantity of time creating the city. You should fix the problem. There are a lot of players in the same situation. I'm waiting...  Good luck to all. 

Good day! There is not much we can do here, I am afraid. Of course, devs will be working on optimization, but Flash is no longer a viable engine to base Sparta on. And Web GL has its own requirements that we cannot affect.