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Beta version without request

Beta version without request

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 5, 2018, 06:3403/05/18

Beta version without request

About four days ago the layout of the Spatra game on my computer changed. 

This version is very poor and many basic functions do not work - a change from fun to a struggle how to get things done.

Main issues:

- Many display spots have now different color and font. On a 15,6in laptop they became harder to read

- When sending a raid, I cannot see the number of units I am sending, just their points and capacity

- I cannot fix towers of my friends

- In the monitor report of the movements of my troops, I cannot go to the destination city by clicking on the avatar

I presume this is the beta version and I HAVE NOT SIGNED to be a BETA TESTER

If this is the final new version - published with so many bugs, then you must be losing players fast. 

Mar 5, 2018, 08:4603/05/18

friend the developers are working hard for the final version to go well and as soon as possible.

about not being able to go to the city you're trying to loot, try double-clicking

Mar 5, 2018, 09:3503/05/18
We are slowly beginning to implement the new version of the engine. For any performance issues, try to disable Flash as described here. If you spot any more significant bugs, you can post them in the Bug Report forum. Devs have recently updated the engine with a large bugix and will continue doing so.
Mar 6, 2018, 23:4503/06/18
Mar 7, 2018, 00:11(edited)

Dimitri Molchanov said:

We are slowly beginning to implement the new version of the engine. For any performance issues, try to disable Flash as described here. If you spot any more significant bugs, you can post them in the Bug Report forum. Devs have recently updated the engine with a large bugix and will continue doing so.

Why could not they do it before forcing us to be a part of it? 

Just imagine if the software companies exposed the users to such disastrously flawed product.  The law suit would follow immediately.  

No Microsoft product of mass use sells for more money than plrium collects on average from a player per year - so you are not free at all.

Mar 7, 2018, 01:3903/07/18
elias said:

friend the developers are working hard for the final version to go well and as soon as possible.

about not being able to go to the city you're trying to loot, try double-clicking

Why did not they reveal that monster on the final stage?  why so early? I did not volunteer and they do not have any feedback from me anyway, not to mention PM is not working.
Mar 7, 2018, 09:0003/07/18
sparta5656 said:

Dimitri Molchanov said:

We are slowly beginning to implement the new version of the engine. For any performance issues, try to disable Flash as described here. If you spot any more significant bugs, you can post them in the Bug Report forum. Devs have recently updated the engine with a large bugix and will continue doing so.

Why could not they do it before forcing us to be a part of it? 

Just imagine if the software companies exposed the users to such disastrously flawed product.  The law suit would follow immediately.  

No Microsoft product of mass use sells for more money than plrium collects on average from a player per year - so you are not free at all.

Because it is not always possible to spot every single bug or issue without the game being exposed to a more numerous group of players. The fix was applied before the new engine was enabled for additional players, but, as I said, anything else that you spot will be helpful in improving the game's performance.
Mar 9, 2018, 17:3803/09/18


Can we Imagine a car maker saying :

Sorry for the crashes and malfunctions on our product that has not been testes at all, but we need some Guinea pigs

to improve it.

I'am beta tester, I reported some bug weeks ago most were minor. NO ONE has been solved yet .........

Mar 9, 2018, 22:2003/09/18

CHRONOS65 said:


Can we Imagine a car maker saying :

Sorry for the crashes and malfunctions on our product that has not been testes at all, but we need some Guinea pigs

to improve it.

I'am beta tester, I reported some bug weeks ago most were minor. NO ONE has been solved yet .........


friend the errors are not fixed one by one and although they do not answer the developers receive them and work in all of them

Mar 10, 2018, 02:2103/10/18


en étant testeur qui n a rien demandé je ne peux pas remonter les bugs du jeu puisque je peux pas me connecter du tout 

voir post avec lien de la capture ecran dans la rubrique java script

Mar 10, 2018, 19:5103/10/18
elias said:

CHRONOS65 said:


Can we Imagine a car maker saying :

Sorry for the crashes and malfunctions on our product that has not been testes at all, but we need some Guinea pigs

to improve it.

I'am beta tester, I reported some bug weeks ago most were minor. NO ONE has been solved yet .........


friend the errors are not fixed one by one and although they do not answer the developers receive them and work in all of them

Exactly this way, the Soviet bureaucracy would respond to complaints. My mom reported about a huge pothole to the government. She had been regularly checking with them - for t least 9 years. "Working on it". Then she left the country. 10 years later, it was till there.  
Mar 10, 2018, 19:5403/10/18
Dimitri Molchanov said:

sparta5656 said:

Dimitri Molchanov said:

We are slowly beginning to implement the new version of the engine. For any performance issues, try to disable Flash as described here. If you spot any more significant bugs, you can post them in the Bug Report forum. Devs have recently updated the engine with a large bugix and will continue doing so.

Why could not they do it before forcing us to be a part of it? 

Just imagine if the software companies exposed the users to such disastrously flawed product.  The law suit would follow immediately.  

No Microsoft product of mass use sells for more money than plrium collects on average from a player per year - so you are not free at all.

Because it is not always possible to spot every single bug or issue without the game being exposed to a more numerous group of players. The fix was applied before the new engine was enabled for additional players, but, as I said, anything else that you spot will be helpful in improving the game's performance.
You had no right to discriminate against certain players. Let me guess, those victims were 100% non-coiners, right?  
Mar 11, 2018, 09:4803/11/18

sparta5656 said:

Let me guess, those victims were 100% non-coiners, right?  

this indeed should be revealed!

Mar 12, 2018, 09:4003/12/18
Sparta5656, stop making the matter more dramatic than it is. "Victims", "test subjects" and other hyperbolized comparisons are not going to help your point. And if you keep spamming the same messages and points over multiple threads they will be removed and penalizing action will be applied. To answer the conspiracy theory - no, both players who never bought anything and those with an extensive history of purchases were moved to the new engine. 
Mar 15, 2018, 15:5303/15/18
I also received the Beta version without request.  Will we get the 2,000 drachmas that the volunteers get?
Mar 21, 2018, 09:4503/21/18
kentcneal said:

I also received the Beta version without request.  Will we get the 2,000 drachmas that the volunteers get?
The 2,000 Drachma reward was only meant to those who volunteered to handle the earliest and most difficult period of the beta test. Now that it is being implemented into the game, rewards no longer apply, unfortunately.