Lestat said:
Elephantine Colossus HOTel ON Coney Island
And we have a winner !!! Congrats!
And extra points for mentioning Castle Garden, which was the arrival point predating Ellis Island!
For those who would like some background:
A passenger on a ship approaching New York through the lower and upper bays on it’s way to Castle Garden in Nov. 1886 (no not Ellis Island which opened in 1892) would have seen the figure of a gigantic elephant long before passing Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty had been dedicated only a month earlier.
“The Elephantine Colossus” was a tourist attraction on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York City.
It was built in the shape of an elephant, was seven stories high and stood above Surf Avenue and West 12th Street from 1885 until 1896, when it burnt down in a fire.
The thirty-one room building acted as a hotel, concert hall, and brothel and is sometimes referred to as Lucy in reference to its predecessor “Lucy the Elephant” near Atlantic City.” Up to this day, older New Yorkers might recognize the expression “going to see the elephant” as a euphemism for visiting a house of ill repute :-).
See „Elephantine Colossus“ on Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephantine_Colossus