OK !
So it's a reduction of the already reduced consumption, unlike all other existing features.
Thanks !
What about the suspected bug past level 3, that was said to raise consumption ?
Was it only a problem with the values indicated in the units descriptions ?
Currently, our coalition has researched this skill to level 3, meaning my consumtion should be redcued by 3% (which I admit isn't much).
But the individual units consumption is currently displaying 0.00, meaning the capital reduction is just substracted to the existing 3% of the base consumption, resulting from the temple of Demeter and academy.
So it's a bug in the display in units statistics.
Would it be possible to fix it so it would display the correct values, please ? :)
For instance, before we built the capital, my indivudual consumption for a horse was 4 x 3% = 0.12
After raising the skill to level 1, it was displaying 4 x (3-1)% = 0.08, instead of still 0.12 (0.12 - 1% = 0.1188, rounded up to 0.12)
After raising the skill to level 2, it was displaying 4 x (3-2)% = 0.04, instead of still 0.12 (0.12 - 2% = 0.1176, rounded up to 0.12)
Now we've raising the skill to level 3, it's displaying 4 x (3-3)% = 0.00, instead of still 0.12 (0.12 - 3% = 0.1164, rounded up to 0.12)
People having raised up past level 3 are reporting the displayed consumption is raising again (withotu showing the minus sign, i.e displaying 0.04 for level 4, probably standing for -0.04), while the correct value should be 0.12 (0.12 - 4% = 0.1152, sounded up to 0.12).
Same for level 5 that should display 0,11 (0.12 - 5% = 0.114, rounded down to 0.11) and is currently displaying 0.08.
Would you please inform he staff about this display bug ?
It would greatly reduce complaints. ^^