Hello Sinnerman. I'm glad that you finished your dominion levels. I do remember that when the devs introduced the new dominion levels, even the heavy coiners protested that the needed points were pretty high, but look at them now, all having 20 levels. We have to wait a bit longer as not many players are on 20. All in good time .🙂
I reached the 20 lvl loooong time ago (and i ensure you that im not a heavy coiner at all!!),but thanks.
I'm surprised that you mentioned that many players protested about it!! When plarium gave a flying f what the players saying about the game??😂
All in a good time...ofc. like the raising prices in the worst world crisis ever...
i thought that you stopped being a moderator.What happened? 😎
I reached the 20 lvl loooong time ago (and i ensure you that im not a heavy coiner at all!!),but thanks.
I'm surprised that you mentioned that many players protested about it!! When plarium gave a flying f what the players saying about the game??😂
All in a good time...ofc. like the raising prices in the worst world crisis ever...
i thought that you stopped being a moderator.What happened? 😎
It seems that you are someone I know🙂 I do hate the nicknames😂 2,5 years ago, I stopped being a mod for 4 months, because I hadn't got time even to play, but the players even if they knew that I wasn't a mod, kept always sending at me private messages to ask for my advice as a mod. So, it is why I returned as a mod after 4 months of absence, as no point in not being a mod, but to do the mod's job anyway 🤗. I do hope that you don't mind.
you upgraded everything around which need ages to become full,but still not upgrade dominion status? c'mon...admit it...you are not the smartest guys in games... :P
Archon, I understand that the players want new dominion levels, I want new dominion levels as well, but I don't know what the developers' plans are. If you are a smart expert in the games industry, you can contact the Support and tell them your solutions so that they can improve their games🙂. I'm not a games programmer, but still smart enough, not to judge the work of others if I have no clue about it. Thank you for your understanding.
Archon, I understand that the players want new dominion levels, I want new dominion levels as well, but I don't know what the developers' plans are. If you are a smart expert in the games industry, you can contact the Support and tell them your solutions so that they can improve their games🙂. I'm not a games programmer, but still smart enough, not to judge the work of others if I have no clue about it. Thank you for your understanding.
you forgot something. im paying for that s..t so i can ask for what i believe is fair.
from the moment they upgrade everything around,they should be able to do that too.
if that game was free,it would be my pleasure to suggest whatever. And,in the name of jesus love,dont start to say "you can play for free if you want,etc".
you are kind enough to not judge. not smart...
Hello Sinnerman. I'm glad that you finished your dominion levels. I do remember that when the devs introduced the new dominion levels, even the heavy coiners protested that the needed points were pretty high, but look at them now, all having 20 levels. We have to wait a bit longer as not many players are on 20. All in good time .🙂
after 2 years,are you able to do something or is better to come back at '27 when even the bot cities will reach the 20 lvl?
after 2 years,are you able to do something or is better to come back at '27 when even the bot cities will reach the 20 lvl?
Hello Archon. It was officially announced that the developers will go to a slower pace of development, at least for now. No one knows what the developers' future plans are🙂
βρε,βρε,βρε...κι επανω που λεγαμε πως τελειωσε η εξελιξη,τσουπ! Guardians στο 9 !!
Ποροι στο 41..Ξερξης στο 452,κ.λ.π...Για ολα εχει προσθεση εκτος του dominion..
Εχω τρελη περιεργεια να δω πως θα το δικαιολογησεις τωρα αυτο..😎
Δεν χρειάζεται να το δικαιολογήσω. Η διοίκηση είναι αυτή που τρέχει το παιγνίδι τους και όχι οι παίχτες η οι μοντς. Ποιος σου είπε ότι τέλειωσε η εξέλιξη? η επίσημη ανακοίνωση σε ολους τους παιχτες είναι: Slower development pace. Τι δεν καταλαβαίνεις? Λέει οτι δεν θα εχει μεγάλα καινούρια πράγματα, για τώρα. Μετα απο 11 χρονια συνεχούς εξελίξεως, ποσο θαρρείς ότι χωράνε οι σερβερς?
Μπα? νευρακια?νευρακια?? 😜
Μου λες "ποιος σου ειπε οτι τελειωσε η εξελιξη?" και μετα λες "..ποσο θαρρεις χωρανε οι σερβερ?"
Καινουργια,μεγαλα πραγματα ειναι να ανεβασουν λεβελ στα dominion..?
Οπως κανανε τις αλλες αναβαθμισεις,να κανουν κι αυτην! Τι δεν καταλαβαινεις?
Ενιγουεϊ,δεν συνεννοουμαστε.
...."συνεχους εξελιξης"... 😂 εχει καταντησει το παιχνιδι να ειναι ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ να συμμετασχει καποιος καινουργιος παικτης απο το μηδεν,εχουμε εγκλωβιστει ολοι και βγαζουμε τα ματια μας μεταξυ μας και αυτο θεωρειται εξελιξη!
Μπα? νευρακια?νευρακια?? 😜
Μου λες "ποιος σου ειπε οτι τελειωσε η εξελιξη?" και μετα λες "..ποσο θαρρεις χωρανε οι σερβερ?"
Καινουργια,μεγαλα πραγματα ειναι να ανεβασουν λεβελ στα dominion..?
Οπως κανανε τις αλλες αναβαθμισεις,να κανουν κι αυτην! Τι δεν καταλαβαινεις?
Ενιγουεϊ,δεν συνεννοουμαστε.
...."συνεχους εξελιξης"... 😂 εχει καταντησει το παιχνιδι να ειναι ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ να συμμετασχει καποιος καινουργιος παικτης απο το μηδεν,εχουμε εγκλωβιστει ολοι και βγαζουμε τα ματια μας μεταξυ μας και αυτο θεωρειται εξελιξη!
Hi Arconte, I don't know who you're asking but I understand your point about the domain.
We currently have no news about the increase in levels.
Greetings and keep growing day by day.
Μπα? νευρακια?νευρακια?? 😜
Μου λες "ποιος σου ειπε οτι τελειωσε η εξελιξη?" και μετα λες "..ποσο θαρρεις χωρανε οι σερβερ?"
Καινουργια,μεγαλα πραγματα ειναι να ανεβασουν λεβελ στα dominion..?
Οπως κανανε τις αλλες αναβαθμισεις,να κανουν κι αυτην! Τι δεν καταλαβαινεις?
Ενιγουεϊ,δεν συνεννοουμαστε.
...."συνεχους εξελιξης"... 😂 εχει καταντησει το παιχνιδι να ειναι ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟΝ να συμμετασχει καποιος καινουργιος παικτης απο το μηδεν,εχουμε εγκλωβιστει ολοι και βγαζουμε τα ματια μας μεταξυ μας και αυτο θεωρειται εξελιξη!
Οχι βρε!😂Τι νευρακια? 🙂 Απλως ξαφνιάστηκα γιατί περίμενα να έχεις πιο πρακτικο μυαλο🙂
Δεν πειραζει, και το σταματάω εδώ, γιατί ότι είχα να πω το είπα. Γιατί αισθάνεσαι εγκλωβισμένος? Σε τι θα ωφελούσε στο παιγνίδι σου ενας καινούριος παίχτης?
Μέχρι να μάθει το παιγνίδι, αν βρει καλο μεντορα, θα τον φανε οι μεγάλοι παιχτες για εύκολους πόντους. Έτσι γίνεται σε όλα τα παιγνίδια που τρέχουν πολλά χρονια. Τι επίπεδο είσαι αν επιτρέπεται?