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Give smaller players a chance!

Give smaller players a chance!

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Jan 3, 2022, 06:2901/03/22

Give smaller players a chance!

It comes at no surprise that some top players leave the game for various reasons, including health problems and even death.  That means that without freshmen, the game will die out. But it doesn't seem that Plarium cares much about attracting new players and creating some insentives for them to stay. There are many examples given before me. But I would add one more on my own.

I was a part of a small coalition but the founder left and other archons followed him. He asked me to stay as he said he might return. So, I am temporarily (I hope so) a Hedgemon and one-man coalition. Several times I beat up 9-, and 12-members colition in toutnaments. But, my rewards are laughable. Just today, I made 100,000 + points in the Coalition Competition (not bad for my size) and Plarium generously gave me 145 drachmas, 85 Myrmidons, and 170 Psilos. (see the screenshot).  

I think that is unfair. I know guys who make couple of thousands points and get many hundreds of cavalry and phalanx troops, plus a lot of drachmas. Should be at least some correlation between the personal contribution and rewards. Players should be motivated to do more. That is in our mutual interests. I know someone immediately would say that Palrium cannot do anything. "Join a big coalition". If that is the Palrium attitude, the game will die sooner than they think. 

Also, I think there should be better insentives to win the competition. Right now, the winning coalition's reward is very insignificant. 

Jan 8, 2022, 23:5801/08/22

As I anticipated, not response. Apparently, whatever we have now is resulting from a very wise "vision", why to bother responding?

Jan 9, 2022, 09:0801/09/22

As I anticipated, not response. Apparently, whatever we have now is resulting from a very wise "vision", why to bother responding?

Gerhard ciertamente mereces una respuesta, la misma que todos los jugadores que seguimos en una pequeña coalicion, pero es una respuesta que ya conoces:

Estos juegos, no sólo los de Plarium, no son juegos personalizados "a la carta" y por lo tanto las reglas son iguales para todos.

En los torneos individuales aunque parece que cobra todo el mundo según su esfuerzo tampoco es cierto:

El esfuerzo de un nivel 50 para hacer 100 puntos en un PVP no es el mismo que para un nivel 150 que los hace sin querer.

Lo mismo podemos aplicar a las coaliciones y tu lo dices anteriormente.

Es el precio que pagamos por seguir en coaliciones pequeñas y, por lo menos a mi, no nos importa por seguir con los amigos. Tu lo digiste "me pidió que siguiera por si volvía" o algo así.

Hacer premios personalizados o "a la carta" puede que resulte demasiado complicado de programar.

Gerhard you certainly deserve an answer, the same as all the players we follow in a small coalition, but it is an answer you already know:

These games, not just Plarium games, are not custom "a la carte" games and therefore the rules are the same for everyone.

In the individual tournaments, although it seems that everyone is paid according to their effort, it is not true either:

The effort of a level 50 to make 100 points in a PVP is not the same as for a level 150 who makes them unintentionally.

The same applies to coalitions and you say it above.

It's the price we pay to stay in small coalitions and, at least for me, we don't mind to stay with friends. You said it "he asked me to follow in case he came back" or something like that.

Making personalized or "a la carte" awards may be too complicated to program.

Translated with (free version)

Jan 17, 2022, 06:4401/17/22

oh waw Gerhard...

As a player, I strongly advise you to look for another coa.

Some years ago I lost a dear friend in Sparta, I was very sad..At the time, I won a meme contest and a Plarium employee contacted me for the reward. I told him what I was going throught, former hegemon left me as hegemon on a small coa and I didnt want to leave because my dear friend city was there... but Hennady  advise me to move on, to play in an active team, meet new people and put other goals in game in front of me. I named my city with my friends name and moved. It was a very good choice!

You can choose to stay, but you will not have as much rewards as in a fully developed active coalition. As player, all I can tell you is... move! You will love it!

Jan 27, 2022, 03:1801/27/22
Jan 27, 2022, 09:48(edited)
Karl Curston

oh waw Gerhard...

As a player, I strongly advise you to look for another coa.

Some years ago I lost a dear friend in Sparta, I was very sad..At the time, I won a meme contest and a Plarium employee contacted me for the reward. I told him what I was going throught, former hegemon left me as hegemon on a small coa and I didnt want to leave because my dear friend city was there... but Hennady  advise me to move on, to play in an active team, meet new people and put other goals in game in front of me. I named my city with my friends name and moved. It was a very good choice!

You can choose to stay, but you will not have as much rewards as in a fully developed active coalition. As player, all I can tell you is... move! You will love it!

Vanesa, there is no question in my mind that "moving on" would be more beneficial for my city's growth. But my post is not about that. I strognly beleive that in order to survive, Plarium MUST pivot. They have to allow more opportunities to people who don't like crowds, for example. I know that a lot of players previously predicted that the game will die soon - but that didn't happen. That apparently made some Plarium auhtorities  beleive they don't have to worry about the future. I think that is wrong. 

Jan 27, 2022, 03:2701/27/22
Jan 27, 2022, 09:50(edited)

Gerhard ciertamente mereces una respuesta, la misma que todos los jugadores que seguimos en una pequeña coalicion, pero es una respuesta que ya conoces:

Estos juegos, no sólo los de Plarium, no son juegos personalizados "a la carta" y por lo tanto las reglas son iguales para todos.

En los torneos individuales aunque parece que cobra todo el mundo según su esfuerzo tampoco es cierto:

El esfuerzo de un nivel 50 para hacer 100 puntos en un PVP no es el mismo que para un nivel 150 que los hace sin querer.

Lo mismo podemos aplicar a las coaliciones y tu lo dices anteriormente.

Es el precio que pagamos por seguir en coaliciones pequeñas y, por lo menos a mi, no nos importa por seguir con los amigos. Tu lo digiste "me pidió que siguiera por si volvía" o algo así.

Hacer premios personalizados o "a la carta" puede que resulte demasiado complicado de programar.

Gerhard you certainly deserve an answer, the same as all the players we follow in a small coalition, but it is an answer you already know:

These games, not just Plarium games, are not custom "a la carte" games and therefore the rules are the same for everyone.

In the individual tournaments, although it seems that everyone is paid according to their effort, it is not true either:

The effort of a level 50 to make 100 points in a PVP is not the same as for a level 150 who makes them unintentionally.

The same applies to coalitions and you say it above.

It's the price we pay to stay in small coalitions and, at least for me, we don't mind to stay with friends. You said it "he asked me to follow in case he came back" or something like that.

Making personalized or "a la carte" awards may be too complicated to program.

Translated with (free version)

Elias, we are talking about the very survival of the game. They still have a chance to make it attractive to new players. "Too complicated" is a very weak excuse, especially given a lot of complicated things Plarium developers have done, with little positive effect. The word "proportion" explains it. And it is not too difficult. The time will come Palrium owners will be kicking themselves for missing these opportunities. 

Moreover, I am not asking about "easy points". On the contrary, I told you that I make more points than many players and get LESS reward fro that. 

Feb 3, 2022, 07:0302/03/22
Feb 17, 2022, 13:07(edited)

Vanesa, there is no question in my mind that "moving on" would be more beneficial for my city's growth. But my post is not about that. I strognly beleive that in order to survive, Plarium MUST pivot. They have to allow more opportunities to people who don't like crowds, for example. I know that a lot of players previously predicted that the game will die soon - but that didn't happen. That apparently made some Plarium auhtorities  beleive they don't have to worry about the future. I think that is wrong. 

Gerald, it is not wrong to ask for more. It is natural if the players want the game to be changed accordingly to our gameplay. The games are the reflections of our real life.  The benefits come along with obligations. It was always like this and always will be like this. As for if the game will die, I hear this < Game will die> for 7 years. The game still is here, and it will be here as long it is beneficial for the Company.

Feb 12, 2022, 18:4602/12/22
Karl Curston

oh waw Gerhard...

As a player, I strongly advise you to look for another coa.

Some years ago I lost a dear friend in Sparta, I was very sad..At the time, I won a meme contest and a Plarium employee contacted me for the reward. I told him what I was going throught, former hegemon left me as hegemon on a small coa and I didnt want to leave because my dear friend city was there... but Hennady  advise me to move on, to play in an active team, meet new people and put other goals in game in front of me. I named my city with my friends name and moved. It was a very good choice!

You can choose to stay, but you will not have as much rewards as in a fully developed active coalition. As player, all I can tell you is... move! You will love it!

Seriously? You want lower level members to join up with Coalitions that demand 100Mill offense and defense. That's a joke. The only descent coaltions around now are demanding such absurd numbers because they won't bother with anyone less than. Perhaps plarium just needs to find a way to equal the battlefield so that smaller coalitions can survive and players are not intimitaded to leave. Find a bigger a coalition. That's funny.

Feb 12, 2022, 18:5002/12/22
Feb 12, 2022, 18:54(edited)

Elias, we are talking about the very survival of the game. They still have a chance to make it attractive to new players. "Too complicated" is a very weak excuse, especially given a lot of complicated things Plarium developers have done, with little positive effect. The word "proportion" explains it. And it is not too difficult. The time will come Palrium owners will be kicking themselves for missing these opportunities. 

Moreover, I am not asking about "easy points". On the contrary, I told you that I make more points than many players and get LESS reward fro that. 

I agree with you. It would be nice if plarium made it to where people with so many millions of offense or defense cannot attack those with much lesser. Make the big spenders fight the big spenders and let the little guy learn how to play engaging in battles with equal to or not much greater than their own. Simple fix.Helps the little man and gives the lesser players a chance for more engagement in battles. The problem arises when you have players with 50 to 100 Mill worth of troops squashing players with much less than 50. Do this and I promise you that new players will come and be more active. Too much bullying going on in this game by the big coiners.

Feb 13, 2022, 01:5302/13/22
Feb 13, 2022, 01:55(edited)
Katerina Maurogenous

Gerald, it is not wrong to ask for more. It is natural if the players want the game to be changed accordingly to our gameplay. The games are the reflections of our real life.  The benefits come along with obligations. It was always like this and always will be like this. As for if the game will die, I hear this < Game will die> for 7 years. The game still is here, and it will be here as long it is beneficial for the Company.

"beneficial to the company". Well that about says it all right there. I've been playing this game for years. And yes my dear... It's dead alright.

Feb 17, 2022, 06:1502/17/22
Feb 17, 2022, 06:16(edited)

Vanesa, there is no question in my mind that "moving on" would be more beneficial for my city's growth. But my post is not about that. I strognly beleive that in order to survive, Plarium MUST pivot. They have to allow more opportunities to people who don't like crowds, for example. I know that a lot of players previously predicted that the game will die soon - but that didn't happen. That apparently made some Plarium auhtorities  beleive they don't have to worry about the future. I think that is wrong. 

Thank you for your answer... I totally agree with Kate that it's natural to want the game to evolve according to our game style. But on the other hand, handling new features and conditions make us think again about our gameplay and strategy. 

Last updates and new features introduced to Sparta changed the game a lot! Being in an active team not only has a great impact in Arena, conflict or Sacred positions... also allows you to share your experience and learn from others. 7 years later coalition chats are not that crowded anymore anyway. 

Sorry to insist... moving coalitions looking for more activity really changed my game for good ina lot of aspects, that's why I gave this advice. Wish you a lot of good luck! 🍀

Feb 17, 2022, 06:2502/17/22
Achilles The Destroyer

Seriously? You want lower level members to join up with Coalitions that demand 100Mill offense and defense. That's a joke. The only descent coaltions around now are demanding such absurd numbers because they won't bother with anyone less than. Perhaps plarium just needs to find a way to equal the battlefield so that smaller coalitions can survive and players are not intimitaded to leave. Find a bigger a coalition. That's funny.

I don't play on .com but on the migrated FB server and maybe the coalitions are different in their demands. In my case, in these 7 years, I have gone from smaller to larger coalitions according to my progress and commitment to the game. There is no need to be in one that asks so much, surely there are active coalitions in .com that are willing to welcome active players without so many requirements. Also, anyone could try and then make decisions. I always speak, of course, from my experience, and from my experience yes, moving on was awesome. 

Jul 1, 2022, 09:1107/01/22
Jul 1, 2022, 09:23(edited)


Which coalition are you with Gerhard?

Mar 13, 2023, 00:0403/13/23
Karl Curston

I don't play on .com but on the migrated FB server and maybe the coalitions are different in their demands. In my case, in these 7 years, I have gone from smaller to larger coalitions according to my progress and commitment to the game. There is no need to be in one that asks so much, surely there are active coalitions in .com that are willing to welcome active players without so many requirements. Also, anyone could try and then make decisions. I always speak, of course, from my experience, and from my experience yes, moving on was awesome. 

Even though I think the issue is very clear, seesm like none of respondents understood what I am talking about. Once again: it is about common sense and cossitency. If Plarium wants a fair deal with plyers: "we help you have fun, you are helping our bottom line", the company has to be fair itself. So far, it is not always like that.

A positive example: PP contests. No matter how small a coalition is, its members get rewards, proportionally to the personal achievemnts. That is when developers did their job properly.

Compare that to CC. If a coalition that at the moment cosits of 2 players gets close to 400k points (about 200k points per a player). Each players receives  Equites - 15, 180 Javs, 100 psilos, golden shields - 60, myrmidons - 40, sardars - 12, and numidian archers - 80. However, if a larger coalition's members get 20k on average , each  of those mediocre players receives: 

Equites -30

Archers - 120

Peltasts - 100

Sardars  - 16

Veles - 150

Thureophoroi -320

Chieftain - 18

Pezos - 40

Golden Shields - 150

Amazonian Warriors - 16

Sarissophoros - 150

Mounted Peltasts - 275 

Imperial Thureothores - 200

Venators - 25 

To me, it sounds ridiculous. Moroever, it doesn't seem just and consistent. 

Mar 14, 2023, 13:0403/14/23

Guys,  as  I mentioned above, the bigger benefits come always along with the bigger obligations. You cannot expect to be a lone wolf, with no obligations, but to get the same benefits with bigger teams whose obligations are 24/7.   Lone wolves are free to participate in a tournament, or not. All the others who are in bigger teams have a standard requirement for participation, like it or not. All are a matter of priority. Freedom or rewards? No small player can get 400k CC points, so the choice has been made.  Besides the CC tournament which has standard rewards for the milestones, in the other coalition tournaments, the  calculations are different for the max reward.  It depends on what members have a team. Small teams need fewer points for max rewards, bigger teams need more points. So, practically, Plarium does help the small players.