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Suggestion for modification to conflict events

Suggestion for modification to conflict events

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 29, 2021, 14:0203/29/21

Suggestion for modification to conflict events

Hi, I would like to suggest an elteration to the conflict events. I would like to see tiered rewards instead of the hegemon being able to set limits for rewards qualification. If the rewards are tiered along the same steps that the current step setting for qualification are, this is fairer to those who do not have time to play, or are at low lvl and therefore find those targets hard to achieve. If rewards improved with tiers then the incentive is theer to hit the 50k target but players are not so badly penalised for not hitting high targets as they still get some rewards even if lower. This would, in the long run, help every coalition more as all members who score points get rewards.

Apr 9, 2021, 08:0504/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 08:08(edited)

I personally have no problems hitting any of the targets having personally hit 250k several times without too much effort, but many players have limited hours. If a Hegemon sets the reward limit too high many are penalised by not being able to achieve targets, due to limited hours or lack of experience.

I am surprised there has been no comment from admins or moderators, yet. I see this as a logical solution to have stepped rewards based on performance of individual, that way the more each player gets, the more rewards they receive, it also gives incentive to get more points to achieve greater rewards.

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Apr 20, 2021, 07:5304/20/21

Rob, I'm afraid we aren't going to implement such changes to the Coalition Conflict event.

First, it requires significant re-work of the current event. Secondly, we used to have the minimum 2,000 points limit for all Coalitions, however, lots of Hegemons asked us to increase it. Though we didn't want to make the process harder for all our players, we decided to give an alternative option to Hegemons and allow them to set a higher required number of points. We believe that for now, it should be enough.