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I have a suggestion - Let's call the Coa Conflict - The PA Conflict (plus a simple solution)I have a suggestion - Let's call the Coa Conflict - The PA Conflict (plus a simple solution)

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I have a suggestion - Let's call the Coa Conflict - The PA Conflict (plus a simple solution)

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Feb 15, 2024, 09:5302/15/24

I have a suggestion - Let's call the Coa Conflict - The PA Conflict (plus a simple solution)

The PA Conflict - As this truly reflects what actually happens in practice. A handful - I mean a handful - of players each side search for an enemy's city with something in the city - hammer it to death with PA's (Political Assassains) - we are often talking 100s

95% of the other players dome up, and play their own game.

Plarium refuse to do somethig about this 'waste of time scenario' instead of trying to set up a real Coaltion Conflict which would be much more fun - so I have this very simple solution ...

Each week for the whole of Coa Conflicts (or even each separate Coa Conflict) the game rolls a dice - evens PAs allowed, Odds no PA's.

Here is a win / win - Plarium keep half the games their way - and we - the clients, get to play the game we want.

Let's do it!

DariaCommunity Manager
Feb 16, 2024, 10:1902/16/24

Hi! 👋🏻

Thank you for describing the situation you observe in such detail and explaining your point of view. Each player and coalition indeed chooses its own style of gameplay. I like your suggestion about the dice roll. However, our team cannot implement such an idea because the game has reached the optimal stage, and its development is less rapid than before. Currently, we do not have clear plans to add the functionality you proposed. 

Nevertheless, I am very grateful for your valuable input, Archon! 🥰

Feb 8, 2025, 00:3802/08/25

Hi Arconte, the AP is another attack option in the game, everyone decides how to play, so the game also offers city protection, among other various options

I hope you find different options to counter the AP.
