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Important Note On Accepting Game SuggestionsImportant Note On Accepting Game Suggestions

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Important Note On Accepting Game Suggestions

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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DariaCommunity Manager
Jun 13, 2023, 09:2606/13/23

Important Note On Accepting Game Suggestions

Dear Commanders,

Thank you for all the suggestions which you’ve left. We have a long list of them that was passed to the dev team. Our game designers will need some time to consider all your ideas. 

For now, we are not reviewing new suggestions for improving the game. Sparta: War Of Empires is at the optimum level of development, and we want to allocate our resources to polishing it rather than to changing or adding new things. 

Once again, we are very grateful for your input; it’s much appreciated.

Thank you all for your understanding, and enjoy the game! 🤗 

Oct 18, 2023, 05:4710/18/23

Hi Daria,

Can you please pass this to the developers. Please develop a version of Sparta that supports Chrome OS on Chromebooks.

DariaCommunity Manager
Oct 18, 2023, 09:3910/18/23

Hi Daria,

Can you please pass this to the developers. Please develop a version of Sparta that supports Chrome OS on Chromebooks.

Hi, Archon! 

Unfortunately, our team has no plans to implement the support of the Plarium Play application on Chromebooks in the near future 🙇

Nov 11, 2023, 12:4511/11/23

For Fallen warriors place a Amphodel ( the ony flower that gows in the Greek under world) in place of the coalition symbol.

Nov 11, 2023, 20:4211/11/23

For Fallen warriors place a Amphodel ( the ony flower that gows in the Greek under world) in place of the coalition symbol.

Hello Archon. I'm impressed.😃                                                                                             
Indeed the Asphodelus was something like a favorite underworld flower, which is why there were the  Asphodelus Meadows where the middle souls went to live. The bad souls were thrown to Tartarus, and the good ones and the heroes went to Elysian Fields and the Island of Makaron.  
 I understand that the players who lost their teammates are heartbroken, and I do believe that this idea is very good, but the Team can't add something to the fallen warriors' cities.              
Our fallen teammates will be in our memories forever.