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Get Sparta: War Of Empires

this is a proposal

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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May 25, 2023, 09:5605/25/23

this is a proposal

besic simmoning dond i have 10k 

that, for example, those 100 can be divided into = 1 epick summoning bon 

20 epic simmoning bond = holy summoning bond

2 holy summoning bond =fragmantary summoning bonn 

it is an example of exchange

May 25, 2023, 20:1705/25/23

Hello. Archon.  Thank you for your suggestions. There is an event that we can exchange our epic bonds with a holy bond. Unfortunately, all the suggestions about exchanging basic bonds with epic or holy bonds are rejected by the developers. Stay tuned and wait for the next event in which you can exchange 20 epic bonds for  1 holy bond. Regarding the fragments, the feature is very new and we have to wait a bit. I bet that the developers will find a  way so the fragments will be easier to possess them. All in good time 😉

Jun 4, 2023, 12:3406/04/23

I would like to make a suggestion on adding more to the Amphitheater. Would it be possible to add time slot counters for example 1x 2x 3x 4x slots at 3hr per time slot for a max of 12hr. Lets say for example I pick say Instant grain delivery I can pick 4th slot 12hr to run it this would cost me 4 Marks of Athena I am at level 4 I get 80,000 per 1 Mark of Athena I then would get 320,000 grain for a 12hr run. I can also think of ways to better Amphitheater and more new unit attack and def boost and more gold tire slots instead of just 1 per run say 3 would be great so I could run grain, timber and bronze all at the same time.

DariaCommunity Manager
Jun 6, 2023, 10:4906/06/23

I would like to make a suggestion on adding more to the Amphitheater. Would it be possible to add time slot counters for example 1x 2x 3x 4x slots at 3hr per time slot for a max of 12hr. Lets say for example I pick say Instant grain delivery I can pick 4th slot 12hr to run it this would cost me 4 Marks of Athena I am at level 4 I get 80,000 per 1 Mark of Athena I then would get 320,000 grain for a 12hr run. I can also think of ways to better Amphitheater and more new unit attack and def boost and more gold tire slots instead of just 1 per run say 3 would be great so I could run grain, timber and bronze all at the same time.

Archon, I appreciate your suggestion and like it a lot. Due to the workload and accumulated suggestions, our team currently cannot take this idea for implementation. Nevertheless, thank you for your input, Nyrdi 🙌

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