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The development group labour is very difficultThe development group labour is very difficult

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The development group labour is very difficult

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May 21, 2023, 23:4205/21/23

The development group labour is very difficult

I would like to say it has been great with various new events you introduced lately and there are many rewards that we can earn and it has been fun; the spartan laours and coalition shop is one of them. However, for group labours, whilst positions and pvp labours are pretty easy to complete, the development labour is very difficult in comparison.

There are two main issues:

1. for bigger coalitions and strong players. Their cities are mostly developed or the ones left will cost a tons of sketches that they cannot immediately get. They will have hard time to contribute, which is weird as they are usually the biggest contributors in any events.

2. for weaker coaltions; they simply cannot get the quests completed. 

I might be wrong but should not be far off, it requires 5210 days worth of boost to get the max rewards. That is 52 days worth of boost for each player if the coaltion has 100 members and I know not every member would participate in any coalition and we should not force them to.

I really think if the milestone for completing those tasks are adjusted to be as easy as pvp or positions labour, it will benefit every player in the game, not just for bigger guilds and we can get coaltion golds easier so we can use them in the new features you just introduced. In my case, even my guild (one of the biggest in the game) has hard time to complete the development labour because the stronger players cannot do anything.

DariaCommunity Manager
May 23, 2023, 12:4205/23/23

Archon. thanks for your explanation. It is true that some tasks may vary in complexity. But I would like to understand your point of view better. Can you describe your suggestion in more detail? 🕵

May 26, 2023, 06:1505/26/23

I simply think the final stange of the development group labour is taking too many pts for coalitions to complete. If it can be decreased to 750k points, it will be great. From my calculation, it is 240 pts for one day worth of development so it still takes 3125 days worth of universal boost but I think it is more reasonable. 

Did you understand the reason I stated in the post and why I am asking for reduction? Big players are too developed to complete the city development. Small players do not have enough resource to boost the development. 

DariaCommunity Manager
May 29, 2023, 13:2405/29/23
Jun 2, 2023, 10:52(edited)
Tsu Yuan Nieh

I simply think the final stange of the development group labour is taking too many pts for coalitions to complete. If it can be decreased to 750k points, it will be great. From my calculation, it is 240 pts for one day worth of development so it still takes 3125 days worth of universal boost but I think it is more reasonable. 

Did you understand the reason I stated in the post and why I am asking for reduction? Big players are too developed to complete the city development. Small players do not have enough resource to boost the development. 

Thanks for your clarification, Archon. I understand your point about the challenging nature of the tasks and vice versa for the advanced players. Be sure that our team is working on balanced tasks and prizes. Appreciate your input 🤗

May 29, 2023, 13:4005/29/23

Sorry, I am talking about the group labour, not the solo labour. Can we refresh the group labour quests?

Jun 2, 2023, 11:4206/02/23
Tsu Yuan Nieh

Sorry, I am talking about the group labour, not the solo labour. Can we refresh the group labour quests?

Hello Tsu. I understand you perfectly, but for now, the coalitions cannot refresh the tasks of the coalition labors. In my own point of view, if ever Plarium will give this option, the weaker teams wouldn't have a chance to reach the top, as the top would be dominated by the coiners. Now, depending on what labor every team has, there is a rotation on the top rankings   The  Plarium's team always release features that have a balance. Of course, no one knows what the future will bring, and for sure your request is noted.  🙂

Jul 2, 2023, 22:3907/02/23

I don't mean to give an option to refresh the group options. I just meant that the development group labour tasks requirement is more difficult than other labour tasks. I hope the developers can have a look at that particular one and see if it is possible to make the requirement a bit lower. 

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