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Galley trick to raid 100k

Galley trick to raid 100k

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Oct 4, 2017, 07:5310/04/17

Galley trick to raid 100k


Select your target, scout them first to see if they 1) have res and 2) are defending 

If undefended I use Marauders to raid as they are nice and fast

If defended you can either leave it for another time (if no PvP on) or calculate the size of raid you want to send 

When bottom left raid counter is at 30secs, prepare to send your galley/boat to the target you are raiding as shown in pic below. Click to send galley/boat at anywhere from the 20sec marker. That will leave you with approx 10secs to cancel galley after raid complete. Make sure you send the maximum amount you can, I use grain as there is such a huge amount floating around these days so it doesn't matter that much if you forget to cancel 

When the bottom left raid counter disappears a pop up on bottom right showing notification of a successful raid appears. Cancel the galley/boat and close the galley/boat screen. Check your raid report. 

and there you go, this should give you a 100k res raid value 

Always try to coincide it with another goal/achievement/even for double even triple whammy 


Oct 5, 2017, 15:0910/05/17

what is your last line means mate:

Always try to coincide it with another goal/achievement/even for double even triple whammy 


Oct 5, 2017, 15:1810/05/17
if you have a raid for xxx amount of resources in your Peronal events AND Collect resources in the Chronos events AND a coalition event raid resources you can hit all 3 with one or two raids on top of getting your 100k mixed res from the raid 
Oct 6, 2017, 15:5410/06/17
morteeee said:

if you have a raid for xxx amount of resources in your Peronal events AND Collect resources in the Chronos events AND a coalition event raid resources you can hit all 3 with one or two raids on top of getting your 100k mixed res from the raid 
What are Chronos Events?
Oct 6, 2017, 17:0710/06/17
something that is on the facebok servers, they use us a guinea pigs I think to see 1) if stuff works and 2) how many complaints they get LOL! 
Oct 7, 2017, 09:0610/07/17

Manuelita said:

morteeee said:

if you have a raid for xxx amount of resources in your Peronal events AND Collect resources in the Chronos events AND a coalition event raid resources you can hit all 3 with one or two raids on top of getting your 100k mixed res from the raid 
What are Chronos Events?

Buenos días Manuelita ese es un logro de coalición, se va sumando todo lo que saquean todos los miembros de la coalición día a día.

Mira cuando abres la embajada los iconos de la parte de abajo, si pones el ratón encima te va diciendo que es cada uno y lo que hay que conseguir para hacerlo.

Oct 14, 2017, 21:1310/14/17
thank you for the translation Elias :) 
Oct 15, 2017, 14:5010/15/17

Thank you Morteee ;)