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communications tips

communications tips

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Jan 31, 2017, 20:2901/31/17

communications tips

I see a lot of post about how coalitions can communicate more effectively whilst staying within their in game message count so I thought I would share how I did it with my coalition 

the obvious one is if you play on the facebook servers then great and coalition chat and a coalition group page, that way you can reserve your in game messages to a simple

"coalition orders given on facebook group page, please read and hit like on the post when you have" that way you can also track who has read your orders and who hasnt!

obviously if you only play on the plarium server this becomes a little more complicated

the other method I used was to set up a forum on a clan hosting website

there are free ones out there, I personally used iclan, free, easy to set up and you can control who see's the forum with permissions granted only to those who have registered an account, you can even ask your members to register using the same username they use on Plarium so you know who they are :)  

there are lots of other free to use clan website hosts if you google them, I only mention the above one as that's the one I used 

you can also use voice comms for when people are online, 2 of the most popular, Teamspeak 3 and Mumble are also available as apps on smart phones for mobile connectivity, the downside here is you do have to pay a hosting fee for a voicecomms server however there are lots of cheap ones out there if you google, I personally prefer Mumble but thats just down to personal choice. 

if you can suggest other communication methods please post! 


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 1, 2017, 09:3402/01/17
Awesome tips, Morteeee! 
Feb 2, 2017, 12:4402/02/17
Nice job! 

Teamspeak is a life saver! I just love it! Me and my guys use it daily. It's really important when we are conducting war operations..Talking in live time can't be compared to writing in live time! I wouldn't change it for anything! 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 2, 2017, 14:1702/02/17
Xena said:

Nice job! 

Teamspeak is a life saver! I just love it! Me and my guys use it daily. It's really important when we are conducting war operations..Talking in live time can't be compared to writing in live time! I wouldn't change it for anything! 

I've heard that many Clans start using Discord now. But I'm still a big fan of TeamSpeak. So I also prefer it above all other programs.
Feb 2, 2017, 19:5102/02/17
I find Mumble less laggy personally, I do actually run both as my diablo crew uses TS and my TF2 clan runs Mumble :)
Feb 4, 2017, 12:3402/04/17
Got to admit I'm not really aware of any other program except TS! I'm really satisfied with it! But maybe in the future I'll try some of the other programs too!