A Guide for Phylarch!
General information
Before you can access your Phylarch, you need to construct the Amphitheater - the Building where every action affecting your Phylarch is carried out. After it has been built, you can begin to interact with your Phylarch.
In the Amphitheater window you will find three tabs: Phylarch, Battle, and Skills. In the Phylarch tab, you can select the Phylarch Bonuses you wish to activate. You will receive the benefits of your selected Skills for as long as the selected Phylarch Bonuses are active. In the Phylarch tab, you can also change the name of your Phylarch. In the "Battle" tab, you can defeat Challengers with your Phylarch and receive Phylarch Points. Each successful attack and victory over a Challenger will earn you Phylarch Points. The Skills tab contains the Skill Tree. Discover and Improve Skills to receive an amazing array of Bonuses!
Discovering Phylarch Skills allows you to receive a variety of Bonuses, such as increased Resource production rates, accelerated Unit training, Movement Speeds, Offense and Defense Boosts, and much more. In order to Discover and Improve Skills, you will require Phylarch Points. Phylarch Points alone are also sufficient to Discover the 1st and 2nd "Additional Slot" Skills. However, in order to Discover the 3rd Additional Slot you will need Marks and Phylarch Points, while Discovering the 4th and 5th Additional Slots requires Drachmas.
Skills are divided into two major groups - Conventional Skills and Mythical Skills. The main difference between the two is as follows: the Bonuses from Conventional Skills can be activated without Marks, while Mythical Skills require Marks to activate. Mythical Skills will give you more powerful bonuses than Conventional ones.
Activating Phylarch Bonuses
Each player starts with one unlocked Slot for selecting and activating Skills. In order to increase the number of Slots available to you, you must Discover the "Additional Slots" Skills. Doing so increases the number of Skills that you can activate and receive Bonuses from at any one time. There are 5 Skills of this kind; Discovering each of them will unlock an Additional Slot in the Phylarch Bonuses section of the Phylarch tab.
Remember! Only Phylarch Points are required to Discover the 1st and 2nd Additional Slots. However, Discovering the 3rd Additional Slot requires Marks and Phylarch Points, while Discovering the 4th and 5th Additional Slots requires Drachmas.
Phylarch Points and Marks
Phylarch Points are used for Discovering and Improving Skills. Defeating Challengers in the Battle tab of the Amphitheater will earn you Phylarch Points. After the battle, you can check how many Points you have earned by visiting the Phylarch tab. In order to earn more Phylarch Points for defeating Challengers, you need to Discover and Improve the "Phylarch Points Boost" Skill. Please note: If you select this Skill and activate its Bonus while in the middle of fighting a Challenger, the Bonus will not become active until after that Challenger has been defeated. However, the Bonus will be applied to the next Challenger you fight.
Marks are Resources that are required for activating the Phylarch Bonuses of Mythical Skills, and can be earned during Tournaments.
How do I defeat Challengers?
In the "Battle" tab, you can defeat Challengers with your Phylarch. In order to attack the Challenger, you need to take aim and click on it. The HP bar will show how much damage you have dealt, but if your attack attempt was unsuccessful, you will see the word "Miss!" on your screen. Meanwhile, the Aether bar at the bottom of the screen shows how many attempts at attacking the Challenger are remaining. Attacks require Aether, regardless of whether you hit the Challenger or not.
Once all Aether has been exhausted, your Phylarch will be unable to continue fighting. If this happens, you will have two options: you can either wait to receive new Aether, or replenish your Aether instantly in exchange for Drachmas. The number of Challengers you can fight each day is limited; once this limit has been reached, you will see a message with a timer, which counts down the time until new Challengers appear.