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Maximize your Denarii production!

Maximize your Denarii production!

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Jun 16, 2016, 08:5306/16/16

Maximize your Denarii production!

Greetings Archons,

Today's tip is for the Denarii currency. Some must know already but most I am pretty sure they do not.

Most people just click on the exchange rss to denarii according to their time schedule or if they just want to put 2300 for 2300 and just update it daily.

DId you know that for you it's most profitable if you convert your rss into denarii every 1hour which is '500', you will end up with 11k+ in 23hours? The only thing that you need to do is actually to be in front of the computer or just whenever you will have few hours spare time to do it then. People who work in an office environment or on a computer its an easy task to just do that every hour or to people who got a free day for the game.

The whole denarii exchange is a very reward able system for a player who got time to invest and not drachmas. The most time you put, the better for your roman units(which are powerful) 

Jun 16, 2016, 21:5706/16/16
The game would be better if more things were beneficial like this and not drachma.
Jun 17, 2016, 07:5106/17/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)
May 8, 2017, 23:3105/08/17

Actually most roman units are LESS attack/defend factors per time unit spent building them, so the only advantage they have is that  you have more factors per unit, ie. costing less grain upkeep (but since grain is plentiful who cares), and that you can store up "resources" in the form of denarii and build roman units when you have nothing else to build from (out of resources). 

But, yes, if you want denarii fast, clicking more often is the way  to go. Tutorial needed to explain this when the info is in the denarii menu?
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 10, 2017, 09:2405/10/17
henrik_rothen said:

Actually most roman units are LESS attack/defend factors per time unit spent building them, so the only advantage they have is that  you have more factors per unit, ie. costing less grain upkeep (but since grain is plentiful who cares), and that you can store up "resources" in the form of denarii and build roman units when you have nothing else to build from (out of resources). 

But, yes, if you want denarii fast, clicking more often is the way  to go. Tutorial needed to explain this when the info is in the denarii menu?
It never hurts to share some additional info and personal experience on Forum :)
May 17, 2017, 16:0305/17/17
How is denarii used in this game? i do not see it's benefit
May 17, 2017, 17:1205/17/17

frabri08 said:

How is denarii used in this game? i do not see it's benefit

It is used to buy specialised Roman troops, such as Gladiators and Legionaires.



Jul 19, 2017, 22:1907/19/17

good, very good 

Sep 15, 2017, 15:1309/15/17

frabri08 said:

How is denarii used in this game? i do not see it's benefit

reviviendo un post para que los que vean tengan en cuenta lo siguiente si es beneficioso por varias situaciones...

primero que nada la solucion de cada 1 hora mirar y obtener 500 denarios si tenes un horario de oficina de 8 a 10 horas son como dijo entre 4k o 5k denarios en un dia normal es super ventajoso para lo sigueinte:

no solo para obtener el mas fuerte de las tropas defensivas o tener al mas agil de las tropas ofensivas... 1p

sino para cuando tienes misiones de coa en creacion de tropas... dando de referencia el post de mi amigo THE IRATE PENGUIN en creacion tropas..

y mas aun.... si es que produces esa cantidad de denarios en un dia normal estas menos tiempo encima de las villas para obtener el valorado DENARIO....