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Guardian Quests: Tips & TricksGuardian Quests: Tips & Tricks

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Guardian Quests: Tips & Tricks

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Nov 18, 2020, 15:3611/18/20

Guardian Quests: Tips & Tricks


We wanted to share some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Guardian Quests:

Tip 1

While it's best to start every Guardian Quest you receive, sometimes it's wiser not to claim the Rewards as soon as you can. Completed Guardian Quests don't expire on refresh, nor do they count against the number of Quests you get the next day.

You can hold on to Quests like this until you have enough of them to complete their respective Moon Quest Category by turning them in. This is an especially good idea for 6th and 7th Order Quests, as they are extremely rare, and it can be very difficult to get enough for each Cycle.

If you ever see rare Quests (6th or 7th Order) and you can't send your Guardians on the Quest immediately, we suggest locking them so that you don't lose them.

Tip 2

After a new Moon Quest Cycle starts, compare the number of ready-to-complete Guardian Quests you have to the requirements of the relevant Moon Quest Category.

Gauge whether you want to try to complete the Category this cycle, whether you'll need to get more Missives to do it, or if you're just going to keep your ready-to-complete Quests for the next Cycle.

Tip 3

Use Missives and manual Quest replacement only when you're looking for a Quest of a specific Order to complete the Guardian Quests Category of the Moon Quests. 


Your last remaining Moon Quest is to "Complete 5 Guardian Quests of the 6th Order" and you've only completed three of this Order. Let's say there are only a few days left until a new Moon Quest Cycle. The chance of getting these Quests is only 1%, so you have two options:

Option 1: You can try to complete the Moon Quest Category. In this case, the best option would be replacing Quests and using Missives to get two 6th Order Guardian Quests. Only claim the Rewards for your other held 6th Order Quests when you have all 5 ready to go.

Option 2: You pass on completing the Moon Quest Category this Cycle. The three 6th Order Guardian Quests you've completed will continue to sit if you don't claim Rewards. If you get another 6th Order Guardian Quest soon, send your Guardians to add it to your collection. Then, complete them all once you have all 5 Quests next Cycle.

If you have any questions, or some tips of your own you want to share with other Archons, leave them in the comments.

Nov 23, 2020, 15:5511/23/20

Talking about moon quests, do you realize that achieving 200 million pp points, is about 100 times as hard as any other category? Just saying...

Nov 25, 2020, 16:1111/25/20

Talking about moon quests, do you realize that achieving 200 million pp points, is about 100 times as hard as any other category? Just saying...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Actually, lots of active Persian Position players manage to complete this part quickly. There are lots of tricks & tips on the forum on how to do Persian Positions. I suggest you read some of them. I hope they help you to complete this part of the Moon Quests. 

Dec 13, 2020, 20:3312/13/20

I didnt say its impossible. I didnt ask how its done. I said its not balanced compared to the other categories. I thought I was pretty clear on this.

But I guess it doesnt matter now that you introduced a pay-to-win 1% random quest obstacle on top of this.

Mar 19, 2021, 08:3803/19/21

so i can keep all unclaimed completed guardian quests until i want to apply them regardless of time.

Mar 22, 2021, 14:4003/22/21

so i can keep all unclaimed completed guardian quests until i want to apply them regardless of time.

Yes, you can. 😎 Just don't forget to lock them. 😉

Nov 20, 2021, 21:3111/20/21

Yes, you can. 😎 Just don't forget to lock them. 😉

What do you mean by "lock them", please? 

May 15, 2023, 02:5805/15/23

Start and collect all new 1 order quests first which are instantly completed to make room for starting more higher order quests. The more guardian slots you have unlocked, the more guardians you can have on hand to start and complete more guardian quests with, and the max being about 18 to 20 pages worth of completed guardian quests before you have to start collecting some of them in order to start more/new guardian quests.   Since you have already polished off all order 1's, collect all order 2's and 3's as well and then as many order 4's as needed since these are the most numerous/common orders you can  get and thru both opening/applying silver and gold missives.

May 15, 2023, 03:0605/15/23

... and I hear and have been shown by a fellow member that there is an actual event to increase your chances of getting 6th and 7th orders, but "mysteriously" others and myself have never seen this event listed nor running  and I personally login 2-4 times every day. Things that make you go Hmmm....

May 17, 2023, 22:3705/17/23

... and I hear and have been shown by a fellow member that there is an actual event to increase your chances of getting 6th and 7th orders, but "mysteriously" others and myself have never seen this event listed nor running  and I personally login 2-4 times every day. Things that make you go Hmmm....

Hm, I must post in here all the events so the players will be informed. We had this event a lot of times, and the last one was  1 month ago  so we all are stacked up with 6th and 7th orders enough for 5-6 months.  Maaybe you were checking the special events and not the global live events. Thank you for letting me know.🙂
