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Dice Event. Dev Notes

Dice Event. Dev Notes

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DariaCommunity Manager
Dec 7, 2022, 12:4512/07/22

Dice Event. Dev Notes

Archons, Dare To Travel The Path Of Artemis! 

Path of Artemis

Not three moons before the festival of Karneia, a pair of young boys ventured out into the Spartan wilderness towards the Temple of Artemis Orthia. Daxos, their mentor - you may recall his wanton cruelty from your krypteia days, Archon - insisted that, to prove themselves worthy of the Spartan polity, the boys must locate the mythical Path of the hunter-goddess. He did not expect them to succeed; in fact, he expected them to die of exposure in the harsh night of the Peloponnese.

But die they did not - instead, their tired feet stumbled upon the very Path itself. They ran back to the Spartan court, breathlessly recounting their tale of discovery. They were beaten, of course, for telling lies, but they insisted there was a secret avenue in the valley behind the Temple, filled with idols of Artemis, the whispers of marsh-dwelling Naiads, and the promise of extraordinary riches. Indeed, the boys spoke truthfully.

The Path of Artemis is now open to all pious - and brave - adventurers. They are encouraged to locate the goddess’ Eikons, as our elders believe that those in possession of enough of these symbols will be granted a reward by the daughter of Zeus herself.

To the Path

Move along the Path by rolling Dice and land on spaces to collect Rewards, Event Resources, encounter Enemies, hit devious obstacles, and meet those enterprising and often strange individuals who have been drawn to the Path’s divine power. You can also find several Tyche’s Trails, wherein the most valuable prizes await you.

The Path is split into four Regions, and while you may only move as far as the Dice allow, we advise you to spy out the route. You can, after all, complete the Path as many times as you like while the Event is on - so why not plan ahead?


Your primary methods of movement are Dice, of which there are two types: Standard and Precision. Get up to 30 Standard Dice per day by raiding Cities and emerging victorious from battles at the following locations:

- Emporia
- Pantheons
- Positions
- Campaign Mission Positions
- Elysian Positions
- Coalition Capitals

You may also pick them up from specific Special Offers, or even find them out on the Path.

Rolling a Standard Die will yield a number between 1 and 6. You can then choose to move forward along the Path by that number of spaces, or you can decide instead to roll a Precision Die.

Rolling a Precision Die allows you to choose how many spaces forward you wish to advance, from 1 to 6.

You can only roll a maximum of one Standard Die and one Precision Die per turn.

Precision Dice can be found in certain Special Offers or as part of Artemis’ Favor Rewards.

Event Resources


Eikons are the Event Resource that determines your position in the Rankings. The more you collect from the Path, the higher you climb in the Rankings. Finish the Event in one of the top spots, and you’ll receive a huge cache of Drachmas from Artemis’ own earthly treasury. Eikons are obtained by landing on certain spaces along the Path — do what you must to collect as many as you can!

Sacrificial Tablets

Sacrificial Tablets can be exchanged for Units at Iphigenia’s Altar, which can be visited at any time during the Event via the “Iphigenia’s Altar” tab in the Event window. Collect Tablets when you flip the Magos’ cards, from Chests on the Path, and from Enemies you defeat along the way.

Favor Tokens

Favor Tokens are required to claim Free and Premium Rewards in Artemis’ Favor. Pick them up when you flip the Magos’ cards, from Chests along the Trail, or from Enemies you defeat, and head over to the “Artemis’ Favor” tab in the Event window to cash them in. Remember, if you want to claim Premium Rewards too, you will first need to unlock them by spending Drachmas.

Path Spaces

Each space you land on as you progress along the Path presents unique challenges and Rewards. Think carefully before moving from a space - once you move on, you may not go back!


Be warned: the Persian interlopers have heard rumor of our discovery and have already begun their incursion upon our sacred land. You must fight every one of them you meet! The Persians on the Path come in three strengths, and so they take varying periods of time to defeat. The Path of Artemis is a worthwhile but exhausting adventure, which means you must wait for a cooldown to elapse between attacks - or, you can relinquish Die to immediately rejuvenate yourself.

Traveling Kapelos

The Traveling Kapelos appears on his own unique spaces to tempt you with two potential purchases. You may only choose one for each Traveling Kapelos space you land on, but don’t forget the Iphigenia’s Altar he is in commune with is always open while the Event is on.

The Magos

Upon hitting a Magos space, this mysterious individual presents you with four cards. Choose one to flip and win either a Reward or a Magos Multiplier. Magos Multipliers are single-use, and are automatically applied when you obtain the corresponding Event Resource or Reward — this will double your bounty. Note that Sacrificial Tablets and Favor Tokens Multiplier will only double Tablets and Tokens you earn from defeating enemies you encounter on the Path. They will not have any effect on Sacrificial Tablets and Favor Tokens you acquire from other sources such as Path Chests. The Rewards Multiplier will double the Rewards you collect from spaces on the Path (excluding those on Tyche’s Trail), and the Rewards you earn from defeating enemies.

Naiad’s Marsh

Do not fall prey to the call of the Naiads: they will draw you into the Marshes scattered about the Path and impede your progress. Either choose to cross them alone, which will take time, or bribe local marsh-dwellers with Die to enlist their help and escape immediately.

Path Chests

Keep an eye out for the lost treasures of antiquity! Some spaces contain Silver Chests, while others offer Gold Chests — both are worth your efforts, and both require Drachmas to unlock, but Gold Chests contain a more valuable set of Rewards than Silver ones.

Tyche’s Trail

Getting here will be difficult, but it will be worth the effort. Land on the Arch of Tyche and, on your next turn, you will be sent through Tyche’s Trail. The most valuable Rewards on the Path can be found along these 6-space avenues!

Leaving the Path

The Rewards you claim along the Path will be added to your account automatically, but be sure to spend all your Event Resources before the Event is over, or you will lose them. When the Event comes to a close, those adventurers at the top end of the Rankings will be rewarded with Drachmas. Remember, your position in the Rankings is determined by the number of Eikons you collect.

So, get out on the Path and claim the riches Artemis left behind! 

Dec 17, 2022, 22:1812/17/22

Its a bit long winded but quite liked the event really seemed to offer fair rewards. i would rate as much better than team positions which again is starting shortly, I dont know anyone who actually wants to play that.

DariaCommunity Manager
Dec 20, 2022, 14:2312/20/22

Its a bit long winded but quite liked the event really seemed to offer fair rewards. i would rate as much better than team positions which again is starting shortly, I dont know anyone who actually wants to play that.

Thanks for your straightforward comment, Archon. Also, glad to know that you enjoyed this event 🙂

Dec 25, 2022, 16:4112/25/22

Yeah i got into it not every update is doom and gloom, i like it. anyway merry christmas everyone!!

Jan 31, 2023, 22:5001/31/23

Please find a way of reducing/speeding up this game there so much to do now it takes a long time to roll 30+ dice. I like it but it can be made a lot quicker im sure. way too many confirmations when you have no choice but to move for example

DariaCommunity Manager
Mar 14, 2023, 12:3403/14/23

Please find a way of reducing/speeding up this game there so much to do now it takes a long time to roll 30+ dice. I like it but it can be made a lot quicker im sure. way too many confirmations when you have no choice but to move for example

How do you see it can be done faster, Archon?