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Unions. Dev Notes

Unions. Dev Notes

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May 13, 2019, 11:5605/13/19

Unions. Dev Notes

Ready for new tactics?

Join a Union. Bond your Coalitions and fight together!

Unions are groups of allied Coalitions that work and strategize together.

Coalitions in a Union still retain the same relationship between each other as they had before they joined the Union – Coalitions within a Union can attack each other, and Unit statistics (such as Movement Speed) are unaffected. Unions are primarily for efficient communication and coordination.

Creating a Union

Creating a Union is free and any Coalition with 100 or more Coalition Members can start a Union. The Hegemon of these Coalitions can do so from the "Unions" tab of the Embassy.

The Hegemon of the Union's founding Coalition will become the Union Leader. Hegemons must decide the following when creating a Union:

  • Union Name
  • Union Tag. An identifier for the Union using 3 Latin letters
  • Union Description
  • Union Banner. The Hegemon can select the Banner from the pattern options provided

Hegemons cannot create a Union if:

  • Their Coalition is currently being dismissed
  • Their chosen Union Name or Union Tag has been taken

Joining a Union

Joining by invitation.

Union Leaders can send invitations to join their Union to any Coalition. Union Leaders can send up to 50 invitations to join their Union at any one time.

The Hegemons of the Coalitions receiving the invitations can either choose to accept or decline them.

Joining by application.

Hegemons of any Coalition can apply to join Unions. Up to 5 applications can be sent out at any one time. If a Coalition applies to join a 6th Union, the oldest active application will be automatically deleted without any notice.

Coalitions can only be a part of one Union at a time. A Hegemon cannot send requests to join a Union or accept invitations if the Coalition is being dismissed.

A Union can have up to 200 active applications at one time.

Leaving a Union

Only Hegemons can remove their Coalition from a Union. Hegemons can apply to join another Union immediately after leaving their previous Union.

Granting Union Permissions

The Hegemon of the Union's founding Coalition automatically becomes the Union Leader.

They can give management permissions to any Hegemon in the Union and raise them up to be a Union Leader.

Union Leaders are able to:

  • Send Union invitations to other Hegemons
  • Accept or decline requests to join the Union
  • Change Union management permissions
  • Change Union Name, Tag, Description, and Banner (for free)
  • Send messages to Union Members
  • Eject Coalitions from the Union
  • Dismiss the Union

If the founding Coalition's Hegemon delegates his Hegemon status to another member of the Coalition, the new Hegemon will also become a Union Leader.

Dismissing a Union

Any Union Leader can start the Union Dismissal process. It takes 7 days for the Union to be dismissed after the process begins. Any Union Leader can also stop the dismissal before the countdown ends.

If the Union consists of a single Coalition and the Hegemon dismisses the Coalition, the Union will also be dismissed once the Coalition is dismissed.

If a Union has a single Leader and their Coalition is dismissed, the Union will also be dismissed once the Coalition is dismissed.

Once the last Coalition remaining in a Union leaves it, the Union will be dismissed after 7 days.

Union Ranking

Unions have their own Ranking, which can be found in the "Ranking" section of the "Unions" tab at the Embassy.

The more Influence a Union has, the higher will be its position in the Rankings. Union Influence is the sum of the Influence that each Coalition in the Union has.

Union Identification

All Archons who are members of the Union will have the three-letter Union Tag before the name of their Coalition. This makes it easy to identify other Union members.

Join together now and leave your enemies behind in the dust!

May 13, 2019, 14:2205/13/19

3 days later, hope for the next time plarium think ahead how to do things.

Now, what's the advantage of being on a union?

What people gain of being in a union (in game mechanics)

Does unions have a special purpose for game?

Will they have their own achievements?

Why coalitions with less than 100 members are being discriminated when they are the ones that would take any advantage of it?

May 14, 2019, 12:3505/14/19

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

3 days later, hope for the next time plarium think ahead how to do things.

Now, what's the advantage of being on a union?

What people gain of being in a union (in game mechanics)

Does unions have a special purpose for game?

Will they have their own achievements?

Why coalitions with less than 100 members are being discriminated when they are the ones that would take any advantage of it?

Hello! Thank you for your questions. 

The main purpose of a Union is helping players identify the affiliation to a big team. Like it was before but now it's showing on the map and of course, it's easier to communicate now in an overall chat.

As for the requirements for creating a Union, they were created by our game designers. I think they are reasonable since like in every strategy game you need to develop your team to some level to progress. After your Coalition contains a needed number of members, you can create a Union.

As for the achievements and challenges, I don't have any information at the moment. Maybe they will appear in the future. 

May 15, 2019, 07:1005/15/19
May 15, 2019, 07:16(edited)

why they need to identify with a big team? I dont understand that,can you explain it.

And also did not explain why the RESCTRICTIONS OR DICRIMINATION to coas with less than 100 members (reasonable or not is not an explanation to justify it)

haven't devs better things to do, like to improve a broken game that keep adding things, making game less and less attractive?

 everyday it gets harder to play more an obligation of tasks, that a REAL STRATEGY GAME of fighting as it was at the beginning

please, boris, I would love a straight and direct answer, not a talk like politicals where they say many words but at the end they say nothing.

May 20, 2019, 18:0805/20/19

There are few advantages and of course few things that are in need to be addressed as follow:


Ability to display and be seen of which union your coalition is part of and sometime can be a way to put off enemies from messing out with the city. pantheon, capital or emporium.


Being a part of a Union can bring more enemies and most of the time not because of the behavior of your own coalition.
Due to rules of the Union you may be restricted on things which otherwise you will not be.

Things that may need to be looked into it:

*Any rewards/ achievements due to joining or creating a Union.
*Tournaments between Unions.
*Reconsidering the restriction of small coalitions as they the one who need to come together to defend or offend against bigger players or even bigger coalitions.

Depending on your strategy you can choose to make use of such opportunity or as we know many coalitions are not displaying their affiliation with other coalitions and they work together as well and they do gain more this way and always use different platforms for communication which can be hard to get everyone using same platform.

This new upgrade offers few advantages on not being logged on other platforms and use to communicate through game messaging which is available to union members chat.

One thing to remember having even 1000 members of a Union does not mean they all at the same time on or you will be attacked by all or a major attack will take place against you if you choose not to be part of  or display a Union.

I guess this is a choice and as people following a trend most will go for it and will display a Union.

The best strategy is yours as a player and depending on your type of strategy you can outsmart all other strategies.

This is interesting and is I presume still in developing mode and most of players are excited to see the following upgrades what improvements will be happening.