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The Infamous Postitons Discussion 2019

The Infamous Postitons Discussion 2019

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Feb 2, 2019, 13:4702/02/19

The Infamous Postitons Discussion 2019

It seems even to this day there is speculation on how it still works, I myself have been able to figure out some of the inter-workings of the system. I have not thought of what Meritus said above about only using light troops, I think its a great idea, in my opinion, I plan to do that from now on, so thanks for the help. Now let's get to some of the meat.

So if you have seen, pps will, in fact, give you lots of resources. this can be used to our advantage. If you choose to attack when your entire resource capacity has been met the position rewards will have no choice but to give you reward in only troops, it will not even try to give you more then the average 100 bronze, grain, and timber. this, in turn, allows us to regain some of that valuable time training.

low levels that have replenished (about lvl 1-30) will not give us more then we attacked with because if it did, it would be the easiest way to farm soldiers and train them at the same time. so when we try and do the highest mission available, we can get a fresh fight, one that will give us more soldiers on the average, as long as we have, enough soldiers. Though don't get me wrong, I don't think ANYONE has found what is considered "enough".

lastly, this is the dumb part, you can only get a "Good Raid" 1-3 times a day, continuously trying to raid will actually lower your chances of getting you more soldiers.

so taking all in will GREATLY help in your chances of getting booty. I would like to hear any additional discoveries or thoughts of any veterans

Feb 5, 2019, 07:4402/05/19
Feb 5, 2019, 09:07(edited)

Thank you for your input Miles.

You are perfectly right to use light infantry as they are easy to build and affordable.

Once all agreements and unit ranks are as high as possible to be able to benefit from the Agreement Bonus which will improve significantly the Combat Stats.

Will also be a good idea to spend some time on upgrading:

The Guardians: Priestess (position defense ) 

                          Ambusher (position offense)

This way you can have a better chance on minimizing your unit loss and get a greater damage to the Persian forces.

I hope this helps.

Aug 6, 2019, 15:1608/06/19

Hi Miles Regi,

Indeed it is very important to start doing PP with your resources filled up already. It's good that you noticed it but it's not a recent discovery, and you can go around on the forum and see that PP have been largely discussed, even into details, in other threads.

Other important and basic things to keep in mind are the different bonuses you can activate before (Red mentioned one, the guardian, but there are others), the number of points you get (try to reach a milestone for a reward that's interesting for you! I started doing 100 points, then 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and now 10k or 20k depending on the tournament), and the kind of units you use (basically, attacking positions on their weak points, i.e. with units of which they have the least for offense positions and the most for defense positions) will significantly reduce your losses.

Those are just basic points that everybody should know, I won't go into more details here since it has been done elsewhere. Have fun 

Aug 10, 2019, 01:5708/10/19

the light infantry only work under levels 105, aftar that levels is not the best idea because take to much time train more of 1mil of def or attack, so you only have one choice, use that you have in your city, if you know that a positions have more of 20k cavalry and less of 2k units of phalanx you should send phalanx, but if you last reward was 2k of cavalry and you only have 1k phalanx? you can't do anything, where is the strategy?and if you try to do pp defending xerxes will only give you def thats ok but i still don't know how work the pp, i am on the level 153 of pp and is very irregular with the rewards, some times only give me less that 500 units of phalanx, as an advice, don't pass the level 105 

Aug 10, 2019, 02:0408/10/19
Aug 10, 2019, 02:0708/10/19

red, can you said me if 329 of cavalry are a normal reward for a level 139? call me crazy but i think somethings are not working very good

Aug 10, 2019, 20:3808/10/19
ivan89 said:

red, can you said me if 329 of cavalry are a normal reward for a level 139? call me crazy but i think somethings are not working very good

Aug 13, 2019, 08:4208/13/19

ivan89 said:

red, can you said me if 329 of cavalry are a normal reward for a level 139? call me crazy but i think somethings are not working very good

Good day! 

As you know, I am sure, after every victory, there is a gap that gets generated and which you need to fill with units gradually in order to be able to win again. Of course, such high levels demand more units for sacrificing than lower levels. However, what is important to remember here is that Positions are not designed for raising the number of your army, but for converting weaker units into stronger ones primarily. So what is rewarded here is patience and persistence. 

And, as you can see from IOANNIS's screenshot everything is individual and working correctly! 

Wish you good luck in the game.  

Aug 22, 2019, 13:2108/22/19

Katerina Maurogennous said:   Ivan89 it is why we have to scout the PP with 1 unit. if the position should be attacked with units we don't have, we choose to scout another PP .my advise is to activate the -50% grain consumption when we attack PP (besides full storages with resources ).experts saying -% of grain consumption gives more units in the final PP payout .my advise is always kill the little payouts you get in PP in order to win the big one.if xerxes don't want to pay it is better to stop for a couple of days and have a try again  

ivan89 said:

the light infantry only work under levels 105, aftar that levels is not the best idea because take to much time train more of 1mil of def or attack, so you only have one choice, use that you have in your city, if you know that a positions have more of 20k cavalry and less of 2k units of phalanx you should send phalanx, but if you last reward was 2k of cavalry and you only have 1k phalanx? you can't do anything, where is the strategy?and if you try to do pp defending xerxes will only give you def thats ok but i still don't know how work the pp, i am on the level 153 of pp and is very irregular with the rewards, some times only give me less that 500 units of phalanx, as an advice, don't pass the level 105 .    

Aug 26, 2019, 11:5308/26/19

Total nonsense if xeres is not paying out it's because you haven't lost enough units yet. Taking a break won't make a difference.

Here's a simple way to understand pp:

Each unit is worth resources, when you lose units  this fill up your bank when bank is full pp pay out!

Common mistakes partial payout and big payout. When you beat a position and receive a small amount of units compared to what you lost, that is a partial payout. When you beat a position and receive a huge amount of troops, that is a big payout. (a big payout is when your bank is full - pp repay you everything back, up to the limit of the position you just beat can pay)( the higher the position the more it can pay back)


So what's the point of playing pp if it's not there to help me grow my army i bet you ask! Persian positions is there for you to convert your low quality troops into stronger one fast and also you can grow your army if you play pp during events which give troops as rewards + with the coins you won in the event you can revive some of the troop you lost.

Still don't get it? fine

You play pp during an event, you lose say 1 mil offence and 500000 defense, you get your big payout and won back exactly what you had lost. But you won in the event 100 agema horses and say 25 mounted peltast + some other items... you also won 500 coins in the event.

Now your army is better off by what you won in the event + what ever you revived with those 500 coins if you decide to revive also when you played pp more than likely you killed all your nasty crappy javelins and swordsman, then your myrmidon and peltast etc but what you got in the big payout was nice phalanx or shinny horses! So well done you converted troops without even knowing it!!!

Still don't get it? Stick to Candy crush!
Aug 27, 2019, 10:4008/27/19

Shintaki said:

Total nonsense if xeres is not paying out it's because you haven't lost enough units yet. Taking a break won't make a difference.

Here's a simple way to understand pp:

Each unit is worth resources, when you lose units  this fill up your bank when bank is full pp pay out!

Common mistakes partial payout and big payout. When you beat a position and receive a small amount of units compared to what you lost, that is a partial payout. When you beat a position and receive a huge amount of troops, that is a big payout. (a big payout is when your bank is full - pp repay you everything back, up to the limit of the position you just beat can pay)( the higher the position the more it can pay back)


So what's the point of playing pp if it's not there to help me grow my army i bet you ask! Persian positions is there for you to convert your low quality troops into stronger one fast and also you can grow your army if you play pp during events which give troops as rewards + with the coins you won in the event you can revive some of the troop you lost.

Still don't get it? fine

You play pp during an event, you lose say 1 mil offence and 500000 defense, you get your big payout and won back exactly what you had lost. But you won in the event 100 agema horses and say 25 mounted peltast + some other items... you also won 500 coins in the event.

Now your army is better off by what you won in the event + what ever you revived with those 500 coins if you decide to revive also when you played pp more than likely you killed all your nasty crappy javelins and swordsman, then your myrmidon and peltast etc but what you got in the big payout was nice phalanx or shinny horses! So well done you converted troops without even knowing it!!!

Still don't get it? Stick to Candy crush!

It's up to you to decide whether to fight Persian Positions or not. There are a lot of other activities in the game you may focus on to progress. 

Wish you good luck in the game. 

Sep 1, 2019, 13:0809/01/19

Shintaki said:

Total nonsense if xeres is not paying out it's because you haven't lost enough units yet. Taking a break won't make a difference.

Here's a simple way to understand pp:

Each unit is worth resources, when you lose units  this fill up your bank when bank is full pp pay out!

Common mistakes partial payout and big payout. When you beat a position and receive a small amount of units compared to what you lost, that is a partial payout. When you beat a position and receive a huge amount of troops, that is a big payout. (a big payout is when your bank is full - pp repay you everything back, up to the limit of the position you just beat can pay)( the higher the position the more it can pay back)


So what's the point of playing pp if it's not there to help me grow my army i bet you ask! Persian positions is there for you to convert your low quality troops into stronger one fast and also you can grow your army if you play pp during events which give troops as rewards + with the coins you won in the event you can revive some of the troop you lost.

Still don't get it? fine

You play pp during an event, you lose say 1 mil offence and 500000 defense, you get your big payout and won back exactly what you had lost. But you won in the event 100 agema horses and say 25 mounted peltast + some other items... you also won 500 coins in the event.

Now your army is better off by what you won in the event + what ever you revived with those 500 coins if you decide to revive also when you played pp more than likely you killed all your nasty crappy javelins and swordsman, then your myrmidon and peltast etc but what you got in the big payout was nice phalanx or shinny horses! So well done you converted troops without even knowing it!!!

Still don't get it? Stick to Candy crush!

The conclusion of your post show that you are an unexperienced Position Player.

Sep 2, 2019, 14:5709/02/19


Shintaki said:

Total nonsense if xeres is not paying out it's because you haven't lost enough units yet. Taking a break won't make a difference.

Here's a simple way to understand pp:

Each unit is worth resources, when you lose units  this fill up your bank when bank is full pp pay out!

Common mistakes partial payout and big payout. When you beat a position and receive a small amount of units compared to what you lost, that is a partial payout. When you beat a position and receive a huge amount of troops, that is a big payout. (a big payout is when your bank is full - pp repay you everything back, up to the limit of the position you just beat can pay)( the higher the position the more it can pay back)


So what's the point of playing pp if it's not there to help me grow my army i bet you ask! Persian positions is there for you to convert your low quality troops into stronger one fast and also you can grow your army if you play pp during events which give troops as rewards + with the coins you won in the event you can revive some of the troop you lost.

Still don't get it? fine

You play pp during an event, you lose say 1 mil offence and 500000 defense, you get your big payout and won back exactly what you had lost. But you won in the event 100 agema horses and say 25 mounted peltast + some other items... you also won 500 coins in the event.

Now your army is better off by what you won in the event + what ever you revived with those 500 coins if you decide to revive also when you played pp more than likely you killed all your nasty crappy javelins and swordsman, then your myrmidon and peltast etc but what you got in the big payout was nice phalanx or shinny horses! So well done you converted troops without even knowing it!!!

Still don't get it? Stick to Candy crush!

The conclusion of your post show that you are an unexperienced Position Player.

Yeah right.

Sep 2, 2019, 17:3409/02/19
Sep 2, 2019, 17:50(edited)
You are not even in top 100 on position Ranking ....
Sep 3, 2019, 02:3309/03/19
Yep sure like i'm gonna be on it after playing sparta for 3 month get real.