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Guide for Traps

Guide for Traps

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Oct 29, 2018, 13:5910/29/18

Guide for Traps


Looking for a new way to keep your City safe? Good news - Traps are new defense-only Units that protect your City and Units from attacks, including Political Attacks. 

Traps are your City's first line of defense. They engage enemy Units and Political Attacks before they reach your City, reducing the power of the incoming attack and preventing it from destroying your other Units.

Producing Traps

Traps are available to players who have reached Level 15.

Producing Traps requires Bronze, Timber, and Grain. To start production, go to the Agora and open the “Traps” tab. You can also speed up the process with Drachmas or Boosts.

Keep in mind that you are limited to how many Traps can be at your City (including Production Queues) at any one time. To increase this limit, you must update the “Council” Trap Agreement for each Trap type.

Traps - The Advantages

Traps are cheaper and faster to produce than other Unit types, which means they are the most economical way of defending your City from attack. They are also a useful way from protecting your City against Political Attacks.

Traps have a separate production queue, meaning that they will not disrupt the training of other Units.

Traps are not displayed in enemy Spying Reports, giving you the element of surprise over your enemies.

Trap Types

There are 5 types of Traps, and each type has 2 Tiers: Arcadian and Elean.

Universal Traps (Arcadian and Elean). These defend against all Unit types and Political Attacks sent to your City.

Light Infantry Traps (Arcadian and Elean). These defend against Light Infantry Units and Political Attacks sent to your City.

Heavy Infantry Traps (Arcadian and Elean). These defend against Heavy Infantry Units and Political Attacks sent to your City.

Phalanx Traps (Arcadian and Elean). These defend against Phalanx Units and Political Attacks sent to your City.

Cavalry Traps (Arcadian and Elean). These defend against Cavalry Units and Political Attacks sent to your City.

Traps will only defend against their counterpart Units. For example, if you have Light Infantry Traps and an enemy attacked you with only Phalanx Units, the Light Infantry Traps will not take part in your City defense.

Elean Traps have identical base statistics to their Arcadian counterparts. They can be improved further by signing and updating Elean Traps Agreements.

Fully updating the "Council" Agreements for your Arcadian and Elean Traps will double the amount of Traps you can station at your City.

In order to start producing Elean Traps, you must first signing the Agreement with Elis.

Each Trap has 3 main stats. These can be improved by signing the respective Trap Agreements:

Guild - increases the Defense of your Traps

Council - increases the Trap Limit (the number of Traps you can have at your City including Production Queues)

Academy - reduces Production Time for Traps

Traps in Battle

Traps will automatically defend your City during an attack. Only the required number of Traps will take part in the defense, but those that do take part cannot be used again – a Trap can only engage an enemy once before being lost.

When you lose a Trap, you will have to produce a new one to replace it, as they will not be sent to the Infirmary.

Traps cannot be moved to your Catacombs, or sent as Reinforcements to other locations.

If you have both Traps and Defensive Units stationed at your City, the defensive process will be split into two stages.

Stage 1: Your Traps will defend against their counterpart Unit type(s) in an attack on your City. Any Trap used to defend against an attack will be lost.

Stage 2: The remaining enemy Units will fight against the other Units you have stationed at your City.

Bonuses that increase the defensive stats of other Units will not apply to Traps.

During an attack, Unit-specific Traps will defend before your Universal Traps. For example, your City has both Universal and Cavalry Traps, and an incoming enemy attack includes both Cavalry Units and Phalanx Units. The Cavalry Traps will defend first and inflict damage on the enemy Cavalry Units. After that, the Universal Traps will begin inflicting damage on the rest.

Traps and Political Attacks (Greek Assassins)

All Traps can defend against Political Attacks.

If a Political Attack’s power exceeds the combined power of Traps active at the City, then all of the Traps will be lost. The remaining power of the Political Attack will be inflicted on your other Units.

If a Political Attack’s power is less than the combined power of the Traps, the Political Attack will inflict some damage to the Traps (some will be lost). The Political Attack is then classified as “unsuccessful”.

Remember to keep improving your Traps by updating Trap Agreements to get the best results. Share this knowledge with your Coalition to better defend against your enemies.

Good luck !

Oct 31, 2018, 22:3010/31/18
thanks for this information.
Nov 1, 2018, 15:1411/01/18
Bluetrinity2 said:

thanks for this information.
You're welcome  Hope you liked this feature! 
Nov 2, 2018, 14:3011/02/18
Do traps only support my units in city or also my coalition's people reinforcements they send to my city ?
Nov 3, 2018, 23:0711/03/18

her0es said:

Do traps only support my units in city or also my coalition's people reinforcements they send to my city ?

Traps will support all units in the city.

 They will be the 1st to take the hit before towers and any units out in the city that include any reinforcements.

A good idea is to sign all Trap agreements and get them maximized,they will be beneficial on increasing the defense of your traps and signing the Academy will reduce the production time of your traps. 

I hope this helps.

Nov 3, 2018, 23:1611/03/18
Mad Maximus said:

Do enemies get reduced points when they hit traps, compared to troops?

When you throw a PA at someone their points are slight compared to yours because they killed no active troops, do traps work the same in an opposite way where the attacker has reduced points because the traps are again a disposable unit?
Enemies will get reduced points or next to nothing depending of the level of the agreement signed for your traps and they need to send not one Pa but many to be able to start hitting the units and this also depend of the level of the agreements signed.
Nov 5, 2018, 01:5711/05/18

Mad Maximus said:


Had my doubts about these traps, thinking what's the point in an Anti-PA unit, when  it would be less time/expense for all just to remove PA from game if PA was that much of a  problem to require a defuser, but these traps work against troops also, so they're a good update overall I think.  These and the new towers are much better updates than guardians.

I am glad I am not the only one to enjoy the added feature.

Thank you for your input.

You always welcome , any questions you have feel free to ask.
Nov 8, 2018, 11:5511/08/18
Nov 8, 2018, 11:56(edited)
 hola soy cielo nose como jugar 
Nov 12, 2018, 02:0411/12/18
I have noticed after a political attack that not all the traps are lost, yet some of my units will die, can this be because of the unit types defending my city and their corresponding traps for a particular unit type are not sufficient to completely stop the assassin?
Nov 13, 2018, 11:5311/13/18

CU Hawk said:

I have noticed after a political attack that not all the traps are lost, yet some of my units will die, can this be because of the unit types defending my city and their corresponding traps for a particular unit type are not sufficient to completely stop the assassin?


With political attack Traps work in this way:

1. If Assassin is more powerful than your Traps, then Assassin attacks Traps first and then your Units.

2. If Traps are more powerful than Assassin, then he will kill as many Traps as he can.

It would be great if you could send a screenshot of the Battle report you're talking about.
Nov 15, 2018, 01:0111/15/18

CU Hawk said:

I have noticed after a political attack that not all the traps are lost, yet some of my units will die, can this be because of the unit types defending my city and their corresponding traps for a particular unit type are not sufficient to completely stop the assassin?

Traps are having Individual Stats Combat which you can view in the Agreement Bonus which depends on the level you upgrade them.

Also each Trap defend against certain units  and Political attack but the level of upgrading will change significantly the outcome as you can see in the picture bellow.

Arcadian Traps, Elean Traps their power will all depend on the level of upgrade and also in the Councils once upgraded you will increase theTrap limit.
In Academy  if agreements are signed at the maximum level will benefit in the reduction or production of each individual Trap.

Good luck, I hope this helps.

Sep 19, 2019, 23:0609/19/19

"but those that do take part cannot be used again – a Trap can only engage an enemy once before being lost."

so if a  light infantry trap defense strength is 500  and they attack with 1 swordsman (say 100 strength), will the trap still be destroyed?

Sep 23, 2019, 17:0609/23/19
to my mind yes it would be as it would be utilised in the defence of that city 
Mar 2, 2020, 08:2803/02/20

I'm a little confused how PA damage is applied.  Recently got hit by 5 PA,

5PA=12600*5 = 63000 damage

58 Traps (500 def each) were destroyed = 29000 def

This leaves 34000 attack that was done to troops.

With the skills almost lvl 30 on most def units, pylarch 25% defence bonus, 20% defence booster, dominion 12 activated

i lost 18 cav, 30+ phalanx plus some heavies and lights.  My 18 cavs alone had more than 34k defence, how is it that i lost so much.

do PA's only apply to the base unit defense?

Mar 5, 2020, 17:5103/05/20
I am going to be honest here, due to some boosts being applied to base stats and some being applied cumulatively this is a really difficult one to calculate, add into this there is a random factor from Elisian unit boosts as well and the waters become even more murky, I fear we mere mortal moderators are not going to be much help on this, I'll ask the question of the dev team for you and see what their response is