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New Game Levels!

New Game Levels!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Jul 29, 2016, 10:5807/29/16

New Game Levels!

New Game Levels!

Push Yourself To New Heights!


The marathoners have brought glad tidings!

For those skillful Archons who have dedicated themselves to the fight against the Xerxes and his abhorrent Persian forces, there will now be 25 new Levels to conquer!

This groundbreaking Update allows all Archons to reach the colossal heights of Level 150 - further than any Spartan warrior has ever been before!

There have also been slight changes to the Reward system, meaning that you will now receive different Rewards when reaching these additional Levels.

It is clear what you must do, Archons! Improve your Cities! Destroy your enemies! Reach the highest Level you can!

May Zeus himself grant you wisdom and might on your march to greatness!

Basileus Leonidas

Jul 31, 2016, 00:5307/31/16
So starting at level 125 or 141 will there be unique gifts?
Jul 31, 2016, 07:4007/31/16
Oh great, more $$$$. Just never ends.
Jul 31, 2016, 14:0407/31/16
Basileus Leonidas said:

New Game Levels!

Push Yourself To New Heights!


The marathoners have brought glad tidings!

For those skillful Archons who have dedicated themselves to the fight against the Xerxes and his abhorrent Persian forces, there will now be 25 new Levels to conquer!

This groundbreaking Update allows all Archons to reach the colossal heights of Level 150 - further than any Spartan warrior has ever been before!

There have also been slight changes to the Reward system, meaning that you will now receive different Rewards when reaching these additional Levels.

It is clear what you must do, Archons! Improve your Cities! Destroy your enemies! Reach the highest Level you can!

May Zeus himself grant you wisdom and might on your march to greatness!

Basileus Leonidas

thank you! but please elaborate what you mean by slight changes to the reward system? thanks!
Jul 31, 2016, 23:4707/31/16

The Persian positions are for coiners !!!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 1, 2016, 11:2808/01/16
RIX said:

So starting at level 125 or 141 will there be unique gifts?
What gifts would you like to see? For example, if you reach level 150.
Aug 7, 2016, 04:2908/07/16
If you reach level 150, I would like to see the players "bank" and position levels reset to the very beginning....almost as if you had never played positions before. 
Aug 8, 2016, 10:1508/08/16

lil_uzi94 said:

Basileus Leonidas said:

New Game Levels!

Push Yourself To New Heights!


The marathoners have brought glad tidings!

For those skillful Archons who have dedicated themselves to the fight against the Xerxes and his abhorrent Persian forces, there will now be 25 new Levels to conquer!

This groundbreaking Update allows all Archons to reach the colossal heights of Level 150 - further than any Spartan warrior has ever been before!

There have also been slight changes to the Reward system, meaning that you will now receive different Rewards when reaching these additional Levels.

It is clear what you must do, Archons! Improve your Cities! Destroy your enemies! Reach the highest Level you can!

May Zeus himself grant you wisdom and might on your march to greatness!

Basileus Leonidas

They increase the levels, but the rewards, especially warriors units, increasingly scarce. that way you lose a lot army. thank you

Aug 8, 2016, 10:1708/08/16

They increase the levels, but the rewards, especially warriors units, increasingly scarce. that way you lose a lot army. thank you

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 8, 2016, 11:2608/08/16
claudioyyy said:

They increase the levels, but the rewards, especially warriors units, increasingly scarce. that way you lose a lot army. thank you

What rewards?