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Important!  Our Plans for the End of Flash Support

Important! Our Plans for the End of Flash Support

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 4, 2020, 14:4508/04/20

Important! Our Plans for the End of Flash Support


You may have heard that Flash will be disabled in the near future. Don't worry - we're on it.

We've been working on this for the past several months, and have two solutions for you.

Your first option is ready now! Just go to, install the Plarium Play launcher, and log in with your Plarium ID. All your progress and purchases will be saved, your units will move faster, and you can play in less time than it takes you to read this newspost.

As an added bonus, if you've never tried using the Plarium Play launcher, you should get a cool little welcome gift as well.

If you prefer to continue playing on browser, we're in the process of evaluating two different solutions. Both would ensure that your game state, progress, and purchases are saved. Both would ensure that you can keep enjoying your game into next year and beyond.

We'll announce our final choice and share all the information you will need to continue browser play later this year.

We know how much time, effort, and passion you've put into your game. We're committed to making sure it will be there for a long, long time.

For now, keep fighting, and remember that you are the most important part of our games!

Basileus Leonidas

Aug 11, 2020, 02:2208/11/20

if were really such an important part of the game 

maybe we should be allowed to earn any item that can be bough with $ through gameplay

if it can be sold for $ it should be obtainable through game play

Aug 14, 2020, 09:4008/14/20

General_Silence Red Warriors said:

if were really such an important part of the game 

maybe we should be allowed to earn any item that can be bough with $ through gameplay

if it can be sold for $ it should be obtainable through game play

Hello, General_Silence Red Warriors. 

Almost any item can be obtained in the game for free, e.g. as a reward in a tournament, as a gift, etc.. What is that item in question?