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Plarium Play App. We need your feedback!

Plarium Play App. We need your feedback!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Dec 18, 2019, 11:3112/18/19
Fix my account - I'm stuck unable to move after a KVK with a Echo error message every time I try to relocat3e.
Dec 19, 2019, 14:3612/19/19
bobox said:

Latest update no longer loads anything. Following the splash screen, I get a black box with a flickering spinner, but that's as far as it goes. I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same thing. I've had to resort to playing in browser. Please fix.
Hello Bobox: Are you still unable to access to the game? 
Dec 19, 2019, 14:3912/19/19
Dec 19, 2019, 14:40(edited)
Robert Satchwell said:

Fix my account - I'm stuck unable to move after a KVK with a Echo error message every time I try to relocat3e.
Hello Robert, can you please describe me what is a KVK? And post a screenshot of the place where you are stuck, with coordinates? Thanks
Dec 20, 2019, 16:2312/20/19
Laboyd said:



Certainly looks like it came from your app.  My days are done with Plarium and I suggest others be very aware!

What antivirus do you use? 
Dec 24, 2019, 21:1212/24/19

Unfortunately it no longer works on my computer. I click on the Plarium Play icon and nothing happens ...

Jan 2, 2020, 11:2301/02/20

Hello all at Plarium.

Can you tell me if there is any way of listing my Garrisons & Archons protecting my city in alphabetical order ?

 It would make it a lot quicker & easier to check for any Archons I may have missed sending reinforcements to, & those who have not sent me any.

On the funny side. Have you noticed that all the Spartans on the Sparta War of Empires home screen are Left handed.  : )

Jan 3, 2020, 12:2701/03/20

Namulmir said:

Unfortunately it no longer works on my computer. I click on the Plarium Play icon and nothing happens ...

Hello, Namulmir. I'm sorry for the delayed reply. Could you please let me know if this issue is still topical for you? If yes, please clear the cache and reinstall the application. 

In order to clear the cache please find the "Plarium Play" application shortcut on your Desktop area >> right-click it >> click on the "Open file location" option >> delete the "Cache" folder in the opened location.

Please let me know if it helped.

Jan 3, 2020, 12:4101/03/20

Shaguarcb said:

Hello all at Plarium.

Can you tell me if there is any way of listing my Garrisons & Archons protecting my city in alphabetical order ?

 It would make it a lot quicker & easier to check for any Archons I may have missed sending reinforcements to, & those who have not sent me any.

On the funny side. Have you noticed that all the Spartans on the Sparta War of Empires home screen are Left handed.  : )

Thanks for your suggestion, Shaguarcb. Please create further suggestions to the corresponding thread! At the moment, there is no alphabetical order filter in Garrison & Archons, we will take your suggestion into account. 

Jan 27, 2020, 05:5701/27/20

Hey That Man!! That Layout would be Marvellous Lad!!

TA£√)  Yorky 5😏💂👯
Jan 28, 2020, 07:4801/28/20
Yes Please More Alphabetical lists would be Logical and Intuitive for New Playerz and Rusty Returnerz like MUwaä 🤔🕵🕴😽🙏 Narmestê M.YOrky £;)
Jan 28, 2020, 12:0201/28/20
AlderYorkY said:

Yes Please More Alphabetical lists would be Logical and Intuitive for New Playerz and Rusty Returnerz like MUwaä 🤔🕵🕴😽🙏 Narmestê M.YOrky £;)
We will think about this idea. Thanks
Jan 31, 2020, 03:4101/31/20

Tell me, how is it an "improvement" to go from one click to select ALL in the War Council to the Acropolis, to now having to click 4 times to do the same thing?

Every suggestion is not a good one or even smart. Just because a few people can't figure out how to select off from def, or light from heavy, etc, et al, doesn't mean all of us have to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. This is way to stupid tedious! And all those buttons for each kind of soldier.... jeez, overkill to the nth. And why? to complicate things for people just wanting to one-click all forces to the Acropolis, or, do the time to select what you want FROM the ACropolis for whatever mission. Why do all have to suffer because some people can't deal with ALL?????????????
Jan 31, 2020, 12:2301/31/20

Astertame125 said:

Tell me, how is it an "improvement" to go from one click to select ALL in the War Council to the Acropolis, to now having to click 4 times to do the same thing?

Every suggestion is not a good one or even smart. Just because a few people can't figure out how to select off from def, or light from heavy, etc, et al, doesn't mean all of us have to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. This is way to stupid tedious! And all those buttons for each kind of soldier.... jeez, overkill to the nth. And why? to complicate things for people just wanting to one-click all forces to the Acropolis, or, do the time to select what you want FROM the ACropolis for whatever mission. Why do all have to suffer because some people can't deal with ALL?????????????

Thanks for your comment, Astertame125. 

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like that update and I completely understand that the lack of this button could cause some inconveniences to players. Players' feedback about this change was forwarded to our game designers and we should add the All button soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding. 

Feb 2, 2020, 04:0502/02/20
Feb 2, 2020, 04:10(edited)

Ok. All those added buttons really slows down scrolling thru the ranks to select the troops one wants to use to battle. You might think of a solution, lime the new War Council buttons that get one to selecting send/recall units a tad faster than scroll down to find the traditional Send/Recall buttons, to allow a person to put together a war party for whatever target: Raid, Siege, Cap, Pan, Emporia. I understand that it would not be a quick fix. But, as a longer term project, could offer benefits to a player..... to be able to quickly input say 100 promacho, 100 myr, 200 hop, 500 sword, click send, could be interesting "add" that enhances flexibility.

On that: nice implementation of the Reinforcements availability to other Coalition members relating to an Emporia! But, the down side, is those who help do not gain in the resources reaped for a successful hold of the Emporia. Some kind of resource share should be part of this, either directly, as say, a percent based on time or percent of the force that holds the emporia. You already have timers built in the game for such positions, so extending or expanding should just be a matter of time to perfect. Also, as Coa stacking is enabled for forces against Pans or Caps, such could easily be introduced for Emporia. This would then put more at stake in the game. I have advocated for Archon to Archon challenge battles, along with steep penalties for those rejecting a battle offer, meeting specific criteria inside a specified time envelope (which factors are also, already part of the game in various implementations (Phylarch special skills, for example).

The traditional battle framework is a bit plaid, now. Which you recognize, so these are to help stimulate your thinking forward. In that, extend the max Archon level to 200, decrease the points needed for each level (25 million is more than the total from level 80 to 125, roughly, and that makes no sense). i know there is the need to maintain a certain balance, equilibrium. But, the game should be a bit more challenging for the long in tooth guys.... say players over level 115, 125. And the rewards from events, quests, et al, should be commensurate with that level of player. Obviously, for most guys, maybe not for the super rich, but most guys, each has spent a lot of time, years, and money honing his sword, and has reached levels where rewards should be commensurate.  You have the League, Supreme League......... perhaps is time to introduce the Maximus League, and allow for a decision among qualified players to go from the basic league + supreme league to Supreme league + Maximus League.

I know you look at the guys who are say Level 125+ and see most are sitting still, or moving exceedingly slowly. So, guys who are under that, rightly ask: What is ahead? The answer: Blah, more of the same, just more resources required.

Not very exciting. So, I ask you to consider my proposals. If I wrote code, had yours, I would write this stuff in a week or two. But, I don't, So, I suggest. You know the changes you are doing are cosmetic. I suggest a tsunami. Your existing split of the basic League and the Supreme League should inform you. Now to the Maximus league........ Since I dont know how to write multiple emails here, I am at a disadvantage to separate these ideas.....
Feb 2, 2020, 04:3202/02/20

Ok, maybe this is how to post multiple notes in a sequential way.... Will see.....

Ok, Guardians, Elysians.... nice adds..... but, in the present implementation, they do not go far enough. I know, you put stuff in in attempt to be "democratic". Frankly, scratch that! No, install levels. A player at level 80 is in no-wise the same as a player at level 100; the same as a player at level 100 is not the same as a player at level 130. So, why should such even be permitted to attack a player outside their class? Except for external stuff: farms, emporia, and that is fine, okay. Nobody more than say 10-15 levels lower, under level 120 should be allowed to attack a player who is at level more than 120, except that a geographic, X/Y coordinate for a challenge battle of the attacker and the attackee MUST be accepted by the attacker or, failing to accept the challenge, the attacker is debuffed 20%, regardless his/her coalition status. This is just a mathematical formula, code easily inserted to govern the game.

All of this is that: the game is NOT democratic! So, I am not saying that a lower level player (meaning one who is not as advanced, hasn't spent the time, money, and game resources to help build self and a Coalition he/she might be member, or combination) should NOT be allowed to get away scot free for attacking a more advanced level player, without consequences. NO! That player should be subject to retaliation, and not just simply, and stupidly, returning a raid for a raid, or an assassin hit for an assassin hit. The game calculators do not necessarily provide for appropriate retribution or for equal recompense. He sends assassin, kills multiple towers, traps. Hit guy replies with same # assassins, and scores basically nothing.... so the little squat gets away with no penalty, while the guy who has built up is penalized, with no opportunity for retribution. Not fair, unfair. No, my solution allows for the intrepid lower level guy to make a score....... bigger guy might just pass. No problem. Gotta reward initiative. But you know, and I know, many people in this game have alts, alts they use to do what I have described, and they get away with these offenses, because the traps offer, really, virtually no stop to an attack, and the towers offer ZERO blunting effect on an attack, and, of course, Hermes, is useless.............. so someone hit, loses much, with effectively NO method to recoup losses let alone to render devastating assault on the hitter for the transgression. Tit for tat, eye for eye, ear for ear. Period!
Feb 2, 2020, 04:4602/02/20

Now, I am writing at length because I have put over 3 years in this, on Server 1 and now approaching on Server 2. So, I am qualified to say what I want to and to say what I want about how this community should go. You recently implemented nonsense changes due to some idiot, which I referenced in earlier notes. Who, being knowledgeable, skilled in this game needs to have a selection button for each kind of unit for each type of unit? That person, persons.... if this was my verse, even suggesting such dumb sh*t would be expelled. Your implementation just means it takes longer to do what was simple, easy before. And if the dolt who suggested this is insulted.... well, ok.... You want to fight? Look me up.

You, Plarium, need to take more heed to the words, suggestions, ideas of guys who have thoroughly worked the rounds, 2-3-4 years, more..... These people know what time of day it is. If you do the divisions I suggested above, you will create, instill, a hierarchy in the game.......... and if a guy wants the next level, then PAY to play, otherwise, get out of the way.

Plarium can stay flush with cash by making these game divisions and giving guys who are maxxed or nearing maxx something to retain incentive, time, participation, and, for you, Plarium, investment in the game.

For there to be this big-azz hole, where some clown of level 105 can successfully beat a Lvll 136 with some bullsh*t force of 500 Macedonians, is, truly, epic BULLSH*T, because that is the limited configuration of the danggone game.......... The game is NOT democratic! it is autocratic...... so, you take your chances, roll the dice, spin the roulette wheel............ But the comeback.... that threat.. Plarium, it is missing from this game. People here are like Trump......... do whatever, no consequences. Is that a solid foundation for a game? a game that needs members, members who spend actual & real money? You know the answer......

Feb 2, 2020, 15:1902/02/20

Bonjour, votre dernière mise à jour sur Soldier comme sur Sparta concernant la sélection des unités à récupérer sur une base ennemie ou simplement à rentrer dans le bunker est une très mauvaise idée ! Elle ralentie considérablement le jeu, à croire que vous ne testez pas le jeu en situation réelle. Si on a plusieurs catégories d'unités il faut le faire en 2 voire 3 actions différentes au lieu d'une seule avant sans parler de la trop petite case de sélection. :( Cette mise à jour est une vraie régression dans la fonctionnement du jeu.

Merci de modifier cela en revenant soit en rajoutant une possibilité de tout sélectionner ce qui revient à alourdir et compliquer encore avec une case supplémentaire donc inutile et régressif donc autant revenir à la présentation précédente :)

bonne journée
Feb 4, 2020, 13:1302/04/20

KpAlias said:

 Si on a plusieurs catégories d'unités il faut le faire en 2 voire 3 actions différentes au lieu d'une seule avant sans parler de la trop petite case de sélection. :( 

bonne journée

Thanks for your comment, KpAlias. Could you please specify in more detail and give me an example? If you can add screenshots to your story it would help us to better understand your feedback.Thanks in advance.  

Feb 4, 2020, 20:2302/04/20

Astertame125 said:

Ok. All those added buttons really slows down scrolling thru the ranks to select the troops one wants to use to battle. You might think of a solution, lime the new War Council buttons that get one to selecting send/recall units a tad faster than scroll down to find the traditional Send/Recall buttons, to allow a person to put together a war party for whatever target: Raid, Siege, Cap, Pan, Emporia. I understand that it would not be a quick fix. But, as a longer term project, could offer benefits to a player..... to be able to quickly input say 100 promacho, 100 myr, 200 hop, 500 sword, click send, could be interesting "add" that enhances flexibility.

On that: nice implementation of the Reinforcements availability to other Coalition members relating to an Emporia! But, the down side, is those who help do not gain in the resources reaped for a successful hold of the Emporia. Some kind of resource share should be part of this, either directly, as say, a percent based on time or percent of the force that holds the emporia. You already have timers built in the game for such positions, so extending or expanding should just be a matter of time to perfect. Also, as Coa stacking is enabled for forces against Pans or Caps, such could easily be introduced for Emporia. This would then put more at stake in the game. I have advocated for Archon to Archon challenge battles, along with steep penalties for those rejecting a battle offer, meeting specific criteria inside a specified time envelope (which factors are also, already part of the game in various implementations (Phylarch special skills, for example).

The traditional battle framework is a bit plaid, now. Which you recognize, so these are to help stimulate your thinking forward. In that, extend the max Archon level to 200, decrease the points needed for each level (25 million is more than the total from level 80 to 125, roughly, and that makes no sense). i know there is the need to maintain a certain balance, equilibrium. But, the game should be a bit more challenging for the long in tooth guys.... say players over level 115, 125. And the rewards from events, quests, et al, should be commensurate with that level of player. Obviously, for most guys, maybe not for the super rich, but most guys, each has spent a lot of time, years, and money honing his sword, and has reached levels where rewards should be commensurate.  You have the League, Supreme League......... perhaps is time to introduce the Maximus League, and allow for a decision among qualified players to go from the basic league + supreme league to Supreme league + Maximus League.

I know you look at the guys who are say Level 125+ and see most are sitting still, or moving exceedingly slowly. So, guys who are under that, rightly ask: What is ahead? The answer: Blah, more of the same, just more resources required.

Not very exciting. So, I ask you to consider my proposals. If I wrote code, had yours, I would write this stuff in a week or two. But, I don't, So, I suggest. You know the changes you are doing are cosmetic. I suggest a tsunami. Your existing split of the basic League and the Supreme League should inform you. Now to the Maximus league........ Since I dont know how to write multiple emails here, I am at a disadvantage to separate these ideas.....

Hello Astertame:

Thank you for being so detail about your concerns and ideas to improve Sparta, let´s make a list and have a discussion about them

1) Presentation of troops in War council: I agree with you since the beginning, the whole scroll down to select the troops is very uncomfortable. I could add the same for reports, to share a report with a friend or a page we have to take several pics, and don´t have to be that way. Anyway, I don´t know if developers can change that. Maybe in the long term like you said. 

2) Reinforces in emporia: I love that you like the improvement with coalition reinforces, and it´s true only the owner of the siege gets the resources and maybe it's a little unfair... Still, I think that sharing resources can make the game very laggy and the number of resources the emporia gives is not really worthing it.

3)Archon vs. archon challenge: It's a very nice idea! I don't agree about just the battle itself but could be about general gaming performance plus battles, like the Conflict Tournament. Plus, I don´t agree with the penalties. Play or not play any tournament it´s part of a valid personal strategy of every spartan.

4) Maximus League: I don´t understand this feature you are suggesting

I invite you to think over this items once again and maybe you can choose your favourite in suggestions thread!

Feb 4, 2020, 20:3502/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 20:41(edited)

Astertame125 said:

Ok, maybe this is how to post multiple notes in a sequential way.... Will see.....

Ok, Guardians, Elysians.... nice adds..... but, in the present implementation, they do not go far enough. I know, you put stuff in in attempt to be "democratic". Frankly, scratch that! No, install levels. A player at level 80 is in no-wise the same as a player at level 100; the same as a player at level 100 is not the same as a player at level 130. So, why should such even be permitted to attack a player outside their class? Except for external stuff: farms, emporia, and that is fine, okay. Nobody more than say 10-15 levels lower, under level 120 should be allowed to attack a player who is at level more than 120, except that a geographic, X/Y coordinate for a challenge battle of the attacker and the attackee MUST be accepted by the attacker or, failing to accept the challenge, the attacker is debuffed 20%, regardless his/her coalition status. This is just a mathematical formula, code easily inserted to govern the game.

All of this is that: the game is NOT democratic! So, I am not saying that a lower level player (meaning one who is not as advanced, hasn't spent the time, money, and game resources to help build self and a Coalition he/she might be member, or combination) should NOT be allowed to get away scot free for attacking a more advanced level player, without consequences. NO! That player should be subject to retaliation, and not just simply, and stupidly, returning a raid for a raid, or an assassin hit for an assassin hit. The game calculators do not necessarily provide for appropriate retribution or for equal recompense. He sends assassin, kills multiple towers, traps. Hit guy replies with same # assassins, and scores basically nothing.... so the little squat gets away with no penalty, while the guy who has built up is penalized, with no opportunity for retribution. Not fair, unfair. No, my solution allows for the intrepid lower level guy to make a score....... bigger guy might just pass. No problem. Gotta reward initiative. But you know, and I know, many people in this game have alts, alts they use to do what I have described, and they get away with these offenses, because the traps offer, really, virtually no stop to an attack, and the towers offer ZERO blunting effect on an attack, and, of course, Hermes, is useless.............. so someone hit, loses much, with effectively NO method to recoup losses let alone to render devastating assault on the hitter for the transgression. Tit for tat, eye for eye, ear for ear. Period!

Hello Astertame!

I´m sorry but I don´t agree with your concern about fights between levels. I understand what you are saying about the big levels are far more experienced and strong than beginners, but this is a social game and beginners will found a family in their coalitions to advise the wisely about when to defend, where to raid, when to bubble, when to stop. That is the experience that makes us strong, not Plarium protection. 

I´m sorry but I have to ask you to edit your third post, bad language is not allowed here. First warning.

A lot of Spartans are very experienced players and feedback from all of them are welcome. 

Regards and good game!