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Game Improvements

Game Improvements

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 22, 2019, 14:5703/22/19

Game Improvements


We always strive to meet your expectations, and so we have made some improvements based on your requests:

- New Regional and Coalition Chat Settings to filter notifications about your Coalition, other Coalitions, and Coalition Capitals. Note that all notifications will be enabled by default and you can adjust settings to filter it.

- Energy icon added to the Guardians tab of the Guardians window

- Option added to view all Phylarch Skill Bonuses at every level

- Option to change Coalition Diplomatic Status from "At Peace" to "Neutral" directly

- Tournament name added to the Spoils of War section of Warfare Reports so you can see which Tournament you got Tournament Points for

- Option to search for Coalition Members by name in the Statistics tab of the Coalition window

- Archon name now indicated when you send Units to a player

- Garrisons tab at the War Council updated to show the Coalition Banner of Archons

- Pantheon shortcut added to the Coalition button in the right panel

Do feel free to share your suggestions. My advisors will surely consider it.

Basileus Leonidas

Mar 23, 2019, 12:3303/23/19

Option to search for Coalition Members by name in the Statistics tab of the Coalition window

could include a search by the name of the city's general. ^_^

Mar 25, 2019, 16:1503/25/19
for when the improvement of a working game with no constant lags ?
Mar 26, 2019, 11:0103/26/19

Hello! Our devs are constantly working to keep the game performance of the game on its highest level. 

The game is working in a stable mode currently. However, we can face some flaws from time to time (when we update our game servers, for example). 
Apr 3, 2019, 17:5704/03/19
for being constantly working they do a bad job as everything is as bad or worse, maybe is time to hire professionals
Apr 5, 2019, 08:5604/05/19
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

for being constantly working they do a bad job as everything is as bad or worse, maybe is time to hire professionals
Thank you for this feedback. 
Apr 5, 2019, 12:2604/05/19
you are welcome boris, pleased to help too improve game, even if we are ignored...
Apr 9, 2019, 09:0104/09/19
I'm trying to do my best in order to listen to all the players and I pass your feedback to devs constantly. 
Apr 20, 2019, 10:4704/20/19
i dont knwo if you listen or not, but that you actually help, its proven you do not
Apr 20, 2019, 18:4604/20/19
The positions are worse than ever. i spend over $100 us currency every month but this last month i have lost over 100,000 troops on positions with no decent payout. i used to get good payouts. i have not changed my strategy since i started playing 3 years ago. i have lost around 20 million defense and 25 million offense. if this continues i will no longer spend any money on this game and will advise my whole group not to either. i feel as though i should have some kind of compensation for the losses.. 
Apr 23, 2019, 12:5804/23/19

John said:

The positions are worse than ever. i spend over $100 us currency every month but this last month i have lost over 100,000 troops on positions with no decent payout. i used to get good payouts. i have not changed my strategy since i started playing 3 years ago. i have lost around 20 million defense and 25 million offense. if this continues i will no longer spend any money on this game and will advise my whole group not to either. i feel as though i should have some kind of compensation for the losses.. 

Hello! I totally understand your frustration about the Persian Positions, since they are one of the most challenging parts of the entire game.

However, I would like to emphasize that Positions is the core element of the game, which is under constant control of our developers and quality assurance team.

The Positions require your time and patience. Once you get a good reward on Position, it's a good idea to wait out, accumulate the army and not to spend your reward at once, as you need some time and more Units to get a next good reward.

Also, please keep in mind that Positions are basically used for conversion of weaker Units into stronger ones, but not for increasing the amount of your Army on the whole.

Apr 27, 2019, 05:2204/27/19
Why is it every time you all do an update, it won't let me download the update??? I was having to run the download in my antivirus's sandbox, now it won't even download in there either... What are you all doing??? Whatever it is, please stop and keep it simple... I run a coalition, and brotherhood and using the browser is not easy to do when multitasking... Now I'm really disturbed...
Apr 27, 2019, 05:3704/27/19
It finally worked after forever... Thank God...
May 8, 2019, 11:4605/08/19

boris nobody from tech support answers there, why you put the link and make that comment?

tech issues go unanswered for weeks even a month sometimes 
May 8, 2019, 12:2805/08/19
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

boris nobody from tech support answers there, why you put the link and make that comment?

tech issues go unanswered for weeks even a month sometimes 
Thank you for this comment. The thing is that our support team experience a huge workload lately. However, support agents check that thread regularly and if they see any critical issues they immediately report them to devs team.