system lag is cheating people out of drachma
I have attempted to upgrade my buildings, only to have lag cause serious use of drachma i did not intend to use.
when you click on a building inside your city - the delay or lag causes the building window to appear - and hold
you click on the upgrade button, and 10 seconds later - the button moves to the left and a new button "instantly build with drachma" appears where the normal button was - you get to sit and watch as your drachma drains away to fast build a building --- with a super high cost in drachme !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am trying to gather enough drachma to buy important things like upgrade sketches and artificers, only to loose a bundle on upgrading a low level building hurts !!!!
if i try to buy things i intend to buy i get a warning window - telling me this will cost drachma ... not so with this building thing, and the placement is just evil.
combined with system lag that is out of control - we have to be very very careful about what we click - nasty trick to play on new players.
I want to spend a little on this game, but if my drachma is going to get suckered away from me - i am not sure if i want to continue playing this platform.
New players beware - take silly amounts of time to process your turn and make sure you do not get robbed by palarium