forum threads that are being closed / locked or deleted
The purpose of this forum and the moderators / members is to get assistance with the game, to report bugs. and to share information.
To continualy close/lock threads without helping people or answering questions is poor behaviour from the staff.
Many many posts have been locked for further comment without the issues being addressed
Is this behaviour going to continue? It is being discussed greatly in game now,, it is being discussed in the Palarium Raids streaming channels in youtube and other platforms, it is being brought up in the forums here on many game platforms.
In regards top the last post i made - and risking a ban like staff have issued to other contributing members of this community - I have reposted my original topic that was locked wihtout the question being answered - - -
Will staff continue to lock our topics without answering questions - or giving some random staitment or comment that does little to help the question as this topic was yesterday?
Our concerns and issues do not just magically go away when you lock our topics - you only damage the forums and the game.