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Team Positions Question

Team Positions Question

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Aug 2, 2023, 19:4508/02/23

Team Positions Question

What happens if you join a random Team and you complete 17 out of 32 positions and notice you are the only one participating in the event?

I presume, in the grand spirit of Plarium, that after the expenditure of troops that, if I continue in the event I should get a Divine piece of equipment?

Or does the whole team have to complete all 32 positions to recieve the Divine equipment piece?

And Yes!!.. I am aware you can purchase 3 Mercenaries for $50.00-That is the purpose of joining a team-so that you do not have to "pay" to join/complete an event!!

Respectfully asking- why should I have to pay $50.00 for Mercenaries if I am already in process of completing the event and the rest of Team has not participated?

In the past, I have created a Team, and completed all 32 positions only to be left with troop loss and "No" Divine equipment piece!!

After this Team Position event, this will be another event that I cannot, nor will not participate in.



Aug 2, 2023, 21:0408/02/23

Hello Archon. We should join only the teams we got an invitation to participate, and only if we know that all the  Team position mates will finish all 32  positions.  Unfortunately, you will get fewer units, and no divine coffer, so in my opinion, you will lose your units in vain. The team position event is a great opportunity to have gains, if you know how to play it of course, and if your team will be active till the end. The first time I participated in this event, I lost the coffer too as a teammate didn't make it to finish 32nd position in time. You don't have to pay something, just to find good players. 


Aug 2, 2023, 21:5008/02/23

"You don't have to pay something, just to find good players "

Well, thank the Gods Plarium hasn't figured that piece out-at least not as of this writing!

As far as joing a Team that will complete all 32 positions? I have never been part of a team that did complete all 32 positions. 

I did purchase the Mercenary package once, but finances are a little (a lot) tight right now.

IMO, I consider it a game flaw that does not allow you to participate in the event to recieve the fullest prize (Divine Coffer). 

Maybe I could get back half the troops expended in lieu of the Divine Coffer? 

(Ohhh cmon Meritus, are you out of your mind? Your going to ask for half of your troops back? From Plarium?You'd have a better chance of going on a date with Taylor Swift!!)


The only time I was able to reach all 32 positions is thru a purchase. 

Oh, well, this is one less event I don't have to worry about going forward.

Thank you & best regards Katia.

Aug 3, 2023, 17:1908/03/23

Meritus,  I do participate in the Team positions on 3 servers. I'm in teams that can  finish all 32 positions and get the coffers.  Most of the players follow their own chart, so I do have a chart too that I follow blindly. I can assure you that I have more gains than losses. The most difficult thing isn't to finish the 32 positions but to find a reliable team, so it will make this event profitable.  My losses are 7.380 Macedonian cavalry, and you can see what are the rewards. Of course, it depends on how upgraded your acolyte units are. Mine is fully upgraded so their total value is worth my losses. Why Macedonians? Because we get 6 Macedonians for free from our teammates' daily activity, and x Macedonians for free from our Proeranistria guardian. So, a lot of the rewards are practical for free. 🙂


Aug 3, 2023, 18:0808/03/23

Thank you for your response Katia,

I completely understand your post, especially using Mac Cavalry, which I use for the very exact reason.

Yet, my point was:

-You cannot engage the team Positions unless "everyone" on the Team (weather you joined or were invited) completes all 32 positions.

-if you join a Team, or create a Team and "anyone" on the Team does not complete all 32 positions-you are out of luck, out of the initial troops sent (in sincere hopes of recieving the Divine Item) and no Divine Item is won.

As I stated earlier, this is a game flaw that forces those that want Divine items to either purchase a mercenary package or join/invited to a team that "does not" complete all 32 positions. 

Yes, I understand that even if you do recieve troops, the main issue is you were competing (using Mac Cavalry in our instance) for the Divine item. 

Time and time again, I have been left without the Divine item and the positions not completed.

Perhaps "winnng" a single mercenary thru daily login tasks and/or Spartan Labors could be engineered and/or developed? I don't know how or if Plarium would consider that. 

Looking at your screen shot above, that was an impressive troop win in addition to the Divine Item you won as well. Congrats on that win!



Aug 4, 2023, 05:1408/04/23

Thank you for your response Katia,

I completely understand your post, especially using Mac Cavalry, which I use for the very exact reason.

Yet, my point was:

-You cannot engage the team Positions unless "everyone" on the Team (weather you joined or were invited) completes all 32 positions.

-if you join a Team, or create a Team and "anyone" on the Team does not complete all 32 positions-you are out of luck, out of the initial troops sent (in sincere hopes of recieving the Divine Item) and no Divine Item is won.

As I stated earlier, this is a game flaw that forces those that want Divine items to either purchase a mercenary package or join/invited to a team that "does not" complete all 32 positions. 

Yes, I understand that even if you do recieve troops, the main issue is you were competing (using Mac Cavalry in our instance) for the Divine item. 

Time and time again, I have been left without the Divine item and the positions not completed.

Perhaps "winnng" a single mercenary thru daily login tasks and/or Spartan Labors could be engineered and/or developed? I don't know how or if Plarium would consider that. 

Looking at your screen shot above, that was an impressive troop win in addition to the Divine Item you won as well. Congrats on that win!



Meritus, when the developers design a feature, they get a lot of parameters in their mind, and after its release, they won't change it, unless of some implements that might need to do.          
     As you understand, it is not possible for developers to design a feature according to every player's needs. Besides, it was designed like this, so the players will have a long commitment to each other. So, we have to play accordingly. We have a lot of other personal events that give the divine coffer.                                                                                 
   As I mentioned above, the Team Position's main difficulty is to find the Team Position companions who are reliable. So, if you aren't in an active coalition, you might need to go to another.  I hope someday you will find the companions you need. If you will find one, I can share with you my chart, just let me know by sending me a private message. It's what I can do for a fellow Spartan 😉

Aug 4, 2023, 13:0908/04/23

Thank you Katia

DariaCommunity Manager
Aug 7, 2023, 09:5608/07/23

Thank you Katia
