Team Positions Question
What happens if you join a random Team and you complete 17 out of 32 positions and notice you are the only one participating in the event?
I presume, in the grand spirit of Plarium, that after the expenditure of troops that, if I continue in the event I should get a Divine piece of equipment?
Or does the whole team have to complete all 32 positions to recieve the Divine equipment piece?
And Yes!!.. I am aware you can purchase 3 Mercenaries for $50.00-That is the purpose of joining a team-so that you do not have to "pay" to join/complete an event!!
Respectfully asking- why should I have to pay $50.00 for Mercenaries if I am already in process of completing the event and the rest of Team has not participated?
In the past, I have created a Team, and completed all 32 positions only to be left with troop loss and "No" Divine equipment piece!!
After this Team Position event, this will be another event that I cannot, nor will not participate in.