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not the proper amount of points in pvp battle on coalition conflictnot the proper amount of points in pvp battle on coalition conflict

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not the proper amount of points in pvp battle on coalition conflict

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Jul 5, 2019, 18:1207/05/19

not the proper amount of points in pvp battle on coalition conflict

hi ive been cheated on my points in the coalition conflict. in the pvp battle i got 20,268 points but with calvery and phallanx kills alone come to over 30.000 points, plus 1000s more on the lights n heavey inf i killed in the battle this doent even include the traps and elysium troops i killed, i should have had near 40,000 points not 20,000 points, im so angry now

Jul 7, 2019, 13:5407/07/19

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

I have moved your topic to the Game Discussion thread.

Jul 7, 2019, 15:4207/07/19

jeff scoble said:

hi ive been cheated on my points in the coalition conflict. in the pvp battle i got 20,268 points but with calvery and phallanx kills alone come to over 30.000 points, plus 1000s more on the lights n heavey inf i killed in the battle this doent even include the traps and elysium troops i killed, i should have had near 40,000 points not 20,000 points, im so angry now

Your accounts are wrong, the calculation of points is obtained from a formula that only programmers know.

Tus cuentas son erroneas, el calculo de puntos se obtiene de una formula que solo conocen los programadores.

Jul 7, 2019, 17:5107/07/19
Jul 7, 2019, 17:51(edited)

Agent Roma said:

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

I have moved your topic to the Game Discussion thread.

agent roma, would not be logical to explain why this is not a bug and it is a real part of the gameplay?  just what elias said, i guess it is your job, not elias job that it is a simple moderator (not even a global one, even if we NEVER SEE OR HEAR OR FEEL HELPED by any of the global ones) but has the patience to explain why you shut doors with no answer to us

by the way, why you still have not answer the bug of 2 months and a half ago, agent roma?
Jul 7, 2019, 22:1407/07/19
I think this player has his calculations right with regards to coa tourny pts, thats a hell of a lot of troops to lose for so little pts. Elias he is working on the calculas of the tournament on how many units you destroy of your clash enemy, ie 4 pts for cavalry 3pts for phx etc.
Jul 7, 2019, 23:3107/07/19

HellCat said:

I think this player has his calculations right with regards to coa tourny pts, thats a hell of a lot of troops to lose for so little pts. Elias he is working on the calculas of the tournament on how many units you destroy of your clash enemy, ie 4 pts for cavalry 3pts for phx etc.


That's why his calculation is wrong: it's not about this troop should cost so much to give as many points and as this one costs double should give twice as many points.

To calculate the points that a troop gives in a battle is impossible mathematically because nobody knows exactly the value of the troop that intervenes in that battle (only you know the value of your troop and not with exactitude). This is like the coca-cola formula TOP SECRET.

Calculate the points in the event of creating troops for example is simple because everyone knows the value of each unit and no matter the level of the unit or the bonuses it has.

Por eso su calculo es erroneo: no se trata de esta tropa cuesta tanto deveria dar tantos puntos y como esta otra cuesta el doble deveria dar el doble de puntos.

Calcular los puntos que da una tropa en una batalla es imposible matematicamente pues nadie conoce exactamente el valor de la tropa que interviene en esa batalla ( unicamente conoces el valor de tu tropa y no con exactitud ). Esto es como la formula de la coca-cola TOP SECRET.

Calcular los puntos en el evento de crear tropa por ejemplo es sencillo pues todo el mundo conoce el valor de cada unidad y da igual el nivel de la unidad o los bonus que tenga.

Jul 8, 2019, 16:4707/08/19
Jul 8, 2019, 16:54(edited)

In tournaments tasks or whatever its called.....

It says 4 points per Cav and  Cavalry traps.

3 points Phalanx/traps.

2 points heavy/traps.

1 point light/trap/universal traps. and i think spies is here aswell


Jul 10, 2019, 11:5007/10/19
Coeus said:

In tournaments tasks or whatever its called.....

It says 4 points per Cav and  Cavalry traps.

3 points Phalanx/traps.

2 points heavy/traps.

1 point light/trap/universal traps. and i think spies is here aswell


Hello! Yes, if we're talking about the Coalition Conflict event. However, you can get those points only in case you killed your opponent Coalition member Units. In case you killed Units which were in a City as a reinforcement from other players, you won't get points. 
Jul 12, 2019, 03:5407/12/19
Jul 12, 2019, 04:12(edited)

When you say "opponemt coalition member units".. You are saying that only troops of the coaliton we battle that week, will give us those points?

It is not PVP in general, it is just the coalition we fight that week that will give us those numbers above in the coalition clash events?

I am pretty sure that is what you are saying.. I just want confirmation. I personally thought it was all PVP, and i am most likely not the only one. But i can also read it like you want us to read it, sure. 

If this is the case, I suggest you write Weekly opponent instead of just opponent in the tournament task tab/window.

Jul 12, 2019, 08:1407/12/19
This player did destroy troops of his coa clash tournament, as is seen with the 20268 pts he has circled, these pts with its cross swords icon indicates that these are coalition tournament pts gained off opposing coalition, the calculation is wrong look at the troops that Jeff Scobie has destroyed. It really does put you off playing this game in earnest doesnt it.
Jul 12, 2019, 10:4707/12/19

Hello, guys. 

You receive tournament points in the Coalition Conflict event only if you kill troops of your opponent in this event. If you kill troops of other players who are not members of that clan, you will not receive tournament points for it.

I would like to emphasize, that all the calculations are made server-side and the algorithm and formula were carefully tested by our QA specialists and this case cannot be considered as a bug.

Aug 21, 2019, 16:2608/21/19

jeff scoble said:

hi ive been cheated on my points in the coalition conflict. in the pvp battle i got 20,268 points but with calvery and phallanx kills alone come to over 30.000 points, plus 1000s more on the lights n heavey inf i killed in the battle this doent even include the traps and elysium troops i killed, i should have had near 40,000 points not 20,000 points, im so angry now

The score for CC points is literally wrong if you compute the troops and the traps you have killed base on the Coalition Conflict task.

But, you cant take away the probability that there are also troops reinforced in this city outside his coalition.

Therefor, the correct points would be difficult for us to know.

Offense have the advantage in getting points when attacking opponents cities unless it is not well defended otherwise you will lose more.
Dec 29, 2024, 15:1512/29/24

we just completed the coalition conflict tournament. During this conflict I had one player attack my city, I have 3.5 billion defense of all types, in addition, I have about 2 billion in reinforcements, again of all types. The opposing player attacked with all types (heavy in cavalry), RESULTS, he lost 99% of his units, I lost less than 1%. Yet I  scored 2.62 million CC points and he scored 4.7 million. WHY IS THIS?? I have an overwhelming win and he scored almost twice as many CC points as I did. Can anyone (Plarium) explain this to me?

Dec 29, 2024, 22:4512/29/24

Hello. In a battle a lot of parameters take place, so it is not possible to know why he got so many points. 2 years ago, it was officially announced that during the CC conflict,  the offensive actions count more than  the defensive. Maybe he had better coalition boosts or better guardian or  as you say, he used cavalry, and if you used heavy infantry and light infantry units to defend, maybe it is the reason he got so many CC points.  If the reinforcements that are stationed in your city are from a player who is long ago, you cannot get  its CC points, as the long-ago players don't get CC points. We shouldn't use light and heavy infantry during the CC conflict as they give huge points to the opponents, not to mention the Elysian units, and the fragment offensive guardians, that make the difference, plus offensive  boosts from the coalition shop, and maybe a good city schemas. Of course, if you have your infirmary maxed,  you got CC points from their free revive too. If you have any doubts please contact the support by clicking here  

Jan 2, 2025, 01:2901/02/25

I used everything, Very heavy in Cav, all units maxed in strength, If his units are appreciably stronger than mine , why did I lose less units than he did?

Jan 2, 2025, 22:0201/02/25
Michael Hutson

I used everything, Very heavy in Cav, all units maxed in strength, If his units are appreciably stronger than mine , why did I lose less units than he did?

As a player-to-player, I would advise you to contact the specific opponent and ask him to exchange your battle reports, so you both will understand what happened..                           
  Once, I hit my opponent's emporium with  my Dimacha, Elite agema, and Magarian, almost 120 million offensive power with the supported champions and all the kinds of boosts on, plus my fragment offensive guardian was equipped. I lost the battle but got 3 million points, which were the winning points of my team.                                                                                            
   The opponent messaged me to mock me because he got 600k CC points from my attack. When I gave him my battle report, having 3 million CC points, he asked me why I got so many points. I replied it was because he used a lot of light and heavy infantry to protect his emporium, and because the game during the CC tournament favorites the offensive actions.                                                                                                                        
       Every battle is unique, so we can guess what happened. If you want answers, only the support can provide them to you, or you can contact your opponent to have an Honest talk.🙂