boris, that is not an opinion, that are facts!
we discuss if you want, about you not dealing issues as soon as possible, just ignoring them when you answer me back in a week?
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:
boris, that is not an opinion, that are facts!
we discuss if you want, about you not dealing issues as soon as possible, just ignoring them when you answer me back in a week?
because you say constantly gathering feedback and my experience is that we are being completely ignored when we post anything serious, let me know in a week, where do you gather CONSTANTLY that info, maybe i put it in wrong place.... like here in forum or vip service... maybe there is other place where there is constant gathering
Let me describe this process in details.
I check this forum at least twice a week and notice all the suggestions that players create. Sure, it's possible that I don't reply to some of the comments but you can be sure that even if I miss something, moderators always can bring my attention to this and I'll put it in my weekly report to devs anyway.
I do hope for our future collaboration and I'm grateful for your help. It's really great when such an active player as you share thoughts about the game with us.
And you think twice per week is good enough for a community manager? even if we really only see answers of you, once per week, except this exception?)
your suggestions are basically, if you don't like ti dont play it, is that the expected reaction from a community manager?
i heard that last sentence from many cm that after never listened and care to belive it...
if you want peoples trust, do something about it
would you be so kind to describe the process of gathering info and how do you deal that info, where do you apply? who do you pass? what kind of info you consider is good enough to eb gatherer? would love to know more about the process of gathering info that you have been assigned and the steps you have to take.