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zoom in and out doesnt work again

zoom in and out doesnt work again

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Jan 17, 2018, 10:5401/17/18

zoom in and out doesnt work again

zoom in/out on mouse scroll doesnt work again !!

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jan 21, 2018, 10:2001/21/18

Hello, Archons!

The issue with the scroll is related to Google Chrome browser. Unfortunately, it cannot be fixed by our developers and the solution can be provided only by Google with the further browser updates. Meanwhile, you can try using another browser where the scroll works as intended (e.g. Mozilla Firefox).
Jan 21, 2018, 17:1301/21/18

In My Computer (w10 & Chrome) the zoom in & out works correctly and the scroll work at amphitheater etc

If I login with Plarium Application the zoom in & out don't works at all and the scroll is very very slow ...who can we blame for that ?

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jan 22, 2018, 10:3901/22/18

Archons, I have contacted our developers regarding this case. 

The issue is related to website update which has been made to improve Adobe Flash player plugin compatibility with our games. 

I have informed the developers about the issue and they will look what can be done. As a temporary solution, you can hold ALT button on your keyboard and use the scroll on your mouse. It should work as intended.

I will inform you when I receive any news from the developers.

Jan 26, 2018, 23:0701/26/18

Agent Pavel, you posted on 1/22.  It's  been 4 days.  BTW, pressing ALT doesn't work.

My problem just started around 3.30 pm CST time.  When I reloaded a "News" panel came up and then disappeared.  That's when the mouse button stopped owrking in scroll.  You got to fix this.
Jan 26, 2018, 23:1101/26/18
Agent Pavel, hate to say this but I won't spend another $$$$ untils this problem is fixed.  It is VERY VERY difficult to play the game when this scroll/zoom prblem exists.
Jan 27, 2018, 08:3401/27/18

I have the same issue, and more... There is serious bug issues!!! I cant claim rewards in events since I cant reach the claim reward button at the bottom.... seems it's outta sync/zoom. I've tried various display settings in case it had something to do with that, but no!. tried 3 types of different browsers, but no!!. Been switching in and out of full-screen mode to see if I may scroll down, but no!!!...scroll doesn't work and is zooming in/out instead. I'm lost here guys!.

using chrome for mac.

using firefox and tried safari no improvements

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jan 28, 2018, 10:1501/28/18

Dear Archons!

Our developers have fixed the issue with the scroll in the City on January, 26. I have checked it on my account and found that the zoom works as intended in the not full-screen mode.  

Could you please provide me with the exact steps to reproduce the new issue you encounter? Having them I will be able to report the issue to the devs.  

Jan 31, 2018, 03:3801/31/18

Zooming in and out works on google chrome with my Mac. However, it is very frustrating as I am not able to scroll down. This affects things such as:

1. Friend's list at the bottom is no longer there,

2. Unable to see times for raids, sent defence, attacks to and from other players, etc.

3. Unable to claim any sort of rewards

How I am able to still play the game with this is frustrating to say the least. I would have to refresh the game - scroll down at the loading screen - and once the game loads, I would have to make sure I click the events panel on the left before the offer/ news comes up or I would have to refresh the whole thing again. The problem persists whether I am on full screen or not. 

Like other players here, I will not be spending any money unless this problem is fixed and am more than happy to leave the game unless this is solved as playing the game has become a lot harder with interface problems such as this. 

Jan 31, 2018, 10:2401/31/18

good morning friends

flash player works badly in google crhome and will soon stop supporting it because of that testing with the new engine that does not depend on flash.

I have seen the beta work and these problems are solved, we give time to correct the bugs of the beta and then everything fixed.

me while I use another browser

Feb 16, 2018, 17:3002/16/18
games work very,very slow in the last time. i thought was my pc, but buyet a new one and is the same . 
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Feb 18, 2018, 09:5202/18/18

Gabone said:

games work very,very slow in the last time. i thought was my pc, but buyet a new one and is the same . 


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