Generals lvl 17 Int bonus, Pantheon att or def plus 10 percent, not reflected in Garrison window
1. Glorious Valley, FB interface.
2. The General's Intelligence bonus, lvl 17, gives a 10% bonus to either att or def for pantheon units. However, when you toggle the bonus between attack and defense, the statistics for the units in pantheons (all defensive of course), as shown in the Garrisons screen (part of the War Council), do not change. I don't know if this is a bug only with the reporting of unit strength values, or if in fact the intelligence bonus is not being applied even though it is active.
3. To duplicate the bug:
a. Activate the lvl 17 intelligence bonus to give the defense bonus.
b. Check the defense value of any set of units in a pantheon, as shown on the garrisons screen.
c. Toggle the int lvl 17 bonus to attack.
d. Check the same pantheon's units' defense value in the garrison screen. The defensive value should be lower now, but it is not.
Thank you.