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Recruitment tournament

Recruitment tournament

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Nov 2, 2017, 01:0011/02/17

Recruitment tournament

Hello.  Maybe recruitment tournament has a bug.

When tournament started, I clicked 'train units'. Different kinds.  First 10 min I got points.  Then game crashed.  I refreshed.  After that, I got 0 points for train units.

I tried refresh 2 more times. Clicked train units.  Same problem.  I can not get any points for train regular units.  I tried danari units.  Only danari units can get points. 

Please help!  Thank you.

--When I click 'contact support', I return to here.(bug report)   ??


I get only 1 point for 10 minutes.   This is same for just a few units  or many units.  I just trained  some calvary, some phalanx, some heavy fast to check,  Same result.  Just 1 point in 10 minutes.  !?!?!!?!!?!!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!!?!!?

Nov 2, 2017, 07:5311/02/17
Nov 2, 2017, 07:56(edited)

8 hours passed.   Here is my data.  

I used 500k+ resources =  only 100 points.

It means,  must spend 2.5+ mil resources  to get 500 points    for  basic 2 imperial  mymdion reward?!?!? 

I played same tournament last time.  Point system  has some problem now.

DeletedTechnical Support
Nov 2, 2017, 11:0911/02/17

Hello, Archon!

In this tournament, you receive points for trained units. I.e. points are credited when the units are already trained, not when you put them into the training queue. Thus you will be receiving the points for units that are trained until the end of the tournament. 
Nov 2, 2017, 13:5711/02/17
Nov 2, 2017, 14:28(edited)

Hello Agent Pavel.

OK. I understand.  Thank you.

My thinking was click 'train units'. But it is only units after training now.  New game mechanics . Must change my strategy.. 

Nov 2, 2017, 19:3411/02/17
Agent Pavel said:

Hello, Archon!

In this tournament, you receive points for trained units. I.e. points are credited when the units are already trained, not when you put them into the training queue. Thus you will be receiving the points for units that are trained until the end of the tournament. 
no offence but boosting 30 days of boosts gave me about 1000 points ? is ther something wrong with this tournament ?