Game loading
I'm playing Sparta on both worlds. I'm using Firefox 54.xx on windows 7 with a small but smart bandwith internet connection (1mo/s)
As many players I'm experiencing loading issues. The problem is that the game loads uncompletly, many graphic are not present and the background is also missing.
They are not reproducable: I mean, after many reloadings, the all parts of the game are correctly loaded... The point is that the all process takes about 20 min :-(((( Sometimes everything goes fine, generaly the sunday morning, or other moments few people are connected. Notice I have the same problems on both worlds.
I notice that when I use firefox debugger, the game loads better... may be because the debugger is lowering the "aggressivity" of the browser ?
I also notice a lot of problem because of plarium's adds for "special offers" at the begining of the game. It was horrible when there was the flashing wheel a few month ago. The new one is a bit better, but is still a problem. As long as those adds are not loaded, the game is almost unplayable :-((( Ok for adds in a "free" game, but are they targeted to make users go away ? If not, a real fix is needed.
I've been checking firefox loading logs and understand things better: about 650 requests to get game resources !!! 0_0
When I check thoses resources:
1/ Lots of images have a heavy size ... without real need: I've taken some of you picts from my browser cache and save them with better compression ratio and divide their weight without significant quality loose. Below a simple test... that may be optimized for better quality.
(Your chest.jpg is 264ko and mine is 5ko... )
2/ I'm playing Sparta, but the game download bunches of resources from Plarium other games !!!! 0_0
(See joined sceen off firefox debugger whith foreign games resources highligted: More than 1Mo unseful just on this screen...)
I understand theses ressources may be needed in a part of the game I've never been, but may be it is possible to load them later ?
3/ I've also found multiples requests (One or two isn't enough ???) toward google-analytis, google-services, doubleclic and so on...
So okay, the huge number of players is the main issue, but perhaps a little optimisation may improve everybody's (including your server ;-) ) experience.
Thanks for reading,
JN Grx