bug in the selection of champions or the display of units selected (emporia)
I think I've identified a bug that has been going on for ages but that I couldn't clearly define before.
When selecting troops among which are champions, before I send them, my champions are suddenly deselected, without any signal, so I often happen to send the troops I just selected but without noticing that my champions aren't going along with them. I'm almost sure this happens at the moment troops reach my city (or perhaps just a guardian coming back from a warlord is enough, I'm not sure).
Please do something about it, it is a very persistent issue, and very problematic.
Also, even worse, it has become a nightmare to send troops to an emporium : within seconds after picking troops, be they offensive or defensive, before I can send them, when I'm on this page : http://prntscr.com/u5v41t , it suddenly doesn't take into account all of my selected troops anymore and shows me this : http://prntscr.com/u5v6pu , or, most of the time, displays that I have selected no units at all.