dj ura said:
Wil You check this please......
This is chat about same player on server 3..... read coordinates and explain me how 1 player can raid 27 times in a row (in 27 minutes).
...Becuse We can raid 1 player only once for 50 000 - 100 000 resources per week
This is achieved by optimising the trick of the galleys, provided that the player being assaulted has so many resources and that your galleys can transport more than 100K of resources:
- In the first raid you do the trick and you bring 100K.
- In the following raids you do the trick sending 50K of wood or bronze, as soon as you send it you close the window and you give it to send again sending 50K of grain. You have on your way galleys with 100K of resources that you can bring.
Se consigue optimizando el truco de las galeras, siempre que el jugador asaltado tenga tantos recursos y que tus galeras puedan transportar mas de 100K de recursos:
- En el primer saqueo haces el truco y te traes 100K.
- En los siguientes saqueos haces el truco enviando 50K de madera o bronce, nada mas enviar cierras la ventana y le das a enviar de nuevo enviando 50K de grano. Tienes en camino galeras con 100K de recursos que es lo que te puedes traer.
On weekends there are 30 extra raids
Los fines de semana hay 30 saqueos extra