Not Applying Agreement Time Bonus
At Max, the following allows the following Time Bonuses:
Ephorate 60%
Academy (2 x 12%) 24%
Phylarch 40%
Time remaining to complete an Agreement does not reduce after Phylarch is activated. I have refreshed and emptied Cache, but this does not make a difference.
This is noticeable, but can not check if Ephorate and/or Academy bonuses are applied if original time to complete is not stated.
Also how are these worked out? On original time of Agreement, time remaining would only be 16% of otiginal. If Phylarch is 40% off that, it would leave only 9.6% of time while Phylarch is active
Applying time boosts and/or drachma during active Phylarch would be most beneficial, but feel that Ephorate and/or Academy bonuses are not working properly
Please look at this and Fix ASAP