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BUG at plarium support center

BUG at plarium support center

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Nov 21, 2024, 17:2911/21/24

BUG at plarium support center

hi, when trying to send a form to support, it gives problems like being unable to choose the game/server you are in, the reason for writing, and most importantly, it does not upload any attachments. 

Please repair that asap

its bad to have game problems, worse that is support what does not work

Nov 25, 2024, 12:0411/25/24

Hi archon, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the game and support, so far everything is working fine, try deleting the cookies on your computer.

and here is the direct link to manage a ticket to support.

I hope you have luck

Nov 26, 2024, 17:3511/26/24

Hola Checho, no hablo del juego, sino que no funcionaba hace cinco días enviar cosas a soporte. hace cinco dias!!!! Y acabo de volverlo a comprobar antes de escribir y sigue sin funcionar, no te deja adjuntar nada y cuando lo envias se queda en blanco y luego no recibes mensaje de haberlo enviado (hablo envios desde vip personalmente auqnue otros compañeros no vip tuvieron los mismos problemas) a dia de hoy, sigue sin funcionar correctamente y soporte lo sabe ya que escribi informando desde un email donde hablabamos de otra denuncia que habiamos hecho.

Gracias por el enlace, auqnue podras ver por la cantidad de posts en foro que tengo que no soy una novata ni en juego, ni en foro ni en soporte, creeme, se bien el enlace a soporte. Si plarium hiciera bien su trabajando limpiando del juego los programas BOT que arrasan todos sus juegos, no estaríamos enviando a diario a soporte enlaces con pruebas denunciando dichas cuentas BOT


Lobos de Esparta

Union: SAB Sparta against BOTs

Hi Checho, I'm not talking about the game, I said that five days ago it didn't work to send attachments & messages to support. Five days ago!!!! I just rechecked it before writing and it still doesn't work, it doesn't let you attach anything and when you send it, it gets blank. Then you don't receive a message of having sent it (I'm talking about sending from VIP personally, but other non-vip colleagues had the same problems) to this day, it still doesn't work correctly and support knows it since I wrote them from an email where we talked about another complaint we had made. But still nothing.

Thanks for the link. As you can see by the number of forum posts I have, I am not a novice in the game, forum, or support. Believe me, I know the link to support well. If Plarium had been doing its job removing the BOT programs from the game, we wouldn't be sending links to support every day with evidence denouncing these BOT accounts.

Nov 28, 2024, 00:3511/28/24

Hola Checho, no hablo del juego, sino que no funcionaba hace cinco días enviar cosas a soporte. hace cinco dias!!!! Y acabo de volverlo a comprobar antes de escribir y sigue sin funcionar, no te deja adjuntar nada y cuando lo envias se queda en blanco y luego no recibes mensaje de haberlo enviado (hablo envios desde vip personalmente auqnue otros compañeros no vip tuvieron los mismos problemas) a dia de hoy, sigue sin funcionar correctamente y soporte lo sabe ya que escribi informando desde un email donde hablabamos de otra denuncia que habiamos hecho.

Gracias por el enlace, auqnue podras ver por la cantidad de posts en foro que tengo que no soy una novata ni en juego, ni en foro ni en soporte, creeme, se bien el enlace a soporte. Si plarium hiciera bien su trabajando limpiando del juego los programas BOT que arrasan todos sus juegos, no estaríamos enviando a diario a soporte enlaces con pruebas denunciando dichas cuentas BOT


Lobos de Esparta

Union: SAB Sparta against BOTs

Hi Checho, I'm not talking about the game, I said that five days ago it didn't work to send attachments & messages to support. Five days ago!!!! I just rechecked it before writing and it still doesn't work, it doesn't let you attach anything and when you send it, it gets blank. Then you don't receive a message of having sent it (I'm talking about sending from VIP personally, but other non-vip colleagues had the same problems) to this day, it still doesn't work correctly and support knows it since I wrote them from an email where we talked about another complaint we had made. But still nothing.

Thanks for the link. As you can see by the number of forum posts I have, I am not a novice in the game, forum, or support. Believe me, I know the link to support well. If Plarium had been doing its job removing the BOT programs from the game, we wouldn't be sending links to support every day with evidence denouncing these BOT accounts.

En que servidor juegas? ok pasame las capturas por aqui de los errores al enviar a soporte y vere d ayudarte de otra forma. 


What server do you play on? Ok, send me the screenshots here of the errors you sent to support and I'll see how to help you in another way.


Nov 28, 2024, 09:1211/28/24

hola, gracias el problema es que pasarte foto de una ventana en blanco o como demostrar que no funciona el upñload es imposible con una foto, lo tienen que probar ellos y se supone que lo saben y que saben que hay error ya que he hablado de ellos por email antiguos de denuncias por los bots que infestan el juego.  pero como ves 6 dias y na de na, sigue mal

este finde cambiaron la pagina y ya no sale identificaar de que juego vienen server etc, faltan cosas que antes si salian. Ademas al dar click a subir foto de ordenador, no hace nada ni deja que arrastres foto (ni deja copiar o pegar texto con control c y v que antes si dejaba, luego al darle a terminar es ventana en blanco y por supuesto no recibimos el mensaje despues diciendo que han recibido nuestra queja/reclamo etc

A ver si desde vuestro grupo se mete un poco de presion para que lo arreglen, por que en casi una semana sin soporte y sin community manager o personal techinico que conteste aqui, vamos un pelin mal.

Gracias por intentarlo y contestar.

thanks, but i can not send a capture of a not-uploaded item or a blank page after. i can but it shows/proves nothing.

I can explain that the page changed this weekend, it does not include asking from what game and server you are, when you click on upload from the computer, it does nothing. Once finished it's not the same page as it used to be as its an empty window white page.

Support should know as i have been writing them on older messages reporting illegalities because of the massive amount of BOTs in the game 

Hope you can get some pressure from your group, as its nearly a week with no support, no community manager or other plarium personnel helping here in the forum

thanks for helping and answering


Lobos de Esparta

Union: SAB Sparta against BOTs 

server 1 The Glorious Valley (no facebook)

i will ask players that also are in facebook to see if they have same problem.