Now the above is both tedious, a pain in the you know what and it is not even a cure, but only a preventative measure. For no matter if we all uninstalled, downloaded the latest app install and reinstalled the app/game everyday, we are not playing the same game even if we are on the same server.
Example: I've been dutifully following my own advice above and it was only last week that I found out others were able to send any kind of units they wanted to the acolyte/sacred positions since this event first started, whereas other members, friends and players have been limited and restricted to only sending elysian units with no option to send any other types of units. Funny thing though, once I complained about this "magically" I could send any types of units starting this last week for the first time, but only from an alt's city and not my own at first untill I logged back in much later. Hmmm.. curiouser and curiouser.....