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Troop strength differs when viewed as a player from that of a polemarch or Hegemon

Troop strength differs when viewed as a player from that of a polemarch or Hegemon

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May 31, 2019, 10:3105/31/19

Troop strength differs when viewed as a player from that of a polemarch or Hegemon


I don't know if this is a current issue or an older one but:

- when a player from my coalition is sending troops to defend the capital he sees a certain strength (10 mil for example);

- is a polemarch or a hegemon want to do a count of that player troops strength he sees a very different number (way less than that number, roughly close to 8 mil or something like that  - from the tab defense).

Why is this discrepancy still in the game?

Who is wrong and who is correct?

Why aren't all bonuses from that player taken into account considering that every player in this game has invested game and some have invested money?

May 31, 2019, 13:5905/31/19

The problem is as always.

The strength of your troop only you see it, only you know the bonus that applies to your troop in each moment (general, level of agreement, domain activated, etc.).

The other players (those who can see the statistics of coa, which you attack in your report, etc.) only see the base strength of that troop.

And the problem I think will never be corrected, patience.

El problema es de siempre.

La fuerza de tu tropa solo la ves tu, solo tu sabes los bonus que le aplica a tu tropa en cada momento ( general, nivel de acuerdo, dominio actibado, etc. ).

Los demas jugadores ( los que pueden ver las estadisticas de coa, al que atacas en su informe, etc. ) solo ven la fuerza base de esa tropa.

Y el problema creo que nunca se corregira, paciencia.

Jun 1, 2019, 04:4206/01/19

Basically Plarium is cheating their own customers. I did some tests with some friends and each and every one of them had a difference bigger than 10 mil defence. 

What are the actual defense numbers in the capital: 

1. the sum of all the players = what they see ?

2. what Hegemon and Polemarch see?

One is to know that you have your capital defended by a 5 billion strengths troops when in fact that number is diminished by a software issue that "will never be corrected".

Jun 1, 2019, 05:4406/01/19

The force that defends a pantheon or a capital must be done by adding the numbers that each player tells us he has in each moment, what hegemon sees or who has permits is deceptive.

example: they send reinforcements for a coalition attack, when choosing the troop of your friends will give you a lower value than they sent you (they say they sent you 1 million but you only see 800 thousand). Do not worry that although the enemy also only sees one million six hundred thousand + what you send yours he really gets 2 million more what you send him.

A lot of fuss right? Imagine how the enemy who believes that you just hit him "a slap" and you really hit him with a sledgehammer ;)

La fuerza que defiende un panteon o una capital hay que hacerla sumando los numeros que cada jugador nos diga que tiene en cada momento, lo que ve el hegemon o quien tenga permisos es engañoso.

ejemplo : te envian refuerzos para un ataque de coalicion, a la hora de elegir la tropa de tus amigos te dara un valor mas bajo de lo que te enviaron ellos ( ellos dicen que te enviaron 1 millon pero tu solo ves 800 mil ). No te preocupes que aunque el enemigo tambien solo ve un millon seiscientos mil + lo que envies tuyo a  el realmente le pegan 2 millones mas lo que le envies tu.

Mucho jaleo verdad ? pues imaginate como se queda el enemigo que cree que le pegasta solo "una bofetada" y realmente le diste con un mazo ;)

Jun 1, 2019, 18:0606/01/19

you have neither confirmed nor denied my statement therefore Plarium does deceives their own customers due to a flawed software which does not want to admit..

What is their motto: "thank you for shopping here....suckers"?

Jun 2, 2019, 07:1906/02/19

Plarium policy is to never aknoledge malfunctions, fuss or any mistake from their software/ designs

it is always the  customer in the wrong, not understanding or not able to comprehend plarium crap.

and if you still not happy they will playback the music  it a free to play you dont have to pay.
