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Sieges not registering on weekly rankings.

Sieges not registering on weekly rankings.

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Feb 4, 2019, 14:4802/04/19

Sieges not registering on weekly rankings.

When I besiege a city, it is failing to register on the weekly rankings.

As an experiment to prove my case I have now attempted to register sieges twice, once last week and once this week. Last week I completed enough sieges to rank 7th in weekly rankings, and yet did not display any in weekly whilst showing the sieges had registered in the all-time list.Today I have repeated the exercise and once again my sieges show in the cumulative all-time list but not in the weekly list.

So why am I being excluded from weekly rankings? It would be helpful to ensure I do not waste any more time.

Feb 4, 2019, 15:2402/04/19

Hello, I do not understand what you are doing and how do you do it? You say that last week you entered the weekly classification of sieges in 7th place and that this does not count in the weekly classification?

Although the issue of how this classification works has been solved some time ago, I will rephrase it and see if it is your case:

you start on Monday at 00:08 UTC to carry out sieges and you end the following Monday at the same time, counting all the sieges you have then to determine the occupied position.

Then the new week begins and there are 2 cases:

1º you recover all the soldiers, in this case you will start the classification with -xxxx in your counter (minus xxxx).

2º you leave all the sieges and throw more, the weekly counter you start at zero and the total counter adding to what you already had.

hola no termino de comprender lo que haces y como lo haces, dices que la semana pasada entraste en la clasificacion semanal de asedios en 7º lugar y que esta no te cuenta en la clasificacion semanal ?

Aunque el tema de como funciona esta clasificacion se dejo resuelto hace tiempo lo volvere a esplicar y miras si es tu caso:

empiezas el lunes a las 00:08 UTC a realizar asedios y terminas al lunes siguiente a la misma hora contabilizando todos los asedios que tienes entonces para determinar el puesto ocupado.

Entonces comienza la nueva semana y hay 2 casos:

1º recuperas todos los soldados, en este caso comenzaras la clasificacion con -xxxx en tu contador ( menos xxxx ).

2º dejas todos los asedios y lanzas mas, el contador semanal lo empiezas a cero y el contador total sumando a lo que ya tenias.

Feb 4, 2019, 15:3402/04/19
Feb 4, 2019, 15:37(edited)

Elias - thank-you for replying. I have been playing the game for quite some time now and fully understand how the rankings work, having placed in them many times.

The simplest way of explaining this is that my sieges are NOT registering under the weekly rankings, but ARE under the All-Time Rankings. Last night I sent enough sieges to place 7th in the Weekly Rankings. When I attempted to check my total by looking at the Weekly Ranking list, I was unable to see my total. When I attempted to use the "MY RANKING" button the system returned the message "RANKING DATA NOT FOUND".

However, when I checked the All-Time list, my ranking was displayed and I was also able to use the "MY RANKING" button successfully.

SO even though I had sent the sieges successfully and they had registered successfully on the All-Time Rankings, they had NOT registered in the Weekly Rankings.

As I said before, I have repeated the exercise today and exactly the same thing has happened. My sieges are registering under the All-Time list, but under the weekly Rankings they are NOT and the same message is displayed.

Feb 4, 2019, 15:4702/04/19

Pinocchiotheliar sorry if it seemed a smart guy was not my intention, seeing the image to almost everyone has happened.

For what you see, you play in FB and you only need your server and coordinates to see the error or bug.

Pinocchiotheliar perdona si pareci un listillo no era mi intencion, viendo la imagen a casi todo el mundo le ha pasado.
Por lo que se ve juegas en FB ya solo falta tu servidor y coordenadas para que miren el error o bug

Feb 4, 2019, 15:4902/04/19

Thanks Elias.

I play on Server 2 - The Thracian Frontier.

My coordinates are x:735 y:56
Feb 7, 2019, 11:2502/07/19

Hi again,

As it's been 3 days now and the bug is still affecting my game, I'd like to ask if there is any update?

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Feb 17, 2019, 10:5302/17/19


The thing is caused by the negative weekly rating, just like Elias explained in his first reply. 

When you recall the sieges - they are deducted from weekly rankings but are not deducted from the All-time rankings.

It is not an error. 

To make the sieges count, recall all of them. Wait till the week resets and then send sieges again.