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enemies window in webgl keeps reseting

enemies window in webgl keeps reseting

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Nov 16, 2018, 08:4511/16/18

enemies window in webgl keeps reseting

i know this has been reported before, it can be very annoying as you have to constantly choose your options and it does not save them at all.

this happens since the beginning of the webgl, it was reported several times, maybe the problem was not understood properly or not presented properly for understanding. lets try now. any doubt, please ask, dont close the problem without asking specifics if you are not sure what we say agent pavel.

problem: enemies window in webgl keeps resetting

where: webgl, any browser, of course in

how you notice? every single time you open the enemies tab ....

for 4-5 years i always had it (and still have it in the app) selected the option of distance. (the closests first)

now, it resets every time you open the window a date and always from the most far away date first.

i choose distance (it comes first the far away ones, so i select the closest first) i click to attack and when i come back to open the tab, it has reseted again to date

it has nothing to do with cache or cookies or updated browsers or all the options you have been suggestions over the time.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Nov 20, 2018, 14:3211/20/18


Thank you for the report! I have forwarded to the devs. The issue will be resolved in the future updates. 
Dec 22, 2018, 09:0812/22/18

do you know when? we are still waiting