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Bug In Ephorate- Sell all articles

Bug In Ephorate- Sell all articles

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Jun 15, 2018, 00:4406/15/18

Bug In Ephorate- Sell all articles

On 06/04/2018 at 6:14pm EST, Server 3 , while I was selling individual articles to get a few resources and apparently I accidentally clicked or a glitch occurred on "Sell all Articles" on my Stymphalos level 5 Agreement. I had over 145 to 155 Stymphalos level 5 articles and my Warehouses and Graneries capacity is only at 321,000. I was selling them for 12,550 (Give or take a few) for each resource (Timber, Bronze and Grain). I already had abut 50k to 60k res in my bank and it took all of my Articles and maxed out my Warehouse and Granaries (321,000 each). There was no warning or Auto- message telling me that my Warehouses and Granaries could not hold that much, and stop this from happening. 155 x 12,550 = 1,945,250. 145 x 12,550= 1,819,750. I had around 50k to 60k in my Warehouses and Granaries. 321,000 - 50,000 = 271,000 deposited in my Warehouses and Granaries to max them out while 1,674,250 of my resources disappears without a trace.  Can an agent please contact me, I'd appreciate it. thank you.

Jun 16, 2018, 18:3106/16/18
ok thank you, Sir.
Jun 17, 2018, 00:5106/17/18
Not only did I not get a warning message, but it still traded every article I had and only gave me what would fill up my warehouses and granaries and the rest disappeared.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jun 17, 2018, 09:2606/17/18

Hello, Archon!

I have just tested this feature and can confirm the warning message works as intended. In case the resources you receive after selling Articles, overfill your Warehouses, you will be warned. 

If you think there is a bug, please describe the detailed steps to reproduce. Here is an instruction on how to report bugs.

Jun 17, 2018, 19:0006/17/18
I got no warning to give me a chance to STOP the transaction of selling EVERY  Stymphalos Level 5 Article that I had. I don't know the steps to "Reproduce" the action other than I must have accidentally clicked on "Sell all articles" and did not see it, the next screen gave me the option to confirm my choice but I did not see where it said "Do you want to sell ALL articles" because I was only clicking on "Sell Article" not "All articles" So when I clicked "Yes" or "Confirm" it took ALL articles and filled up my Res and took the rest and I lost it all. I want reimbursed for my loss of all the resources that was lost. This never should have happened.
Jun 17, 2018, 19:0406/17/18

1,674,250 of my resources disappeared without a trace. I would like to be compensated for them since No Warehouse or Granaries can hold that much, and the game should not even allow this to happen in the first place.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jun 18, 2018, 09:1306/18/18

Dear Lord.

We provide compensations in case the bug is confirmed.  Only if we are able to reproduce the issue, reimbursement request will be considered. At this point, the bug has not been confirmed.
Jun 19, 2018, 02:0606/19/18
What about compensation for allowing the game to take all of someone's articles away when it should already know that it won't fit in someone's Warehouses / Granaries. Is that not a Bug? Or is that just poor game programing that allows that to happen and takes away a players resources when they can't stop it?  That alone is reason enough to reimburse a players resources. Especially someone that puts money into the game from his own pockets.
Jun 19, 2018, 02:1506/19/18
It costs Plarium NOTHING to reimburse me back my 1,674, 250+ Timber, Bronze and Grain that it took from me in the first place and I couldn't stop it from happening. I've coined and filled Plarium's pockets with my own $$ that I worked hard for just to watch something of mine get taken from me and then given an excuse of why I won't get it back when it should have never been taken from me in the first place. I can understand the game selling enough articles to fill my warehouses, but to take everything and make me lose over 1.5 mil in all resources? No.. that's a bug or just poor programing.