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Class 3 coffer in battle report but not in inventory

Class 3 coffer in battle report but not in inventory

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Jun 6, 2018, 00:2406/06/18

Class 3 coffer in battle report but not in inventory

One of my battle reports said I'd won a class 3 coffer but it didn't appear in my general's inventory. I don't know if it's the battle report that's wrong or if it's the coffer that's missing. It was for a position under 20 and I haven't yet signed any phalanx treaties, so unsure whether I'm meant to receive a class 3 coffer at this stage. Maybe it didn't appear in my inventory because I am not yet at the stage where I can equip my general with class 3 armour. Even so, if that's the reason, then the game should have substituted the class 3 coffer with one equivalent in value such as a rare or legendary class 2 item or coffer rather than just taking the class 3 coffer away from me with nothing in its place.

(I don't know if this has any connection with the fact that my daily Chronos quests frequently include one for training phalanx soldiers despite my not having signed any phalanx treaties and hence have no ability to train any phalanx and no possibility of completing the quests. It's as if the game thinks I have signed phalanx treaties when I haven't.)

I play on in the Glorious Valley

I attach a screenshot of the class 3 coffer in my battle report that didn't appear in my inventory.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jun 6, 2018, 10:2506/06/18

Hello, Archon!

There is a visual issue. In fact, you have received Class 1 coffer. The incorrect coffer icon is displayed in the report. 

I have reported this situation to our developers for the further investigation. In case they confirm a bug, it will be handled within one of the upcoming sprints. Thank you for your cooperation!