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Roman Empire Coalition Recruiting New Members

Roman Empire Coalition Recruiting New Members

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Jan 22, 2018, 18:2901/22/18

Roman Empire Coalition Recruiting New Members

Roman Empire is a newer coalition and is looking for members who will (a) log on regularly and participate, and (b) be ready for battle in Challenges, Tournaments, and PvP tournaments.  So far we have only been defeated in one challenge and that by a coalition much higher in ranking, and with more members.

Our Hegemon, Helena, rewards effort with promotion so you will have the chance to be a valued member of the coalition and progress using your own efforts.

We want good players, but players who play the game honorably - we do not like bad practices.

Join us!  Help us grow and rise up the rankings!  And profit by your efforts!

Contact Helena, Croesus, or Garibaldi or just find Roman Empire in the Coalitions tab.  Do not confuse us with The Roman Empire - a different coalition.

Feb 12, 2018, 08:5502/12/18

Good luck with your coalition !